No Hesitation God Roll Guide. The New Era Of Support Weapons?

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Upd: 25 Jun, 2024
6 min
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter


Destiny introduces a novel medic gun that can simultaneously mend allies and damage adversaries.

The Final Shape has dramatically altered the dynamics of Destiny 2’s sandbox, with Bungie rolling out a bunch of innovative modifications to existing weapons that now function in entirely new ways, none more revolutionary than the support frame auto rifle.

Regarded as one of the most complex non-exotic weapons in the game, the support frame auto rifle operates as follows: Upon equipping this firearm, a small semicircle indicator appears near your aiming reticule, which gradually fills as you deal damage to foes. Hip firing subsequently depletes this bar to heal your teammates. Each bullet heals a small amount of health for an ally, followed by a brief Restoration effect after a few seconds of healing (and yes, this activates Ember of Benevolence if you’re using Solar). Moreover, those same few seconds of healing generate a buff called support frame boost that increases your damage, promoting a continuous switch between healing and inflicting harm.

But there’s even more! Two additional features not detailed in the in-game description are: firstly, you can still inflict damage on enemies while hip firing, with shots only switching to healing when aimed at an ally; secondly, both healing and damage modes incorporate a mild tracking element (slight auto-aim), much like the exotic submachine gun Osteo Striga.

No Hesitation PvE God Roll

  • Barrel: Smallbore, Hammer Forged.
  • Magazine: Tactical Mag, Appended Mag, Accurised Rounds.
  • 3rd Column: Physic, Demolitionist, Overflow.
  • 4th Column: Incandescent, Circle of Life, Attrition Orbs.
  • Masterwork: Reload Speed, Range.

Physic and Circle of Life are two unique perks exclusive to support frames and interact with the aforementioned effects. Physic ensures you receive Restoration when you grant an ally Restoration, while Circle of Life extends the duration of the support frame boost. Both perks are powerful, but Physic stands out as the top choice in column three. The enhanced version of this perk, available on a crafted No Hesitation, grants Restoration x2, making you nearly invulnerable to all but the most intense damage. Alternatively, Demolitionist and Overflow are both advantageous for sustaining fire without the need to reload.

The fourth column features Circle of Life and the consistently effective Incandescent, which synergizes well with Solar subclasses. Additionally, there’s an unexpectedly useful perk: Attrition Orbs. Normally considered suboptimal, this perk creates orbs when damaging an enemy, which is helpful, but they typically emerge from the enemy’s head, making them inconvenient to collect. However, with a support frame, it periodically generates orbs when healing allies, greatly enhancing its utility.

No Hesitation PvP God Roll

  • Barrel: Smallbore, Hammer Forged.
  • Magazine: Accurised Rounds.
  • 3rd Column: Physic, Overflow.
  • 4th Column: Circle of Life, Desperate Measures, Disruption Break.
  • Masterwork: Range.

Predicting the impact of No Hesitation on the PvP meta is challenging at this stage. Healing capabilities can turn the tide of matches, but No Hesitation requires dealing damage to activate its healing, unlike a healing rift or grenade. Nonetheless, it should excel in scenarios where teams exchange long-range fire before engaging. Consider it akin to Osteo Striga, applying relentless pressure on opponents with a stream of tracking bullets.

This is why Circle of Life is valuable here, maximizing the uptime of the support frame damage boost. Additionally, Physic remains a strong choice, while Overflow allows for continuous suppressive fire. Disruption Break also has a niche application, imposing a significant debuff against kinetic damage when breaking an opponent’s shields, complementing the team-shooting strategy this weapon encourages. Finally, prioritizing range for all barrels and magazines is crucial, as you’ll often be hip-firing from a distance.

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Pros And Cons. Possible Meta?

After hours and hours of using this weapon, I would like to share some thoughts about the current state of things being a casual player.


First of all, this weapon is really fun in PvE scenarios. I can’t say that the damage provided is overpowered or even huge, but the Incandescent perk works fine to clear the waves of small units around you. The rifle is stable, the fire rate is comfortable. A large amount of ammo makes it usable as a primary weapon to fire. Small “auto-aim” makes hip-fire feel even better.

Now, let’s talk about the healing. The overall healing mechanic is nice and comfortable. Whenever you try to heal your teammate, it works fine, the target capture works fast, and I feel great about the way it works. Usually, half a mag is enough to bring your friend from a “nearly dead” state to full HP.

In PvP scenarios, casual of course, you save lives – that is so true. I have many cases where extra healing just made our mission to capture the point successful.



I’ve noticed some issues in PvE scenarios that I’d like to discuss. When dealing with swarms (small units), it’s possible to fight back and cause significant damage. However, when facing elite enemies or bosses, switching weapons becomes necessary to deal damage effectively. The problem is that switching weapons leaves you unable to heal, which defeats the purpose of the weapon. It creates a dilemma where you can’t do enough damage or be a full-time healer due to the lack of consistency and effectiveness.

Moving on to the healing aspect, the main issue is the movement of players and enemies. The slow bullets can’t reach the target in time, especially when the target is using melee abilities, jumping, or strafing. This results in a significant percentage of missed healing potential. To address this, I believe that Bungie should make the bullet tracking element 300-500% more effective when it comes to heal.

Finally, in terms of PvP, the bullet fly pattern is inferior for real PvP action. It’s difficult to land shots on fast-moving opponents, and the healing process is also ineffective due to the fast-paced nature of PvP. Additionally, the damage output of the weapon is lacking compared to other options. “No Hesitation” is not a good choice for PvP at the moment, as it cannot effectively heal or deal damage.


We’ve come to a conclusion about the No Hesitation weapon. Is it fun? Yes. Is it good? It’s decent for PvE. Is it worth trying? Absolutely. I hope that healing weapons become more popular in later patches with improved mechanics and resolved issues. For now, this weapon is far from meta and I would rate it as 6 out of 10.

LepreStore is always ready to assist you if you’re struggling to find the perfect combination or Deepsight patterns for the No Hesitation auto rifle. Feel free to visit our No Hesitation Boost page to get help.


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