The First Descendant Best Class Tier List

3.7 / 5. 3

Upd: 15 Aug, 2024
17 min
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Lusion DreyAuthor, pro gamer


The First Descendant Character Tier List evaluates and ranks different character builds based on their effectiveness and versatility in the game. Players can choose from various character types, such as area damage, damage over time, tanks, and nukers. A strong character in First Descendant excels across different scenarios, whether in boss fights, AOE situations, or providing support through healing, debuffing, or buffing allies.

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The First Descendant Tier List Explanation


In this tier list for the best Descendants in First Descendant, we use a classic ranking system divided into tiers.

  • S-Tier: Overpowered Descendants that deal massive damage and are easy to use without additional modifications.
  • A-Tier: Solid Descendants with high build potential, especially effective when synergized with unique weapons, modules, etc.
  • B-Tier: Good Descendants are useful in specific team setups, requiring careful build planning and investment to reach their potential.
  • C-Tier: Descendants needing updates due to weaker toolkits compared to others.
  • D-Tier: Characters needing significant changes or complete reworks, as they are less effective or redundant compared to other options.

Keep in mind that the game receives regular updates, so tier placements can change over time.

TFD Character Tier List

Here’s the ranking of First Descendant Character Classes from best to worst according to our Tier list:

  • S+ Tier: Bunny
  • S-Tier: Kyle, Valby
  • A-Tier: Esiemo, Enzo, Gley, Freyna
  • B-Tier: Ajax, Lepic, Jayber, Viessa
  • C-Tier: Sharen, Blair
  • D-Tier: Yujin

It’s time to rank the First Descendants. In the table below, you’ll find the initial ranking of all available Descendants in the game. As we anticipate new characters to be added and major balance updates to occur, we will update the tier list accordingly.

TFD The Best Descendant

Our list below details the strengths and weaknesses of each character, helping you choose the best one for your playstyle.

TFD Tier S+ Bunny


Bunny is the top character in The First Descendant due to her raw damage, speed, and leveling potential, earning her an S+ tier ranking.


  • Speed: Bunny’s Speed of Light significantly boosts movement speed, enhancing her effectiveness in combat.
  • High AoE Damage: Almost all her abilities deal area damage in a large radius, making leveling content easy.
  • Massive Damage Output (Nuker): Bunny delivers the highest overall damage in both single-target and AOE scenarios.
  • Balanced Gameplay: She excels in boss fights, leveling, add clearing, and all types of content.
  • Boss Nuker: Bunny’s Maximum Power ability melts bosses with a channel damage skill.


  • Squishy (Low Durability): Despite her damage potential, Bunny has low health and defense, making her vulnerable and requiring careful play to avoid damage.
  • Requires Melee Combat: Bunny’s optimal damage output often necessitates close-range combat, which can be risky due to her low durability.

Bunny offers unmatched damage and speed, making her a top choice. However, if you struggle with survival or dislike constant movement, she might not be the best fit. Otherwise, prepare to see many Bunny characters dashing around in the First Descendant!

TFD Tier-S Kyle


Kyle is a standout tank character in The First Descendant, leveraging his Magnetic abilities to erect shields and push back foes.


  • Stuns: Kyle’s Repulsion Dash charges forward and stuns enemies with a low cooldown, providing excellent crowd control.
  • High Survivability: By focusing on maximizing shields, Kyle can absorb significant damage and retaliate with explosive force.
  • Mobility: He possesses a gap closer and an ultimate that allows him to fly like Superman, crashing down to deal substantial damage.


  • Melee Focused: Kyle’s effectiveness relies on close-range combat, which can be challenging and risky in some situations.
  • Tank-Centric Gameplay: His playstyle revolves around tanking, which may not suit players preferring a more aggressive role.
  • Stronger in Late-Game: Kyle reaches his full potential in the late game, requiring progression and investment to maximize effectiveness.

Kyle excels as a later-game character ideal for players who prioritize survivability. While not as swift and destructive as Bunny, Kyle’s robust kit ensures he remains difficult to defeat and a valuable addition to group dynamics.

TFD Tier-S Valby


Valby specializes in AOE damage, utilizing her water abilities to maneuver across the battlefield, inflict damage, and evade enemy attacks effectively.


  • High Mobility: Valby maneuvers swiftly on the battlefield, evading attacks and positioning herself strategically.
  • Effective in Challenging Content: Her abilities shine in difficult scenarios where mobility and strategic positioning are crucial.
  • Survivability: Valby feels more durable compared to Bunny, trading slightly lower damage for better stuns and survivability.


  • Weak Against Bosses: Her ultimate excels in clearing adds but lacks effectiveness against bosses, unlike Bunny.
  • Reliance on Puddles and Water: Valby’s mechanics heavily rely on water-based abilities, which require careful management and can be restrictive.
  • Bunny Outshines in AoE: While Valby boasts strong AOE potential, Bunny surpasses her in sheer AOE damage output.

Valby is akin to a less flashy Bunny, offering excellent AOE damage and survivability. If you prefer a character with comparable power but a different playstyle from Bunny, Valby is a solid choice.

TFD Tier-A Esiemo


If you’re in search of a high-impact damage dealer with his explosive AOE abilities and skills, look no further than Esiemo.


  • AOE Explosives: Esiemo excels with various explosive options, making him enjoyable for area combat and damage.
  • Sticky Explosives: He can deploy sticky grenades and mines at choke points, granting better control over explosive tactics.
  • Great Ultimate Skill: His ultimate is both flashy and effective, serving as a gap closer, buff remover, and significant damage dealer.


  • Weak Passive: His passive ability drops a bomb when his shield is depleted, which feels unconventional.
  • Lacks Survival Skills: Esiemo’s kit lacks sufficient survivability options.
  • Melee Ultimate: His ultimate requires charging in melee, which limits its effectiveness against bosses.

Esiemo is ideal for players seeking a fully explosive AOE build without emphasis on damage over time (DOT). He’s fun to play, visually appealing, and offers an easy-to-understand playstyle. However, he falls short in DPS output and survivability compared to others on this list, placing him at Tier-A.

TFD Tier-A Enzo


Enzo, a hybrid support character, brings unique skills suited for group-oriented gameplay.


  • Amazing Passive: Enzo’s passive boosts maximum ammo capacity and allows him to drop ammo for everyone, enhancing team utility.
  • Group Utility: Enzo excels in providing support through healing, increasing max ammo, and calling in dropships, making him a versatile team player.
  • High Survivability: His enhanced combat suit skill aids in energy recovery and is invaluable for surviving tough encounters.


  • Weak Damage: Enzo’s kit lacks damage buffs, resulting in lower overall damage output.
  • Not Solo Friendly: Enzo’s skills are tailored for group play, making him less effective for solo players.
  • Low Mobility: He lacks speed-enhancing abilities, which can make him feel sluggish compared to other characters.

Enzo remains a Tier A character focused on group dynamics, offering support with a mix of damage and enjoyable gameplay. He’s an excellent choice for players looking to enhance team performance and enjoy a supportive role.

TFD Tier-A Gley


Gley is a uniquely designed character in The First Descendant. Unlike other characters, she doesn’t rely on shields but instead regenerates HP through kills.


  • High Damage Against Bosses: Gley excels in dealing substantial damage to bosses, making her an excellent choice for boss encounters.
  • Powerful Skill Combos: Her abilities synergize effectively, allowing for devastating combinations that quickly eliminate enemies.
  • Increased Damage in Berserk Mode: Activating Berserk mode boosts Gley’s damage output, enhancing her lethality in combat.


  • Complex Gameplay: Managing Gley’s mechanics requires careful attention and understanding, making her gameplay more complex compared to other characters.
  • High Risk, High Reward: Her gameplay revolves around balancing health and damage, offering high potential rewards if managed correctly but carrying significant risk.
  • Low Mobility: Gley lacks high mobility or skills that increase movement, which can limit her maneuverability in combat.

Gley’s unique mechanics, including her lack of a shield and reliance on a distinctive survivability mechanic, present challenges. While her damage potential on paper is impressive, mastering her gameplay requires navigating complex interactions.

TFD Tier-A Freyna


Freyna specializes in damage-over-time (DOT) tactics, leveraging her Arche affinity for poisons to gradually reduce enemies’ HP.


  • Sustained DPS: Freyna excels in dealing sustained damage over time through her poison-inflicting abilities, ensuring a consistent source of damage.
  • Good Skill Kit: She possesses a versatile set of skills that enhance both her damage output and survivability.
  • Effective AoE Damage: Freyna’s poison-based AoE attacks allow her to efficiently handle groups of enemies, making her effective in clearing waves.


  • Weaker Against Bosses: Her damage output against single targets, especially bosses, is less impressive compared to her effectiveness against groups.
  • Lower Mobility: Freyna lacks mobility-enhancing skills, which limits her ability to maneuver swiftly in combat situations.
  • Reliance on Status Effects: Her passive ability rewards her for applying poison to multiple targets, but she is less effective when facing single powerful foes like bosses.

Freyna faces challenges primarily in her performance against bosses and her reliance on status effects. While she excels at managing debuffs and maintaining consistent damage output, there are easier-to-play characters in The First Descendant who specialize in burst damage..

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TFD Tier-B Ajax


Ajax serves as the tank-class character, renowned for his exceptional survivability and utility for groups.


  • High Survivability: Ajax excels in durability, capable of enduring significant damage in prolonged battles.
  • Useful Utility and Crowd Control: His abilities provide valuable utility and crowd control, enhancing team effectiveness in combat situations.
  • Barrier: The frontal shield created by Ajax offers protection suitable for both solo and group content.


  • Module Dependent: Similar to Lepic, Ajax relies on modules for optimal performance, which may restrict flexibility in gameplay.
  • Lower Damage Output: Ajax’s damage output is comparatively lower than other characters, limiting his effectiveness in offensive roles.
  • Not the Best at Tanking or Dealing Damage: While versatile, Ajax does not specialize in either tanking or dealing damage, making him less proficient in these roles compared to dedicated characters.

Ajax offers a balanced but less specialized role similar to Kyle, albeit with reduced effectiveness. He is recommended for players prioritizing survivability and ease of use, particularly those new to the game seeking a straightforward tanking option.

TFD Tier-B Lepic


Lepic is available from the game’s outset; he serves as an excellent choice for players starting their journey, focusing on a straightforward damage-oriented build.


  • Simplistic Build: Lepic’s gameplay revolves around activating buffs, throwing grenades, and dealing substantial damage with straightforward mechanics.
  • Spammable Ultimate: His ultimate ability can be frequently used, ensuring consistent high-damage output throughout battles.
  • Effective Grenade Usage: Lepic’s grenades deliver potent area-of-effect damage, proving effective in both crowd control and single-target engagements.


  • Low Mobility: Lepic lacks mobility-enhancing skills, which can make him feel slow-paced compared to other Descendants.
  • Module Dependent: His effectiveness heavily relies on specific modules, limiting versatility without them.
  • Passive Limitations: While his passive skill aids in surviving fatal damage, it doesn’t enhance damage output or overall survivability as effectively as other builds.

When utilized effectively, Lepic proves to be a formidable damage dealer with high survivability and straightforward gameplay mechanics. While he starts off weaker and relies on modules, he can evolve into a potent character capable of significant impact in battles, particularly in the hands of skilled players.

TFD Tier-B Jayber


Jayber is a balanced character. His unique ability revolves around deploying turrets that can either deal damage or provide healing, offering a rare versatility in gameplay.


  • Survivability: Jayber boasts excellent survivability, leveraging his turrets even without mobility-enhancing skills.
  • Effective in Hard Content: He excels in challenging encounters that demand a slower, more tactical approach.
  • Versatility: Jayber performs admirably in both area-of-effect scenarios and boss fights, showcasing adaptability across various content types.


  • Dependence on Turrets: His effectiveness heavily hinges on deploying and maintaining turrets, which can limit performance if turrets are destroyed or on cooldown.
  • Lower Movement Speed: Jayber lacks bonuses to movement speed, potentially hindering mobility compared to other Descendants.
  • Not Highest Damage Output: While versatile, Jayber doesn’t match the pure damage output of top-tier damage dealers like Bunny.

Jayber offers a unique gameplay style centered around turret management, which adds tactical depth but requires constant attention. While he may not match the damage output or mobility of some other Descendants, Jayber presents a fun and viable alternative for players looking to engage in a supportive role with versatile utility.

TFD Tier-B Viessa


Viessa offers a decent performance primarily due to her ice-based skills and status effects. As a starting character, she utilizes ice to inflict damage and apply debuffs to enemies.


  • Excellent Crowd Control: Viessa excels at controlling the battlefield by freezing and slowing enemies, providing crucial support to her team.
  • Strong Chill Damage: Her ice-based abilities inflict chill and frozen status effects, effectively debuffing enemies and disrupting their actions.
  • Effective Ultimate: Viessa’s ultimate ability enhances her crowd control capabilities and damage output, bolstering her effectiveness in combat engagements.


  • Weak Damage: Despite her crowd control prowess, Viessa’s area-of-effect damage is less potent compared to other characters focused on damage output.
  • Lower Survivability: She lacks the robust survivability options present in other classes, such as healing or increased defense.
  • Debuff Dependency: Viessa’s effectiveness hinges on managing her ice shackle and consistently applying debuffs, which can be demanding in combat situations.

If Viessa had higher damage output or improved survivability options, she would likely rank higher on The First Descendants Best Characters (Classes) Tier List. While she may struggle in single-target boss fights, Viessa remains a compelling choice for players who enjoy freezing-themed builds and strategic crowd control gameplay.

TFD Tier-C Sharen


Sharen embodies the role of a rogue or assassin and appeals to players who appreciate stealth mechanics.


  • Burst Damage: Sharen excels at delivering sudden bursts of damage, particularly with her ultimate knife throw, making her a thrilling glass cannon character.
  • Stuns: She provides consistent crowd control by stunning enemies with Impact Rounds, aiding in controlling the battlefield.
  • Debuffs: Her cutoff beam skill applies an electrocute status effect, synergizing well with characters like Bunny for effective duo strategies.


  • Skill Effectiveness: Her skills lack the potency seen in other characters, limiting her overall damage potential and effectiveness in combat.
  • Weak Against Bosses: Sharen’s ultimate ability is less impactful in boss encounters, diminishing her contribution in crucial fights.
  • Melee and Passive Dependency: Optimal use of Sharen’s abilities necessitates engaging in close-range combat and relying heavily on passive abilities, which can be risky and challenging.

If you enjoy the stealth mechanics and the thrill of invisibility in gameplay, Sharen is a solid choice. However, outside of stealth-focused gameplay, other characters may offer more versatile and effective options for various scenarios in The First Descendant.

TFD Tier-C Blair


Blair, as a damage-over-time (DOT) specialist in The First Descendant, presents a distinct playstyle with both strengths and limitations.


  • Critical Hit Maximization: Blair excels at maximizing critical hit damage through his passives and abilities, making him effective against enemies vulnerable to critical strikes.
  • Flame-Based Abilities: His playstyle, resembling that of a wizard with a gun, offers thematic gameplay with fire-based attacks.
  • Channel Fire Ability: His ability to channel fire can deal significant damage over time, providing consistent DPS output.


  • Low Mobility: Blair suffers from a lack of mobility, especially when using skills like building stoves, which leaves him vulnerable due to his stationary nature.
  • Squishy Nature: He feels fragile compared to many other Descendants, making survivability challenging, particularly in high-damage situations.
  • Lower Damage Output: Blair’s overall damage output potential is lower compared to other DOT specialists, which can limit his effectiveness in scenarios prioritizing high DPS and quick enemy defeats.

Blair’s unique flame-based DOT abilities and critical hit mechanics make him an intriguing choice for players who enjoy thematic gameplay. However, his lack of mobility and lower damage output compared to other DOT characters place him in a lower tier.

TFD Tier-D Yujin


Yujin, as the healer in The First Descendant, fulfills a crucial support role with specific strengths and limitations.


  • Healing Abilities: Yujin specializes in healing others, providing essential support in team-based gameplay.
  • Ultimate Ability (Hyperactive Healing Ground): His ultimate ability can significantly enhance survivability and support in cooperative scenarios, making him valuable in group compositions.


  • Low Self-Sustain: Yujin’s focus on healing others means he lacks self-sustaining abilities, making him vulnerable when playing solo or when teammates are unavailable.
  • Niche Role: His role as a pure support character limits his appeal and effectiveness outside of team-based gameplay, where healing is essential.
  • Dependence on Team Composition: Yujin’s effectiveness heavily relies on having teammates who benefit from his healing abilities, which can be limiting in solo play or non-standard team compositions.

Yujin’s D Tier ranking reflects his niche role as a dedicated healer in The First Descendant. While his healing abilities and ultimate can be game-changing in cooperative gameplay, his lack of self-sustain and dependence on team composition restrict his usefulness in broader contexts.

Let’s Sum it Up


In the game, there are 14 characters, with 5 powerful Ultimate versions available now and more coming. Each Descendant fits into one of three main roles: damage dealer, tank, or support, with some unique variations. While all characters follow these roles, some stand out more than others. Keep checking for updates to see how the meta shifts. Good luck!


Who is the strongest among the characters in The First Descendent?

Currently we have chosen Bunny (Tier S+) based on the current balance.

Who is the weakest character in The First Descendent?

Yujin huddles at the bottom of the tier list due to his limitations.

What is the best tank class character in The First Descendent?

Kyle was chosen for you as the best tank character for the current patch.

Which support character is the best in The First Descendent?

Enzo is the best support character! Wonderful abilities and passives, an indispensable support in the group.


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