Home Cataclysm Classic Raid Boost Throne of the Four Winds Boost
Get a fast and guaranteed raid run with Throne of the Four Winds boost from LepreStore. Get powerful raid gear, take your chances with a very rare Drake of the South Wind mount, and get all of it done in a matter of hours at a convenient time slot! The TotFW boost is done by professional raiding guilds and players with over 10 years of experience!
Playing with PUGs is annoying, because it pits you against clueless undergeared randoms with no game sense and judgmental sweatlords at the same time. This Throne of the Four Winds raid boost will team you up with pleasant teammates, or let someone else run the raid for you while you’re not playing WoW!
ETA: ~3 hours.
A pro booster will log into your account and take your character into the raid. Once the team clears the raid and you receive all the rewards, your Throne of the Four Winds boost is complete. Selfplay raiding is also available, if you want to participate in the fight yourself, in which case we’ll invite you to a raid at an agreed-upon time slot. Enjoy!
Good Service
Very good support
March 07, 2025
Great Team
Great team, smooth runs
February 23, 2025
Loved it
It's a as very fast and easy and communication went well
January 25, 2025