WoW Classic SoD Sulfuras, Hand Of Ragnaros Guide

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Upd: 12 Mar, 2025
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Lusion DreyAuthor, pro gamer

Sulfuras is still one of the most desired legendary weapons in World of Warcraft SoD Phase 4. This Season of Discovery Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros guide will clearly explain how to get this legendary two-handed mace and what you need for it. To obtain this epic weapon, you will need to go through Molten Core several times.

WoW Classic SoD Sulfuras Breakdown

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros is the powerful weapon of Ragnaros the Firelord, never leaving his grasp. Made of flaming red elementium, it is covered with intricate runes that move like flowing lava. The weapon features many white-hot, vicious pikes, each surrounded by shimmering heat.

When Sulfuras slays a creature, the body is engulfed in intense flames and disintegrates, leaving only a pile of ash. This ash is solidified by the heat and pressure into a hard, dark crystal known as an Eye of Sulfuras. Ragnaros’ followers utilize these crystals in ancient rituals or to forge special weapons such as sulfuron hammers.

How To Get Sulfuras, Hand Of Ragnaros

Important Point:

To create the special weapon Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, you’ll first need to acquire both the Eye of Sulfuras and the Sulfuron Hammer.

To obtain the Eye of Sulfuras in Season of Discovery, follow these steps:

The Eye of Sulfuras is obtained by defeating Ragnaros, the final boss of the Molten Core raid instance. It has a 7% chance to drop. Due to the low drop rate and competition from other players, be prepared to run the raid multiple times.

To obtain the Sulfuron Hammer in SoD, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the Sulfuron Ingot from Golemagg the Incinerator in the Molten Core raid instance. There’s a 33% chance it will drop.
  2. Find Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the Grim Guzzler within Blackrock Depths. Complete Lokhtos’ quest A Binding Contract by giving him the Sulfuron Ingot. He will give you the Plans: Sulfuron Hammer as a reward.

Materials required to craft the Sulfuron Hammer include:

  • 8x Sulfuron Ingot: Dropped by Golemagg the Incinerator.
  • 20x Dark Iron Bar: Crafted by miners from 8x Dark Iron Ore with Mining skill level 300.
  • 50x Arcanite Bar: Created by Alchemists with a skill level of 275 using 1x Thorium Bar and 1x Arcane Crystal through transmutation.
  • 25x Essence of Fire: Obtained from mobs in Blackrock Depths and Molten Core, or through Alchemy with skill level 275.
  • 10x Blood of the Mountain: Dropped by Molten Destroyers in Molten Core or mined from Dark Iron Deposits.
  • 10x Lava Core: Dropped by Garr, Golemagg the Incinerator, and other elites in Molten Core.
  • 10x Fiery Core: Dropped by Baron Geddon and other elites in Molten Core.

Once you have all the materials, head to the Black Anvil in Blackrock Depths to forge the Sulfuron Hammer. Ensure you have Blacksmithing skill level 300 or enlist the help of a skilled blacksmith. Note that Lord Incendius guards the Black Anvil, so you may need assistance to reach it.

Once you have acquired both the Eye of Sulfuras and the Sulfuron Hammer, you can combine them in your inventory to create the legendary mace Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Congratulations! You now wield the mighty Sulfuras!

Sulfuras Effects

In the recent SoD Phase 4 update, Sulfuras has been upgraded with the following effects:

  1. Immolation: There’s a 20% chance to deal 25 Fire damage to all nearby enemies whenever the wielder is hit by a melee attack.
  2. Attack Power: Feral (+358): Increases Attack Power by +358 in Bear, Dire Bear, and Cat forms.
  3. Purged by Fire: Launches a fiery projectile that deals 273 to 333 Fire damage and purges the target’s soul, increasing their Fire and Holy damage taken by up to 30%. Additionally, it inflicts 75 additional damage over 10 seconds.

Classes Able To Equip Sulfuras

In WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, can be wielded by the following classes:

  1. Warrior
  2. Shaman
  3. Paladin
  4. Druid

Let’s Sum it Up

Without a doubt, Sulfuras is one of the most recognizable weapons in WoW and many would like to have it in their collection. Following this comprehensive guide, you’re well on your way to acquiring the Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. It’s a challenging journey that requires teamwork and dedication, but the reward is a legendary weapon that enhances your power in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4.


How difficult is it to get Sulfuras in WoW Classic SoD?

This venture will require your time, patience and luck. To get the Legendary Sulfuras, use our guide, which will make your path much easier.

What classes can use Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

Sulfuras is a two-handed hammer and can be used by a small number of classes in WoW Classic SoD:

  • Warrior
  • Shaman
  • Paladin
  • Druid

Where to get the quest for Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in WoW Classic SoD?

Locate Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the Grim Guzzler within Blackrock Depths. Complete Lokhtos’ quest titled “A Binding Contract” by providing him with the Sulfuron Ingot. In return, Lokhtos will reward you with the Plans: Sulfuron Hammer.


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