Lost Signal God Roll. Strange, Fun, Shiny… Yet Deadly?

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Upd: 12 Mar, 2025
4 min
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter


No “One For All” Nor “Demolitionist” But Still Fun

One of the statements for The Final Shape expansion has been Bungie’s dedication to introducing peculiar and awe-inspiring weapon variations into the gaming environment. Among the most exhilarating of these is Lost Signal, also known as the legendary counterpart to the exotic Witherhoard grenade launcher.

Destiny fans are familiar with Witherhoard, a unique grenade launcher that creates damaging energy pools on the ground, affecting enemies over time, or inflicts a venomous debuff when directly hit. Lost Signal has similar effects but with weaker DoT damage and a shorter duration. It can fire four grenades rapidly, making it great for covering a wide area. This makes it very effective for clearing out large groups of enemies, but not as good for slowly damaging tougher foes compared to its exotic predecessor.

As you can see, I’m using the Vorpal Weapon with Auto-Holster, which is not the best combo known. I’m still searching for Deepsight patterns for this weapon in order to create my own masterpiece. Let’s discover the best perk combinations available for this weapon!

Lost Signal PvE God Roll

  • Barrel: Quick Launch, Smart Drift Control, Countermass.
  • Magazine: High Velocity Rounds.
  • 3rd Column: Auto-loading Holster.
  • 4th Column: One for All, Demolitionist.
  • Masterwork: Handling, Reload Speed, Velocity.

When customizing Lost Signal, the initial consideration should be its inherent 100 Blast Radius, rendering additional enhancements to this attribute superfluous. Prioritize Handling for swift weapon deployment. Auto-Loading Holster stands out in the third slot, complementing the archetype’s intended use: draw, fire, stow.

The key decision revolves around the fourth slot. Whenever you use an area-of-effect weapon, the “One for All” perk is the top choice for increasing damage. It requires hitting three enemies within a reasonable time frame, which is often the case when using the Lost Signal in a crowd. On the other hand, “Demolitionist” provides significant grenade energy regeneration, working well with Lost Signal’s fast enemy elimination to swiftly recharge your grenades.

While Lost Signal includes the new “Reverberation” perk, which augments blast radius upon kills, this is less critical given the weapon’s existing area coverage. Hence, prioritizing damage or grenade energy is more profitable.

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Lost Signal PvP God Roll

  • Barrel: Quick Launch, Smart Drift Control, Countermass.
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds.
  • 3rd Column: Auto-loading Holster.
  • 4th Column: Preferably One for All or High Ground.
  • Masterwork: Handling, Reload Speed, Velocity.

In PvP, Lost Signal presents an interesting challenge. While Witherhoard is well-known for its ability to control choke points and disrupt enemy movements, its effectiveness is reduced in Lost Signal due to shorter duration and decreased damage.

Despite this, the gap between PvP and PvE configurations is minimal. “Auto-Loading Holster” remains essential, and any triggered damage buffs are beneficial. “High Ground”, in particular, has been revamped to function as a traditional stacking damage bonus, reaching its peak when defeating an opponent from an elevated position. Using higher vantage points to fire upon enemies can significantly boost damage.

Gameplay Loop For Lost Signal

I use this Lost Signal (Auto-Loader & Vorpal Weapon) for various scenarios such as dungeons, nightfalls, and events in Pale Heart. The main strategy is to switch weapons every 2.5-3 seconds when the “Auto-Loading Holster” activates. This tactic helps to increase my area-of-effect damage as well as my single-target DPS. I shoot, swap, and then repeat the process.

In area-of-effect (AoE) scenarios, I shoot over the swarm of enemies or create pools near the spawn spots. Right after the barrage reaches the target spot, I switch to my graviton lance and take out more resistant and healthy enemies. If there are enemies that can quickly move away from the area, they might take longer to defeat, so I need to spend more Graviton Lance shots or use melee attacks.


Melt Your Enemies!

In single-target situations, this weapon shines even more. Shoot all the grenades and quickly switch to your third slot weapon. While the grenades deal damage, you should also use your heavy weapon at the same time to maximize the DPS and create a huge burst window. This combination feels great when you use “Quick Access Sling Mode” on your Lost Signal.


Double Grenades – Double Numbers!

Regarding PvP, the issue is that players can move quickly, and the initial and periodic damage isn’t sufficient to prevent them from advancing through the pool area. While it’s useful for controlling points in casual modes, there aren’t effective strategies for using it in competitive modes.

I have been having a lot of fun using this weapon recently and I can definitely recommend it. Overall, I rate this weapon a solid 7.5 out of 10! Remember, if you’ve had bad luck with perks or patterns for this weapon (just like me), LepreStore is always ready to help.

Visit our Lost Signal Boost section for more info!


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