Warcraft Rumble Best PvP Deck Build

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Upd: 22 Oct, 2024
2 min
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter

Warcraft Rumble Tirion Fordring

Having amassed a sufficient amount of gold through conquering formidable monsters in the deepest raids and dungeons, it’s likely you’re eager to test your skills in PvP mode against other players.

To enhance your chances of success, we’re here to reveal the optimal PvP deck in Warcraft Rumble. This deck is anchored by Tirion Fordring as its Leader and comprises the following cards:

Mini NameTalentRole
TirionDivine ShieldMelee
HuntressElven MightRanged
Defias BanditsPick LockMelee
Stonehoof TaurenMomentumMelee
Gryphon RiderMighty ThrowFlying
BlizzardCold SnapSpell

How To Use Tyrion Cycle Control Build

This build revolves around the synergy between Tirion, Stonehoof, and Huntress to create powerful pushes, complemented by Pyromancer and Blizzard for control and efficient trades with Defias and Gryphon Rider.

Unit Explanations:


An invaluable leader unit, especially when equipped with Divine Shield, offering five seconds of unit tanking for free. This ability, coupled with self-healing, allows Tirion to exert prolonged influence on the game. Works exceptionally well in tandem with Stonehoof Tauren and Huntress.


An exceptional unit boasting a solid HP pool and formidable damage potential. Effective against squads, and when combined with the Elven Might talent, she becomes potent against single targets. The only drawback is her relatively higher cost.


A high-quality unit for its cost, serving as a sturdy tank capable of threatening the backline with its charge ability. The Double Charge talent enhances its effectiveness, often eliminating crucial ranged minions. Synergizes well with Tirion.


The premier control spell in the game, requiring little elaboration.

Gryphon Rider:

An underappreciated 2-gold unit adept at handling both air and ground threats. The increased range talent enhances her survivability in challenging matchups while contributing to deck cycling.


A cost-effective 1-gold cycle unit, consistently offering favorable trades or providing stun utility. Opening chests grants an economic advantage. A valuable unit for its low cost.


The top AoE mage in the game, surpassing Ogre Mage, especially with the Pyroblast talent, delivering a highly impactful first hit. A strong unit for 3 gold.

Gameplan & Tips

The strategy varies based on the opposition (refer to the video for diverse playthrough explanations). In essence, aim to establish lane control with Tirion, Stonehoof, and Huntress. This formidable combination is challenging to counter, with Stonehoof drawing aggro first, allowing Huntress to freely DPS enemies. Tirion’s healing capacity makes the combo resilient against Blizzard and challenging for opponents to handle. Other unit choices should be reactive, depending on the specific in-game situation.


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