The First Descendant Gley Build Guide

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Upd: 15 Aug, 2024
11 min
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Lusion DreyAuthor, pro gamer

Gley stands out in The First Descendant with a unique gameplay style focused on HP recovery through kills rather than shields. She toggles between two states: Frenzied, where she boosts damage but reduces HP recovery, and a calmer state for health restoration outside of combat.



  • High damage output.
  • Effective survivability.
  • Synergistic skill combos.


  • Complexity in gameplay.
  • High-risk, aggressive playstyle.
  • Limited mobility.

Build Strategy:

  • Skill Priority: Focus on maximizing damage-dealing skills to capitalize on Gley’s offensive capabilities.
  • Frenzied State Management: Master toggling between Frenzied and recovery states to optimize damage and health regeneration.
  • Combat Tactics: Engage aggressively to trigger HP recovery through kills, balancing risk and reward effectively.
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TFD How To Unlock Gley

To unlock Gley using the Research Institute in Albion, follow these steps and requirements:

Research Institute Requirements for Unlocking Gley

  • Research Time: 16:00:00
  • Cost: 400,000 gold

Required Research Materials and How to Obtain Them

1. Gley Code x1:

  • Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker):
    • Amorphous Material Pattern: 002.
  • Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride):
    • Amorphous Material Pattern: 069.
  • Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress).
    • Amorphous Material Pattern: 124.
  • Agna Desert (Hard):
    • Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor.
    • Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit.

These locations and battles are crucial for gathering specific materials required for research and unlocking Gley.

2. Gley Enhanced Cells x1:

  • Research Materials Needed:
    • Monad Shard: x246.
    • Silicon x430.
    • Cooling Metallic Foil x38.
    • Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1.

3. Gley Spiral Catalyst x1:

  • Research Materials Needed:
    • Nanopolymers x363.
    • Ceramic Composite x408.
    • Synthesized Artificial Biometal x99.

    • Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1.

4. Gley Stabilizer x1:

  • Research Materials Needed:.
    • Metal Accelerant x519.
    • Flectorite x292.
    • Complex Carbon Activator x60.
    • Gley Stabilizer Blueprint x1.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure you have all the required items and the specified amount of gold to successfully unlock Gley.
  • Utilize the Research Institute in Albion to initiate and complete the research process.
  • This method provides a detailed pathway to acquire Gley, requiring thorough preparation and resource management.

Following these steps will allow you to successfully unlock Gley in The First Descendant.

TFD Weapons For Gley Build

Top Weapons

For a powerful Gley build in The First Descendant, consider these top weapon choices tailored to maximize her effectiveness:

  1. Vestigial Organ – Launcher:
    • Launches rockets with a chance to trigger status effects.
    • Allows Gley to temporarily ignore ammunition consumption, maximizing damage potential.
  2. Python – Submachine Gun:
    • Upon hitting a Weak Point, this weapon inflicts the unique ability Prey on the target enemy.
    • Stacks with Gley’s infinite ammo ability it’s a menace.

These weapons complement Gley’s gameplay style, focusing on high damage output and strategic utility in various combat scenarios.

Vestigial Organ


Vestigial Organ Rare Launcher Features:

  • Firearm ATK: 128352.
  • Fire Rate: 199.
  • Reload Speed: 4.2 seconds.
  • Max Range: 150 meters.

Overview: The Vestigial Organ launcher in The First Descendant offers unique capabilities suited for Gley’s gameplay:

  • Ammunition Conservation: Allows Gley to fire multiple rockets without consuming ammunition, especially effective during Increased Sensory.
  • Enhanced Fire Rate: Superior to other launchers, ideal for delivering status effects and maximizing damage output.

Recommended Modules:

  1. Weak Point Detection: Weak Point Damage +5%, Firearm ATK +1%.
  2. Bullet Rain: Fire Rate +8%, Firearm ATK +1%.
  3. Poison Priority: Toxic ATK +13%, Reload Time Modifier -8%.
  4. Electric Enhancement: Adds Electric ATK equal to 8% of Firearm ATK.
  5. Sharpshooter: Explosive ATK +8%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +1%.
  6. Defense Master: DEF +120% for 10 seconds on enemy defeat, 25 second cooldown.
  7. Weak Point Sight: Weak Point damage +10%, Accuracy -5%.
  8. Stance Stabilizer: Recoil -8%, Firearm ATK +1%.
  9. Rifling Reinforcement: Explosive ATK +12%.


  • Build for duration and cooldown reduction to maximize the utility of Increased Sensory.
  • Utilize during Increased Sensory activation for optimal effectiveness.

This setup makes the Vestigial Organ a potent choice for Gley, emphasizing sustained damage and strategic use of its unique abilities in combat.



Stat Priority:

  • Firearm ATK – 9842.
  • Firearm Critical Hit Damage – 1.3x.
  • Firearm Critical Hit Rate – 5%.
  • Weak Point Damage – 2x.

Best Modules for Python:

  • Better Concentration – Firearm Critical Hit Damage +19.00%.
  • Better Insight – Firearm Critical Hit Rate +10.00%.
  • Insight Support Ammo – Rounds per Magazine +9.20%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +1.50%.
  • Insight Focus – Firearm Critical Hit Rate +8.70%, Firearm Critical Hit Damage +6.50%.
  • Rifling Reinforcement – Firearm ATK +12.00%.
  • Rapid Fire Insight – Fire Rate +8.90%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +1.50%.
  • Sharpshooter – Firearm ATK +8.00%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +1.50%.
  • Sweeping Squad – When defeating an enemy, Firearm ATK +10.60% for 5.00s at a 36.10% chance (up to 3.00 stacks).
  • Weak Point Sight – Weak Point Damage +9.00%.
  • Weak Point Insight – Weak Point Damage +8.00%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +1.50%.

Unique Ability (Python Instinct):

  • Lowers non-attribute resistance of target enemy when hitting their weak point.
  • Strengthens shots over time when shooting continuously.
  • Gley’s infinite ammo capability makes it easy to leverage this effect effectively.


  • Stack Critical Hit Rate and Firearm ATK to maximize effectiveness during Frenzied Skill and Increased Sensory activations.
  • Focus on shooting the enemy’s weak point to trigger Python Instinct.
  • Invest in Weak Point Damage modules to enhance the effect of Python Instinct and overall damage output.

This setup will optimize Python’s performance for Gley, ensuring she capitalizes on her unique abilities and gameplay mechanics in The First Descendant.

TFD Gley Build Modules

For optimizing Gley’s modules in The First Descendant, focusing on enhancing her survivability and damage output, here are the recommended modules:

Best Gley Modules:

  • Predator Instinct: When Gley is in a Frenzied state and using a firearm, her Firearm ATK gradually increases over time.
  • HP Collector: When defeating an enemy, instantly recovers 9.00% of Max HP (Cooldown 10.00s).
  • Focus on Non-Attribute: Non-Attribute Skill Power +21.70%, Skill Cooldown -6.10%.
  • Maximize Duration: Skill Duration +11.40%, Skill Power Modifier -5.80%.
  • MP Conversion: Skill Cooldown -9.00%, Max MP -4.00%.
  • HP Amplification: Max HP +23.00%, Max Shield -9.00%.
  • Kicking: Modifies the Charged Sub Attack. Allows Gley to perform a kick attack when executing a Charged Sub Attack. As the Enhancement Level increases, Max Module Capacity also increases. (Currently +undefined).
  • Skill Extension: Skill Duration +9.00%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant.
  • Increased HP: Max HP +31.20%.
  • Nimble Fingers: Skill Cooldown -6.00%.


  • Survivability: Increase maximum HP through modules like HP Amplification and Increased HP to bolster Gley’s durability.
  • Damage Output: Utilize Predator Instinct to enhance Firearm ATK during Frenzied states, synergizing well with her aggressive playstyle.
  • Skill Optimization: Focus on modules that reduce Skill Cooldown (Nimble Fingers, MP Conversion) and increase Skill Duration (Maximize Duration, Skill Extension) to maximize the effectiveness of skills like Massacre and Life Siphon.
  • Thirst Passive Benefit: Since Gley’s Thirst passive excludes Shields and MP, modules negatively impacting these stats won’t affect her, allowing you to maximize benefits without drawbacks.

This build enhances Gley’s strengths in combat, making her more formidable with increased survivability, damage potential, and efficient skill usage in The First Descendant.

TFD Gley Build Reactors

Materialized Singularity is the top reactor choice for a Gley Build in The First Descendant. It enhances your Non-attribute and Singular skills’ effectiveness, making it perfect for boosting Gley’s Frenzied and Increased Sensory skills. The most crucial stat for your reactor is increased skill duration.

The second-best option is Materialized Phase, which enhances Non-Attribute and Dimension type skills, improving Life Siphon and Massacre.

Recommended Reactors for Gley:

  • Optimization Condition: Launcher (Vestigial Organ)
  • Skill Power Boost Ratio:
    • Materialized Singularity: Boosts Non-Attribute and Singular type.
    • Materialized Phase: Boosts Non-Attribute and Dimension type.
  • Bonus Conditions: Skill Duration, Skill Cost Decrease.

In The First Descendant, reactors significantly impact a character’s abilities, stats, and overall performance. Reactors function as core components, providing substantial boosts and unique effects, allowing players to tailor their characters to specific playstyles and strategies.

TFD Gley Build External Components

Set: Veteran Marksman Set

Set Effect:

  • 2-Set Effect:
    • Firearm Critical Rate +5.1%.
  • 4-Set Effect:
    • Firearm ATK +6.6%.
    • Weak Point DMG +5.8%.

Stat Priority:

  • DEF
  • Max HP
  • HP Recovery Modifier

Given Gley’s reliance on targeting weak points with Python’s effects, the Veteran Marksman Set proves ideal across all scenarios. These External Components offer a set bonus that boosts both weak points and firearm damage, maximizing effectiveness in combat.

TFD Gley Build Skills

Passive Skills
ThirstCreates Life Spheres when enemies are killed. These spheres recover HP and store Life Power when absorbed.
Active Skills
FrenziedUses HP to enter Berserk mode, increasing the attack and penetration of long-distance weapons.
Life SiphonDamages nearby enemies and restores HP. In Berserk mode, damage is increased; in Normal mode, damage taken from enemies is reduced for a period.
Increased SensoryProvides infinite ammo for a certain time during Frenzy. When not Frenzied, it increases movement speed and HP recovery, and boosts Life Sphere generation.
MassacreChanges the current firearm to Massacre. Adds extra skill damage during Frenzied state and stuns hit enemies.

Best Skills for Gley

Frenzied is Gley’s standout ability, making her incredibly effective at dealing damage to bosses. When active, it boosts her firearm attack and penetration, though it reduces her healing. However, this downside can be mitigated by turning off the buff when collecting Life Spheres or other healing sources.

User Interface:

The interface shows a stack bar at the bottom where normal MP is displayed, indicating the number of Power of Life stacks you have for your skills. Killing enemies generates Life Spheres, with more spheres produced in a non-Frenzied state. Collecting these spheres grants Power of Life stacks, which you need (three charges) to activate any other abilities.

Key Skill: Increased Sensory>

This skill provides infinite ammo for a short time. When combined with Frenzied, it boosts weapon damage and grants free ammo, allowing Gley to deal massive boss damage without needing complex skill rotations or managing MP.

Optimal Build:

Gley’s playstyle focuses on using weapons to deal damage. A transcendent mod called Predator Instinct increases firearm attack while Frenzied, making it crucial for maximizing uptime on firearm attack. This mod can be found in the Hard Pyromaniac Intercept Battle.

Let’s Sum it Up

Gley offers formidable power in The First Descendant but requires commitment to mastering her unique mechanics. If you embrace her complexity and aggressive gameplay, she can be one of the game’s most potent characters, balancing risk with high damage potential.


Which is the top weapon for Gley in The First Descendant?

Vestigial Organ and Python are the best choice for Gley.

Which are the best reactors for Gley in The First Descendant?

Materialized Singularity: Boosts the effectiveness of Gley’s Frenzied and Increased Sensory skills.

Materialized Phase: Enhances Life Siphon and Massacre skills.

How to unlock Gley in The First Descendant?

Gather Required Items and Gold: Make sure you have all the necessary items and the specified amount of gold needed to unlock Gley.

Use the Research Institute in Albion: Go to the Research Institute in Albion to start and complete the research process to unlock Gley.

Which modules are the best for Gley in The First Descendant?

Top modules for Gley:

  • Predator Instinct
  • HP Collector
  • Focus on Non-Attribute
  • Maximize Duration
  • MP Conversion
  • HP Amplification
  • Kicking
  • Skill Extension
  • Increased HP
  • Nimble Fingers


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