The War Within PvP Tier List Season 2

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Upd: 20 Mar, 2025
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Lusion DreyAuthor, pro gamer

It is not just time to fight Gallywix in 11.1, the new Season also means fun and glory for those who enjoy PvP battles in Arenas, Battlegrounds, Solo-shuffles, and other activities. The new PvP tier list for all specs from Leprestore will help you immensely if you haven’t decided yet who your character candidate should be to beat other adventurers. Find out more about our tier list prepared for every type of PvP content and role!


Every Season in World of Warcraft is a little bit different for PvP players. Numerous class tweaks, changing meta, and sometimes new zones, and areas where players can clash with each other. All of that should be combined with a precise understanding of different nuances that make your character a war machine for the extermination of the opposite faction. Here, at Leprestore, we help players with their PvP challenges all the time, so we know which aspects to keep in mind when you are trying to select the best class for these activities.

  • Crowd control abilities and their efficiency.
  • Defensives.
  • Flexibility and versatility.
  • Class mobility.
  • A variety of types of damage.

So, first of all, you should keep in mind that other players are not just ordinary mobs or bosses. They can help unpredictable patterns of actions, so crowd control abilities (CC) become extremely important as they help to break any plan your opponent may have started to bring to life. Generally, classes and specs have a diverse range of various CCs, but they can vary significantly, and therefore some specs perform in PvP better than others.

Although tanks are viable in RBGs, people mostly play DPS or Healers in PvP, and the pick and use of defensives become crucial for them. The best PvP DPS in Season 2 of the War Within is the one that has defensives appropriate for the various scenarios, and if your spec cannot say they have these, they most probably be at the bottom of the tier list.

However, flexibility and the ability to adapt to the situation as well as to sustain a variety of different types of damage is a separate virtue. Different specs also have unequal power to deal burst damage, DOTs, clutch healing, or single-target healing. All these aspects become decisive, especially during Arena fights where the right comp can be much more crucial than whether you are a good player or not.

Finally, class mobility is one of the most important things to keep in mind in PvP. Most probably, you won’t have a chance to stand in one place for more than a few seconds, so many casters often feel underwhelmed, especially if they are not very familiar with how their mobility skills function. Of course, it is sometimes compensated by the PvP talents, but, obviously, mobile specs that can select useful damaging or CC talents will be in a better situation than those who need to take talents only to increase their movement efficiency.


You will find tier lists for three types of content, and have to keep in mind that the efficiency of specs and classes vary significantly among them. These content types are listed below.

  • Arenas
  • Rated Battlegrounds
  • Solo Shuffle

Arenas are the PvP mode where two groups of two or three players compete with each other in the deathmatch rounds. The class and spec combinations are extremely important in Arenas as everything depends on the synergy between a limited number of players. Even with good coordination, poor choice of specs for your comp can ruin your ladder climbing completely.

The RBGs function slightly differently as these are 10v10 fights, and thus the more diverse compound it has, the better. However, certain specs are still more useful than others both because they can bring insane utility for the team, and cause they can be better suited for the particular objectives on the Rated Battlegrounds.

At the same time, the best class for PvP in Season 2 for solo shuffle will be the one that can be most self-sustainable in the conditions of almost absent coordination. This mode assumes you are being thrown into an always-changing group of three players, and thus you need to adapt all the time. Specs vary differently in how good they are at adaptability and flexibility. In fact, however, the best specs for 3v3 mode are also best for Solo Shuffle because of the nature of the fights, and thus Solo Shuffle PvP tier list is mostly the same as the one for 3v3.


As we have mentioned before, there are many PvP modes that require different skills, abilities, and other things that have to be kept in mind. Choosing the best PvP DPS for such a variety of modes is impossible (but that can also be said about other roles too), and that is why we have decided to divide this part of the list into a few sections. Depending on the type of content you are interested in, specs can vary according to utility, efficiency, and other parameters, so don’t be surprised about different positions in the tier lists.


Being a DPS in Arenas means watching over a lot of stuff. Utilities, defensives, crowd controls, and self-sustainability are the key priorities for DPS players here. Many 2v2 comps include DPS-only combinations, and therefore you need to use abilities of your spec to the max. On the other hand, in 3v3 you need to know how to combine your abilities properly with your teammates, and how to use utilities in particular combat situations not only relying on yourself.


2v2 Arena DPS Tier List

In 2v2, it is important to maintain a synergy between powerful self-sustained specs that can survive isolation, crowd control, and the necessity to intensely push the enemy when the window is appropriate. This is why it is usually dominated by Havoc Demon Hunter or Beast Mastery Hunter, and 11.1 is no exception. However, with the introduction of Hero Talents in the War Within, some specs appeared to be incredibly effective in 2v2 like Demonology Warlock or Windwalker Monk which received impressive rework.


3v3 Arena DPS Tier List

At the same time, 3v3 Arenas are more demanding in terms of understanding comps and being versatile for different combinations of enemies. The recent reworks of Hero Talents made Outlaw Rogue even more powerful spec in PvP keeping in mind the number of CC abilities and evasion potential. At the same time, nerfs decreased the efficiency of specs like Frost Mage and Fire Mage which no longer show as good damage as other specs in PvP, and feels suicidal to play in such activities in 11.1.


RBGs are completely different from Arenas as they imply a much larger comp with entirely alternative objectives. Here, there are certain maps where teams of 10 players get into and start completing the map-specific objectives. Players should be well-coordinated, but they also need a good comp in terms of DPS, healers, and tanks. The role of DPS may vary, but the best specs are usually those that can provide utility for large groups and survive long enough for the completion of specific objectives.


RBGs DPS Tier List

Although most specs perform at least not badly in the Rated Battlegrounds, Season 2 of the War Within brings a lot of reworks that significantly empower some specs over others. For example, Shadow Priest and Demonology Warlock are absolutely insane at large-scale fights, especially when protected properly. At the same time, a lot of Melee specs underperform in RBGs even with powerful Hero Talents, and it needs to be considered when you choose a DPS for this mode.


Healing in PvP is a really tough mission. You need to predict how your enemy team will behave and when they plan to deal certain types of damage to your allies. Moreover, success also depends on how good you are at surviving on your own as Healers are usually the primary targets in every PvP mode. However, you should still take the best PvP Healer for Season 2 in the War Within list we offer with a grain of salt as all healers are viable in PvP with the proper communication and teamplay at the moment.


Being a DPS in Arenas means watching over a lot of stuff. Utilities, defensives, crowd controls, and self-sustainability are the key priorities for DPS players here. Many 2v2 comps include DPS-only combinations, and therefore you need to use abilities of your spec to the max. On the other hand, in 3v3 you need to know how to combine your abilities properly with your teammates, and how to use utilities in particular combat situations not only relying on yourself.


2v2 Arenas Healer Tier List

When you are trying to choose the right Healer for 2v2 Arenas, keep in mind that people rarely play with Healers in this mode. Therefore, efficient output can be reached only with those specs that also show decent damage, and the main candidate here is Discipline Priest. This spec is powerful at granting utility and healing to allies and can deal a significant amount of damage which is vital for winning the 2v2 match.


3v3 Arenas Healer Tier List

In 3v3, though, other factors come into play like how mobile the Healer is, or how powerful is its passive Healing. This is why Restoration Druid can be a preferable pick since in the Season 2 of the War Within its HoT-based healing has been significantly increased. At the same time, recent nerfs and reworks have made Restoration Shaman really an underperforming healer compared to others in all PvP activities.


Because at the RBGs you need to be both swift with objectives and healing allies as well as dealing impacts, the versatile healers are in favor here. MW Monk, for example, has lots of crowd control, clutch healing, and unique cooldowns that help to be flexible on various battlegrounds. Also, movements matter a lot, as healers are often put into groups that capture objectives or guarantee the survival of those who specifically carry the objective’s target.


RBGs Healer Tier List

Rated Battlegrounds in 11.1 are dominated by Restoration Druids and Mistweaver Monks, mostly, because of how effective their passive and multiple-target healing is. At the same time, MW monks deal quite a decent damage and have valuable crowd-control abilities. Sadly, reworks of Hero Talents for some classes led to the unfortunate position of such specs as Holy Priest and Restoration Shaman, although they are still playable in the right hands.


The role of tanks in PvP is quite hectic for various game modes. Some people believe that in Arenas, taking a tank spec is equal to a complete misunderstanding of the combat nature, but tanks are definitely valued higher in RBGs. As you can guess, for both game modes, the best PvP tank in Season 2 should be the one that can deal as much damage as possible and doesn’t drag the healer’s attention. Therefore, we guess, you won’t be surprised with our tier lists for tanks.


Arenas Tank Tier List

Seeing a tank spec in Arenas is quite rare, almost a non-existent case, especially in 2v2 as players prefer comps with two DPS. However, Vengeance Demon Hunter always demonstrates incredible mobility, survival, and damage that is almost unreachable by any other tank specs, and even some DPS ones. Beyond Vengeance DH, however, you will probably not want to use your tank spec on any other class.


RBGsTank Tier List

At the same time, on RBGs, the situation is completely different. Some tanks are invaluable for surviving and capturing objectives, and the very mobile Vengeance Demon Hunter here is joined by Protection Warrior who got slightly reworked in Season 2, and it made him quite a durable tank for PvP activities like rated battlegrounds. Reworks, however, did not help much to the Brewmaster Monk which is still considered the most challenging tank to play in PvP with a questionable outcome.


What is the best class in the War Within Season 2 for PvP?

The answer will rely on the precise PvP activity (RBGs, Arenas, Solo Shuffle), and on what you want to get from your playstyle. For example, in the right hands, some Melee specs can outmaneuver most Range DPS, but in general, playing Melee is considered to be a chore.

What is the easiest class for PvP in 11.1?

Depending on the activity, we would recommend pet-based specs like BM Hunter or Demonology Warlock as they are easy to learn and deal great damage. However, the ultimately preferable pick would be Demon Hunter as Havoc DH is usually very efficient in most comps.

What is the most popular class for PvP in the War Within Season 2?

Traditionally, it is Demon Hunter, especially if the player is new to the PvP scene. However, reworks heavily empowered Rogues, yet you still need a decent level of skill to masterfully play Outlaw Rogue, for example.

What is the best way to get PvP gear in 11.1?

Probably, the best way to start if you just at the beginning of your PvP journey is to queue random battlegrounds until you can afford having the decent gear for Solo-Shuffles. From their, Solo-Shuffles or 3v3 matches with talented and skilled friends will help you to progress further.


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