AAC Light-Heavyweight M4 Savage Guide

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Upd: 1 Oct, 2024
18 min
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter

Welcome to our guide for the final boss in the AAC Light-heavyweight tier – M4 Savage Wicked Thunder. This guide provides detailed instructions to help you and your static defeat the boss and farm it weekly in the future. Keep in mind that the strategy in Party Finder may change later and can vary across different regions. Unlike the last bosses in previous tiers, this boss does not have a door boss or save points. Also, for comfortable prog and reclears, you’ll need at least 710 ilvl crafted pentamelded set to meet the DPS check.

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Pre-Pull Positions Assignment

Before we begin, players have to assign their clock, pair, and light party stack positions. There are many mechanics in this fight that will require some variation of these assignments, so we’ll use these as defaults to start and make adjustments as we go along.

First Phase – Laser Lines & Witch Hunt

The encounter begins with Wrath of Zeus, a heavy-hitting raid-wide blast. Shield and heal as necessary. The boss will then grow a set of wings, jump to the north edge of the platform, and begin to cast Bewitching Flight. Electro clumps will appear on the west edge of the platform and throw out line attacks across the platform directly in front of them. At the same time, the boss’s wings will form glowing lasers and blast across the platform, creating a crisscross pattern of attack. The wing laser blasts will leave behind purple lines on the platform.


  • Pull the boss north, look at their wings, and East or West to see clumps.
  • You must reposition to avoid the laser beams from the wings inside the safe lanes between the electric blasts.

After the initial blast, Wicked Thunder will then jump to the center of the room and begin to cast Electrifying Witch Hunt while more electro clumps appear on the east and north edges of the platform. The boss’s Electrifying Witch Hunt cast will randomly target all players of the same role group with a large circle attack that deals high damage and applies physical vulnerability up and fork lightning debuffs. This attack cannot be overlapped, or you will die. The fork lightning debuff will last 8 seconds before exploding in a wide circle around that player. Immediately after, the boss will begin to cast “Witch Hunt,” and the remaining ground lines will explode.


  • All players will have to find and stand in the safe lanes between the electro blasts from the east edge while also moving away from the north electro and corresponding purple lines on the ground that will begin to glow and eventually explode.
  • Move into the center or to the outer edges to avoid getting hit. As necessary, as they do so, players will need to look closely at the boss.
  • If you see a purple marker with spaced-out diamonds over her, she will target the four furthest players from her with Witch Hunt.
  • If you see a pink marker with overlapping diamonds, she will instead target the four closest players to her.
  • The fork lightning debuffs will also be going off at this time, and affected players will need to stay away from others until it resolves.
  • If the boss indicates a far bait, the lightning players will stay within the center tiles while the baiting players move to the outer tiles.
  • If the boss indicates a near bait, the lightning players must move to the far tiles while the baiting players move to the center tiles to bait.

Next, the boss will cast either Narrowing Witch Hunt or Widening Witch Hunt. Four sets of diamond markers will also flash over her as she’s casting, and players will use these indicators to determine how to bait the next four sets of Witch Hunt attacks appropriately. These markers will always alternate in and out, so you only need to pay attention to that first flash. To simplify matters, players will spread to their clock positions.


  • Go to your clock positions, look at the name of the cast bar, and on the diamond on top of Wicked Thunder’s head.
  • If the boss is casting Narrowing Witch Hunt, she’ll start with a room-wide donut attack followed by a large circle attack into another donut and one more circle attack.
  • If the boss is casting Widening Witch Hunt, she’ll instead start with the large circle attack, then the room-wide donut attack into another circle, and one more donut attack.
  • While these four attacks are going off, the boss will also target the two closest or furthest players at the time with Witch Hunt, depending on her initial diamond markers.

Second Phase – Electrope Edge & Ion Cluster

After the fourth attack, the boss’s wings will disappear, and Wicked Thunder will cast another Wrath of Zeus. Next, Electrope Edge will spawn four clumps of electrode in each of the corner tiles. The boss will then cast Witchgleam and three rounds of laser beams will shoot out from her towards random electro corners. Each hit on electro will cause it to explode in a wider area. The boss will then cast Sidewise Spark, a half-room AOE cleave on the glowing side.


  • You will need to pay close attention here and identify the two electro corners that have been hit by lasers twice, as these will begin to explode in wide 2×2 tile explosions.
  • Identify which side of the boss is glowing before moving into the single safe quadrant left over by the overlap of the boss’s half-room cleave and the two exploding electric quadrants.
  • At the same time, the boss will be targeting all players of the same role group with a share or spread that cannot be overlapped. This is determined by the number of orbs floating around her during her sidewise spark cast.
  • If you see four large orbs, players will need to stack with their partners in assigned positions within the safe quadrant. If you see eight smaller orbs, all players will need to spread within the safe quadrant.
  • Next, Wicked Thunder will target the primary target with Wicked Jolt. This is a two-part tank buster that will apply a magic vulnerability up debuff with each hit. This will require a tank swap during the cast, where both tanks taking one hit with cooldowns or soloing both hits with an immunity. There are two of these tank busters in this phase, and I recommend you use immunities for both.

To prepare for the incoming Electrope Edge 2, all players should move to their assigned clock positions. This time, the electrode will appear around each player, as indicated by these short or long debuffs. One tank, one healer, and two damage dealers will all share debuff timers. The boss will begin to shoot four rounds of lasers at random towards players, and each player will need to count how many times they get hit by the lasers. The number of hits here on each player will determine how they handle the incoming set of mechanics. To avoid confusion, we have the damage dealers use the relative west tiles while the support players use the relative east tiles to resolve their debuffs.


  • First off, you will need to identify your timer and get ready to watch the boss closely as she begins to cast Witchgleam, which can apply a short 22 seconds or a long 42 seconds debuff.
  • Wicked Thunder will begin to shoot four rounds of lasers at random towards players, and you just need to count how many times you got hit by the lasers. Players with short timers can be hit either twice or three times total, and players with long timers can only be hit once or twice.
  • What this boils down to is that in each debuff timer group, there will be two players with two laser counts and two players with three laser counts.
  • The boss will then cast Lightning Cage spawning a very specific pattern of AOE telegraphs, essentially limiting the tiles where players can resolve their electric debuffs. Remember, the safe spot is always in the same position, while the orientation may change.
  • If your timer is short, prioritize spreading to specific tiles first based on the number of laser hits. Two hits: move closer to the safe spot. Three hits: move farther from the safe spot.
  • Wicked Thunder will cast Sidewise Spark. Move opposite the glowing side to avoid the half-room cleave, and identify if it’s the stack or spread pattern by looking at the number of glowing orbs around her.
  • If it’s spread, you can move to assigned positions within the safe half of the room. If it’s partner stack, support players should resolve it in front of the boss, while DPS should be behind the boss. To resolve it correctly, players who have been hit 1 or 3 times should pair up, and similarly, those who have been hit 2 times should do the same.
  • The same tile pattern will appear in a random orientation, and the players with long-timers will need to resolve their debuff explosions on the appropriate tiles while the original short debuff players stand in the safe tile.

Next, the boss will cast Wicked Bolt, targeting a random healer. This attack deals multiple hits of raid-wide damage, and players will need to stack together. After that, the boss will cast Ion Cluster, afflicting players with three stacks of a yellow positron or blue negatron debuff. If these stacks are not removed before the timer expires, players will die. Wicked Thunder will then form an electro gun and target 3/4 of the platform with heavy-hitting damage. One lane will remain safe. After the platform is destroyed, the boss will leap into the center of the remaining lane and begin to cast Electron Stream, the “hit by the opposite color” mechanic. Additionally, the electron stream blast will afflict players with one of four possible debuffs.

  • You will need to position yourself on the opposite side debuff color to negate one stack of your debuff. The blast also deals proximity-based damage, so the two tanks on either side will need to take the brunt of the hit with light cooldowns.
  • Each side will have players affected by purple circle debuffs and tether buffs, and other players will have blue circle debuffs. Positioning is crucial to correctly resolving these debuffs.
  • If you receive a blue circle debuff, supports should move to the left and DPS to the right, with the boss becoming your new North. Purple markers should always go to the edge of the boss’s hitbox, positioning them relatively in the middle. If you get a blue/green debuff with a human figure on it, you need to stand in front of the player with a purple debuff.
  • After this mechanic combo is repeated two more times, the platform will reform, and the boss will target the primary tank with a Wicked Jolt tank buster.

Following this, Wicked Thunder will transition into the next phase, and players will need to dodge conal attacks and avoid massive circle attacks that deal high damage. Once these mechanics are dealt with, the boss will give players a little time to burn her down before she destroys the platform and knocks them onto the new platform. It’s crucial to be careful to be on the South part of the arena during this phase to avoid being thrown off at the wrong angle to your death.


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Third Phase – Twilight & Midnight Sabbath

The boss will reappear on the north edge of the new platform and will remain stationary for the remainder of the encounter. This phase begins with Cross Tail Switch – multiple raid-wide blasts that will deal high damage with each hit. Assign appropriate raid cooldowns and shield and heal or use tank Limit Break. This is immediately followed by the appearance of multiple directional Arrow AOE circles all over the platform. The two healers will also be targeted by the stack markers, and the raid will need to split into light parties.


  • Each group will move together to the east and west edges of the platform in between the center circle telegraphs.
  • Once there, you need to look at the telegraphs on the opposite edge and find the one telegraph that is pointing outwards. This lane will be the safe lane that they will need to move into once the mechanic begins to resolve.
  • As soon as the first set of circle explosions go off and they begin to move, each group will adjust into their appropriate safe lane, making sure to stay closely stacked together to share the multiple hits of sharable damage on their healer.

Wicked Thunder will then cast Wicked Special, and players will need to look at the boss to determine which variation is incoming. Next, two passable tethers will appear on random players that should be picked up by each tank to take it with defensive cooldowns. The boss will target four random non-tanks with large circle attacks that deal high damage and apply Fire Resist Down debuffs that persist for some time.


  • If the boss’s sword is aflame, players will need to move out of the center to avoid getting hit. If the boss’s arms are glowing blue, players will need to move into the center to avoid the incoming two attacks on each side of the platform.
  • Players can stack in the center with the tanks in front of them. The tanks will then spread the tethers away from others and take the incoming hit with cooldowns. All other players will also need to spread, ideally within their tile, to ensure they’re not overlapping.
  • The two tanks will also be afflicted with a 9-second Mustard Bomb that will explode at the end of its duration. Since the tanks are also afflicted by Fire Resist Down debuffs, they won’t be able to survive this secondary explosion.
  • Two players that were not targeted by the initial attack will have to run in to grab the debuff off of them to avoid confusion. Players without a debuff move to the tank closest to them and then move to the north edge to take the final explosion while everyone else ensures they’re far enough away to avoid getting hit.

Next up, the boss will cast Aetherial Conversion, and her tail tentacles will begin to glow either blue or red in succession. The side on which the glow begins indicates the side on which the respective mechanic will begin.


  • If you see blue, the boss will knock back all players from the glowing red dot on the platform, and players will need to move to the appropriate side and preposition next to that red dot to avoid getting knocked off the platform.
  • Once the first knockback goes off, they’ll need to quickly reposition next to the other red dot to resolve the second knockback.
  • If you see red, the boss will target the glowing red dots with a massive circle attack. Players will have to preposition on the opposite side of the platform to wait out the attack before quickly repositioning to the other side to avoid the second hit.

Next, the raid can stack in the center of the arena to prepare for the next mechanic combo. The boss will cast Azure Thunder, dealing high raid-wide damage. After the Twilight Sabbath cast, the arena’s safe area will be limited, and four circles will slowly descend toward the platform, each revealing ads and casting sideways sparks in random directions. Two of the circles will land faster than the others.


  • To handle this, you should stay stacked in the center as you wait for the ads to be revealed. You’ll need to quickly move into the safe quadrant formed by the two overlapping sideways sparks when the circle attacks appear underneath them.
  • Once the first set of ads goes off, look at the remaining two clones to determine the next safe quadrant before quickly moving into it.
  • At the same time, when Wicked Thunder casts Wicked Special, you need to determine whether to move to the center or outside of the available safe quadrant.

The boss will cast Midnight Sabbath and eight circles will begin floating towards the platform. Four of these circles will land first, indicating the movement required by each partner pair. Each partner pair will be assigned to two ads, one at a cardinal and one at an intercardinal position, and they’ll handle movement relative to these two ads only.


  • If the first set of ads has wings, they’ll cast donut attacks around them, and players will need to move into their assigned ads to avoid getting hit. If the first set of ads has a big gun, they will blast line attacks, and players will need to move to their other assigned ad next to them.
  • At the same time, the boss will cast either Scattered Burst or Concentrated Burst. If it’s scattered, all players must spread within their assigned safe areas. If it’s concentrated, each partner pair will stack together within their assigned safe area.
  • After the second set of circle ads appear and their attacks go off, players must either move to the second set or stay on their initial ad, depending on the second ad’s appearance. They will need to stack or spread again, whichever didn’t occur the first time.
  • Then, the platform will return to normal, and the boss will cast Wicked Thunder, dealing more raw damage.

Final Phase – Chain Lightning & Sunrise Sabbath

The last phase will begin with the casting of another Aetherial Conversion, this mechanic will be stored for later use, so make sure you remember. Flame Slash will destroy the center of the platform, and the raid will need to split into assigned light parties and move to the two outer edges. Four Raining Sword Soak Towers will appear on each edge, and all four must be soaked by a player. Four swords will appear in these areas, and the boss will begin to cast Chain Lightning. These purple arrow lines will target three of the four swords on each edge before bouncing to the other side. This will occur four times in a row, with a specific sword staying safe each round on each side. This results in a random sequence of safe swords that players must identify and memorize. I like to say the sequence out loud as it appears to help me remember it, or you can type out the pattern in say chat for reference.


  • Once Chain Lightning begins, players will need to align themselves on the inner edge of the platform in line with the safe sword to avoid the very wide incoming circle blast on the affected swords.
  • After the first circle blasts, players will need to reposition to the next safe sword and so on until all four sets of Chain Lightning attacks go off.
  • After the final Chain Lightning attack goes off, the platform returns to normal, and the boss begins to cast Tail Thrust. The previous Ethereal Conversion mechanic that was stored will now come into play. Dodge or preposition appropriately based on the incoming attack and the side it’s starting on.
  • Another Mustard Bomb will occur, and the two tanks will pick up the tethers to take each hit with cooldowns while everyone else spreads to avoid overlap. To make things easier for everyone, tanks keep the Mustard Bombs this time and use their immunities to survive the secondary blasts.

Wicked Thunder will cast Ethereal Conversion again, and players will once again need to identify the type of cast and what side it’s starting from for later. Another Azure Thunder into Ion Cluster will afflict all players with a single stack of blue (negatron) or yellow (positron) debuffs. Four players will have short debuffs, and four players will have long debuffs (23 and 38 seconds, respectively). The boss will cast Sunrise Sabbath and six ads will spawn. The ads with guns target the closest player and unleash line attacks. Ads with wings face east, west, north or south to indicate where Towers will appear.


  • The players with the long debuff timers will be responsible for soaking this first set of towers. Of the remaining four ads with guns, two will be shooting blue while the other two are shooting yellow.
  • Players with the short debuffs will need to stand near an ad of the opposite color, baiting their respective blasts away from the soak towers.
  • After the first round of ad mechanics, the boss will cast Wicked Special, and all players will need to identify which variation is incoming and dodge appropriately.
  • Immediately after, the ads will begin their second round of attacks. The initial short-timer players will now move in to soak the towers, while the players with the long debuffs will need to bait the gun blasts away from the tower soak locations.
  • Once this second round of ad mechanics resolves, the boss will cast Tail Thrust, and the previous Aetherial Conversion attack will begin to resolve.

During the final phase, the boss will use Sword Quiver, slashing the platform four times and dealing with raid-wide damage. The slashes will explode into wider line attacks, creating small safe areas. Players of the same role will receive shareable damage and need to dodge together. The boss will cast Sword Quiver three times before a final hard enrage. Defeat the boss before the last Wicked Thunder cast, or you will die.

FFXIV AAC Light-Heavyweight M4 Savage Loot

After defeating AAC Light-heavyweight M4 Savage in Final Fantasy XIV, you will receive the following rewards:

  • 30 Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry
  • 1 AAC Illustrated: LWH Edition IV

If your 8/8 party members have not cleared the raid this week, you will find Random Weapon and Weapon Coffer with the following rewards:

This concludes the details about AAC Light-heavyweight M4 Savage in FFXIV! You can expect more intense encounters in the Arcadion Raid Series.


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