War Within Best Class Tier List Season 2

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Upd: 3 Mar, 2025
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter

Xal’atath made her move, and the champions of Azeroth had to prepare a powerful response. Getting deeper into Khaz Algar is not an easy task, and that is why we made the War Within best class tier list so that you could choose the best option for the start of your journey. Find out about how Hero Talents affected various classes and roles, explore our detailed comparison, and decide for yourself with which class you wanna save Azeroth from the Void!

The War Within Class Tier List Explained

First of all, keep in mind that in order to select the War Within best class, we have to keep several things in mind. This expansion brought the major gameplay addition called hero talents that can completely change the way you play. These are several talent trees that are unique for each class, and every spec can choose one of two trees available to it to modify and enhance their abilities. With the introduction of certain talents, some classes became significantly stronger than others, and it lies at the core of our comparison. Have a look at our combined tier list.

War Within Best Class Tier List Season 2

The second major aspect of how did we choose the best class to play in the War Within is the type of content. This expansion brings along a special activity called Delves, and it is clear that classes will probably perform unequally across them, Raids, M+, and PvP. Therefore, we are trying to take into account how classes perform in the various content, so that you could have access both to the average “universal” best class and the ones that are good with specific activities.

TWW DPS Tier List (Season 2)

The DPS tier lists are always constructed based on what is the damage output of the spec, how easy it is to play, what utility it brings to the group, and how strongly it shows itself depending on the content type. Worth noting that typically it is much more difficult to get into higher tier for Melee specs as they are generally dealing with lots of negative mechanics which Range specs can easily avoid, so keep it in mind when you choose the spec to play.

TWW DPS Tier List (Season 2)

Melee DPS S-Tier

Playing Melee is never easy, yet some classes and specs can show incredible output of damage and utility even in this category. The only S-tier Melee spec is the Enhancement Shaman which was outstandingly powerful in Season 1, and, although reasonably nerfed now, continues to be an effective addition in any group or solo content. A variety of strong builds, useful group utility like Skyfury, and a diversity of kicks for M+ mechanics make this spec a powerful S-tier contender.

Ranged DPS S-Tier

Ranged DPS got a lot of upgrades, especially in terms of reworking their Hero Talents and utilities. This led to the new best specs in Season 2 like Beast Mastery Hunter which is powerful against both groups of enemies and a single target now, and Fire Mage which has an opportunity to use Combustion unfairly often now and provides a lot of utility. At the same time, the absolute dominator of ranged specs is still the Augmentation Evoker which, even after nerfs, shows incredible efficiency in M+ and Delves.

Melee DPS A-Tier

Three specs listed in the A-tier are all quite efficient in the various content, yet the reworks they got slightly nerfed their output. Except for Havoc Demon Hunter which shows incredible results so far, but will be most probably nerfed further, especially in M+ content. Frost Death Knight is just as good as in the first Season of The War Within, and its damage was even slightly buffed. Arms Warrior, although not providing the group with spectacular utility, still demonstrates decent outputs of damage, especially in content like Delves or M+.

Ranged DPS A-Tier

Ranged DPS in the A-tier will typically be effective in Season 2 because of the versatility of their abilities and builds. Frost Mage and Destruction Warlock show particularly good AoE and batch damage that is extremely useful in M+ and Delves, but Frost Mage can feel worse than Fire Mage. The especially good AoE damage is shown by the Balance Druid which can be a particularly nice pick for content like M+, but in Raids will feel rather weak since its single-target damage is limited.

Melee DPS B-Tier

For Melees, the most important thing is how much utility and damage they bring along with survivability. Playing Melee is challenging, and thus specs usually are less effective than Range ones. However, specs like Subtlety Rogue or Assassination Rogue have amazing AoE damage and can be extremely helpful in certain combinations. At the same time, specs like Retribution Paladin have rather flat and non-impressive damage, but it is easy to play, and thus it may most probably be mastered faster in the season.

Ranged DPS B-Tier

In the second season of The War Within, there are a few specs that generally cannot be considered very effective compared to others in every piece of content. Demonology Warlock and Affliction Warlock are both specs that provide decent AoE damage but are not as efficient in Single Target, and definitely are not as powerful as Destruction spec. Partially, the same problem is with Shadow Priest, but it is more flexible and provides any group with incredible utility.

Melee DPS C-Tier

Typically, Warrior DPS specs are quite controversial to play as you need both to show incredible damage and be Melee. And, at the same time, your presence does not provide high utility to the group, that is why Furry Warrior is considered to be not as effective as other specs, especially in Melee range. Same with Survival Hunter, as it is a powerful spec that is incredibly difficult to play, and it is always preferable to choose BM over it in Season 2.

Ranged DPS C-Tier

Hero Talents rework didn’t do a good job to Arcane Mage, and now it is not just the most difficult Range spec to play, but also the least rewarding in terms of damage and efficiency. Same with Marksmanship Hunter which received terrible reworks that now limit the damage of the spec based on the number of targets. Moreover, the flat damage of MM now is very low compared to others, and playing it can be extremely painful.

TWW Healer Tier List (Season 2)

Healing is never easy and always in high demand, but the efficiency of healing varies greatly across different types of content. When we make our tier list for healers, we look at how certain specs perform in group content and raids, whether the reworks increased clutch healing, ST healing, or AoE, and also, how strong the damage and utility of the healer in the content like Mythic+, so pay attention to this as well.

TWW Healer Tier List (Season 2)

Healers S-Tier

Although healing is usually heavily dependent on the player, all healers can show amazing outputs in any type of content. However, the one spec which appears to be particularly good is the Holy Priest. They received a lot of reworking in Season 2, especially in the area of Hero Talents. Now Holy Priests are both good at damage, and utility thanks to PI, and also are useful for different situations of healing challenges (like single-target rapid healing), although AoE healing of Holy Priest is still controversial.

Healers A-Tier

The two healers that are listed here are very useful both in Raids and M+, however, their input in the combinations of classes for different content is unequal. Restoration Druid shows generally positive flat healing and can show surprising outputs in raids. Mistweaver Monk is one of the best Melee healers that can show immense healing in a short period of time, especially in M+. However, if the MW Monk appears to be outside of Melee range, it gets useless and loses in healing significantly.

Healers B-Tier

The healing specs here are considered to be effective not just because of healing itself, but also because of damage potential that is extremely important in content like Delves or Mythic+. This is why Discipline Priest can be a nice pick as, although decent healing requires a lot of skill, provides the group with utility and high damage output. At the same time, Preservation Evoker cannot show great damage at all, but clutch healing and certain cooldowns can make this healer incredibly useful in different content in the second season of the War Within.

Healers C-Tier

Both Restoration Shaman and Holy Paladin are severely lacking in their damage and healing in M+ content, but Resto Sham at least can show decent healing in certain situations. For higher keys, dealing almost no damage can be a complete game changer, and that is why picking specs like Holy Paladin can be a negative choice. If you choose between two, select Resto Sham as it will at least provide certain utility and healing.

TWW Tank Tier List (Season 2)

Tanks are generally all good across different content types and activities, however, the Hero Talents system overall changed an approach to how certain specs show themselves. The Tier list for Tanks takes into account the reworks, the difficulty of playing a particular spec, its survivability and utility to the group in the activities like M+ or Delves. Keep in mind that the same Tank which is perfect for Mythics can be horrible in Raids, and it is something to take into account.

TWW Tank Tier List (Season 2)

Tanks S-Tier

Being a Tank is never easy, and pretty often is dependent on your allies, especially in content like Delves or M+. The most popular combinations include using Augmentation Evoker which buffs the tank, and the ones that benefit the most from it are Vengeance Demon Hunters and Protection Paladins. Both of these provide a strong combination of utility and output damage as well as efficiency with dungeon mechanics. And although many builds of these classes were slightly nerfed, they are still amazingly effective.

Tanks A-Tier

Being a Tank is quite challenging in Season 2, and Blood Death Knight together with Guardian Druid can feel to be a safe versatile pick. Both of them lack in damage, especially in M+, but they are easy to master and can provide the group with extreme survivability and even utility in some cases. It is especially relevant for BDK as usually, in the right hands, this spec can show miracles in higher keys, and the rework of Hero Talents can help this purpose.

Tanks B-Tier

The only tank in B-tier is the Brewmaster Monk, and it is a nice upgrade from the position it had in the previous season. Brew Monk is always the most challenging and difficult tank spec to play, and the Hero Talents it got in the War Within didn’t make life easier. Now, it has become a bit better, making Brew Monk more viable in group content like M+, but you should still consider this spec only if you feel confident enough.

Tanks C-Tier

Protection Warrior is not a bad spec at all, but recent nerfs made it much less effective than other specs, except, maybe, Brew Monk, but in the right hands Brew Monk can be a lifesaver. However, Protection Warrior still can be a viable option in M+ where its presence gives nice kicks and stuns, and overall acceptable damage. In raids, however, this may be a flawed choice due to the issues with survivability. And keep in mind the overall low utility of the spec.


What is the best class in the War Within Season 2?

The best class and spec depends on which content you want to conquer and in which role you want to play. Healers, Tanks, and DPS can show different outputs and can be in different demand whether you want to play Delves, Mythic+, or Raids, so take into account all these factors when you make a choice.

What is changing in the War Within for classes and specs in Season 2?

Most changes include reworks of Hero Talent trees and nerfs of the previously very powerful builds for some specs (for example, nerfs for Enhancement Shaman that dominated in Season 1). In some cases, Blizzard also decided to reconfigure base mechanics, which we also considered while making tier lists.

What is the easiest class to play in the War Within Season 2

An absolute champion would be Beast Mastery Hunter with its user-friendly and easy playstyle, learning curve accessible to everyone, and insane amount of damage you can make even if you don’t know anything about the spec and class.

What is the most versatile class in the War Within Season 2?

It would definitely be Monk class this time because all three specs became more viable and playable in any type of content. It is still not the best choice in each individual role for different reasons, but Monks can be powerful healers, quite a good DPS, and insanely nice tanks, but in the right hands.


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