Games can be fun. When you are leveled, geared, have farmed every single item possible. They can also be frustrating and exhausting, when you need to do it all. Which takes time and effort.
The idea behind Leprestor's creation was to make fun affordable both in terms of money, effort and time invested. Here players of professional level will help you to overcome all and any obstacles that stand in the way of your fun.
Leprestore was born in 2013. Tested by the time we keep providing services of the highest quality ever since. We proudly hold a 4.9/5 Trustpilot score with over 3.500+ reviews.
And this is not the endpoint. Our team works hard to offer you not only the best service you can have, but so much better than you could hope for. Over 100.000 successfully completed orders. Quick, safe and clear. We are as customer-friendly as a service can be and even more. That is why 90% of our customers return for another purchase.
Games - are for fun. And we believe that fun should not be struggled for. This is the main reason we do what we do.
Here at Leprestore true high-end players help you to skip and overcome whatever stands in your way to enjoyment. Quality - is the standard. This is the hallmark of the Leprestore. This is why everyone in our team knows the games they deal with.
Most of our support agents - are professional players, others - have years of experience playing the game. We just know how it works and what needs to be done. We're not robots. We're human beings and we are passionate about our work. Appreciation and honesty.
We do understand that the choice made in our favor is not something to be taken for granted. And we are thankful to all our customers for that choice.
That is why no one here in Leprestore would ever dare, let alone think, to fool or scam you.
Safety and protection. As we said, we do not take your choice of us for granted. That is why you are under a money-back guarantee at all times. We've also made sure that you get what you've paid for. Players we work with only receive their payments once the order is fully completed and proven to be so. Best value.
It is not only the quality of service we aim to keep the highest. We also offer the best market prices for it. That is because we have our own teams to work with. This way we can control the quality ourselves and keep it affordable at the same time.
Every single player we work with is interviewed before he can even start working.The first thing that we check is, of course, the player's experience. Second - that he made his name on his own. We do not work with cheaters, bot users or anyone who has some suspicious background. We also make sure that our customer's personal information and any data related are safely secured.
We do not share this info with anyone without the specific need and customer's consent. The violation of that safety is heavily punished and may even entail blacklisting among the entire boosting community.
As we said before, all of our support agents are active players. Not only do they play the game, they are also good at it and possess an in-depth knowledge of it. They're always ready to answer any of your questions and point you at things that are really needed for whatever it is you want done. No misguiding, just the shortest way to it.
It all began with the passion for the World of Warcraft and two people, sharing this passion. Alex, who played days and nights on end and knew the game as little people do, and John who started as a PvP player.
John climbed up the ranking ladder all the way to Rank 1. Sometime after he started boosting for gold and met Alex. They became friends and as time went on, boosting tuned into something bigger than a golderning activity.
It became more of a vision: to help others find joy in the game. To help them skip everything that is not fun, exhausting, that drains time. Players of a professional level can land their hand to those that are not. To give them the aid they need or even to teach them. That was the idea. Real players to real players. Everything is as human and as friendly as possible.
A small shop with three people to run it - Alex, John and Ingvar as a programmer - Leprestore has grown into what it is now. Now our team is much bigger. We're much more experienced. We're bigger. We have more to offer. We can help more players. And yet we've kept the same approach through years: a humane and friendly attitude towards our customers.
LepreStore founder. World of Warcraft PvP player, 2 times rank1 gladiator, 5 times gladiator. Leader of top1 EU RBG group and top2 PvP guild in 2011.
It all began with the passion for the World of Warcraft and two people, sharing this passion. Alex, who played days and nights on end and knew the game as little people do, and John who started as a PvP player.
Master's Degree in Cybersecurity, over 6 years of experience in sales, medalist of the international junior ice hockey championships, Elite 3 FIFA player, Legendary Eagle CS:GO player.
Master's Degree in Journalism, Over 6 years of e-Sports media, ex Professional Starcraft 2 player (Mistral Esports, Blast, eLpride, Empire, Virus), Top1 Beta Ranked Season 1 in SC2: Heart of the Swarm, Dota 2 Starseries Player in season 6&7, Top1 score in Hardcore Diablo III pre-season (June-October 2012).
Blue Belt in Karate, Candidate in Masters of Sports (Swimming), 15 years of WoW experience, Rank 1 RBG player several seasons, 10 Server first boss kills in Top15 EU guild, 7 years of boosting experience.
During my studies, I participated in humorous and entertaining youth teams, Masters Degree in International Economics. I worked for the government for a while. I have some success and rank in boxing. Playing computer games since early childhood.
Mythic Gul'Dan kill Rank 28 world, 2400+ Arena and RBG player, 15 years of WoW Experience, Rank 1 HotS player Season 2, Diablo III (4 Player Greater Rift Completion EU Rank 4 Monk Support) S12. Master's degree in Cybersecurity.
As a service - we look to offer the best product for the best price and leave our customers pleased. We also want to expand our game base to cover as many games as we can. As a Leprestore our ultimate goal is to meet all and every need that our customers might have. And as we grow, we want to keep our quality of service just as high as it is now. Our belief is that the best service - that of a friendly one. And many of our customers are indeed our friends. Nothing brings back time wasted. And so we do the best we can to save it for you.
It is hard to change a bad impression. And so we try as we might not to fail you. Games, as fun as they can be, can be both a time sink and a disappointment. But Leprestore is always there to make it right for you. Games, as fun as they can be, are also a time sink with all the things needed done. And no time wasted can be tuned back. But Leprestore is always there to save it for you.
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