Unholy Death Knight BiS Gear in Phase 1 Cataclysm Classic

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Upd: 20 Jun, 2024
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter


Stat Priority And Cap Ratings

Your Stat Priority should be like this (left to right).

Strength → Haste Rating → Critical Strike Rating → Hit Rating → Mastery Rating → Expertise Rating.


Strength is the primary stat for Death Knights and is always beneficial to increase. Each point of strength provides 2 attack power before modifiers are applied.

Hit Rating

To ensure your abilities are effective, aim for a total of at least +8% chance to hit, which equates to 961 hit rating. Since there are no buffs or debuffs from your raid that influence hit rating, you’ll need to achieve this entirely through your gear.

Expertise Rating

Expertise is a less critical stat for Death Knights. It reduces the chance of your auto attacks, Scourge Strike, and Festering Strike being dodged or parried. When these attacks are dodged or parried, you get your runes refunded, so the penalty is minimal.

Secondary Stats

Attack Power, Critical Strike Rating, Mastery Rating, and Haste Rating are all desirable stats, but they have a lower value compared to Strength. Aim to improve these stats as much as possible once you’ve maximized your hit rating and strength.


Head For Unholy Death Knight DPS

Magma Plated Helmet is your best option. While it’s not the best helmet available as a standalone helmet, it still has a great bonus for gem sockets and you also get the powerful legs from Al’Akir in advance.

Best Enchant: Arcanum of the Dragonmaw.

Best Magma Plated Helmet
Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Magma Plated Helmet
Helm of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Helm of Maddening WhispersCho’gallThe Bastion of Twilight
Pre-Raid Reinforced Bio-Optic KillshadesBoP Crafted from Engineering

Shoulders for Unholy Death Knight DPS

For this slot, we want to use our tier gear. The Magma Plated Pauldrons are an excellent choice, offering great stats and a significant amount of hit rating, which is crucial for us. Additionally, they feature a valuable red socket.

The second-best option, the Pauldrons of the Great Ettin, is more inferior in terms of DPS. Much of its stat allocation is spent on Mastery, which is less desirable for us.

Best Enchant: Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone.

Best Magma Plated Pauldrons
Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Magma Plated Pauldrons
Mantle of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Pauldrons of the Great EttinHalfus WyrmbreakerThe Bastion of Twilight

Back For Unholy Death Knight DPS

There’s one item that stands head and shoulders above the rest: Glittering Epidermis. This item has all the stats we need, and many more.

Best Enchant: Enchant Cloak – Greater Critical Strike.

Best Glittering EpidermisElementium MonstrosityThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional Cloudburst Cloak of the EarthfallAl’AkirThrone of the Four Winds
Pre-Raid Drape of Inimitable FateBoE World Drop

Chest For Unholy Death Knight DPS

The Magma Plated Battleplate is one of our top-tier pieces. It offers all the stats we need and includes a great socket bonus worth utilizing. By using an Etched Demonseye, you can achieve the perfect hit cap without sacrificing strength, thanks to the valuable socket bonus.

Best Enchant: Enchant Chest – Peerless Stats.

Best Magma Plated Battleplate
Chest of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Magma Plated Battleplate
2200 Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Battleplate of Ancient KingsAtramedesBlackwing Descent
Pre-Raid Elementium DeathplateBoE Crafted from Blacksmithing

Wrist For Unholy Death Knight DPS

The wrist slot choice is straightforward, with Bracers of the Mat’redor being the best option due to individual item stats. However, they are hard to obtain, as you need to defeat the bonus boss Sinestra in Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty.

Best Enchant: Enchant Bracer – Major Strength.

Best Bracers of the Mat’redorSinestraThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional Electron Inductor CoilsMagmatronBlackwing Descent
Optional Bracers of Impossible StrengthHalfus WyrmbreakerThe Bastion of Twilight
Pre-Raid Alpha BracersAnraphetHalls of Origination

Hands For Unholy Death Knight DPS

The final slot for our 4-set tier comes from the gloves. Magma Plated Gauntlets may not be the best piece, but using the off-piece legs provides the most benefit. Therefore, we need to use some less optimal pieces, like the gauntlets, to accommodate this.

Best Enchant: Enchant Gloves – Mighty Strength.

Best Magma Plated Gauntlets
Magma Plated Gauntlets
Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Plated Fists of ProvocationChimaeronBlackwing Descent
Pre-Raid Hematite Plate GlovesSlabhideThe Stonecore

Waist For Unholy Death Knight DPS

For the belt slot, we have two comparable options. Sky Strider Belt with the Earthfall suffix is slightly better than the Belt of Absolute Zero, but it is also harder to obtain. There’s no difference to which one you get first, so take whichever you can acquire first and let your companion Death Knights grab the others.

Best Enchant: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle.

Best Sky Strider Belt of the EarthfallAnshalThrone of the Four Winds
Optional Belt of Absolute ZeroMaloriakBlackwing Descent
Pre-Raid Elementium Girdle of PainBoE Crafted from Blacksmithing

Legs For Unholy Death Knight DPS

Similar to our BiS belt, our BiS legs, the Sky Strider Greaves, are also randomly statted, and we are specifically looking for the “of the Earthfall” version. Due to their random stats, these greaves are hard to obtain and drop from one of the more challenging bosses of the phase, Al’Akir. However, they are exceptional in every aspect and should be a top priority. Additionally, aim for the socket bonus to help boost your hit rating.

Best Sky Strider GreavesAl’AkirThrone of the Four Winds
Optional Terrastra’s LegguardsElementium MonstrosityThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional Magma Plated Legplates
Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher
Magma Plated Legplates
Faldren Tillsdale

Feet For Unholy Death Knight DPS

Another easy choice is the DPS boots, with the only option being the Massacre Treads at item level 372. These boots have a significantly higher stat budget and far more beneficial stats compared to any other option.

Best Enchant: Enchant Boots – Haste.

Best Massacre TreadsChimaeronBlackwing Descent
Pre-Raid Woe Breeder’s Boots1650 Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale


Neck for Unholy Death Knight DPS

Things get a bit tricky here because we want Caelestrasz’s Will, which is technically a tank item. However, the socket it offers is incredibly valuable for maximizing our strength. Make sure to check with your raid team before going after this item to avoid any unnecessary drama. Remember, it’s a team game!

Best Caelestrasz’s WillSinestraThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional Cloudburst Necklace of the EarthfallAl’AkirThrone of the Four Winds
Optional Rage of Ages of the EarthfallNefarianBlackwing Descent
Pre-Raid Gift of NadunRamkahen ExaltedBlacksmith Abasi in Uldum

Rings For Unholy Death Knight DPS

For rings, we have three incredibly powerful options, with two of them being just slightly better than the third. However, the difference is so small that they are mostly interchangeable.

Best Enchant: Enchant Ring – Strength (Enchanters Only).

Best Dargonax’s SignetSinestraThe Bastion of Twilight
Best Cloudburst Ring of the EarthfallAl’AkirThrone of the Four Winds
Optional Ring of RivalryTheralion and ValionaThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional Blauvelt’s Family CrestBoE World Drop
Optional Band of Bees1250 Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale

Trinkets For Unholy Death Knight DPS

This is probably the craziest part for us. Every raid tier has some trinket or item that everyone goes crazy over. In Tier 11, it’s Heart of Rage. It’s impossible to overstate how good this trinket is. If there’s one item to get this phase, it’s this one.

Interestingly, we also want to go back to using a blue trinket, Heart of Solace, which wasn’t even pre-BiS. It works exceptionally well with snapshots, making it a better choice than License to Slay, which we spent our Valor Points on.

Keep in mind, though, that you need a large portion of the raid BiS before License to Slay becomes less valuable.

Best Heart of RageChimaeronBlackwing Descent
Best Heart of SolaceLockmaw and AughLost City of the Tol’vir
Optional Crushing WeightElementium MonstrosityThe Bastion of Twilight
Optional License to Slay1650 Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Impatience of Youth
Hellscream’s Reach Exalted
Baradin’s Wardens Exalted
Tol Barad


Weapons For Unholy Death Knight DPS

A reskin of the legendary sword from the original Nefarian encounter has made a big impact in the game with Reclaimed Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood. This is our preferred weapon due to its slow swing speed and massive amount of strength, making it perfect for a Death Knight.

Best Enchant: Rune of the Fallen Crusader.

Best Reclaimed Ashkandi, Greatsword of the BrotherhoodNefarianBlackwing Descent
Optional Akirus the Worm-BreakerMagmawBlackwing Descent
Optional Shalug’doom, the Axe of UnmakingCho’gallThe Bastion of Twilight

Sigils For Unholy Death Knight DPS

There is really only one option for Sigils: Relic of Aggramar. No worthwhile sigil exists from raids. You will use this Sigil into Firelands, but since it’s a relatively small item, you can use Conch of Thundering Waves until you have acquired all your other items.

Best Relic of Aggramar700 Valor Points
Faldren Tillsdale
Optional Conch of Thundering WavesMindbender Ghur’shaThrone of the Tides


What are the best professions for Unholy DK?

The best professions for Unholy DK are Engineering, Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting.

What is the best race for Unholy DK?

Alliance – Human , Horde – Orc.

What are the best stats for Unholy DK?

It’s Strength, Haste Rating, and Critical Strike Rating.

Is Unholy DK easy to play?

Unholy DK playstyle can be somewhat complex due to the large number of cooldowns, but it’s worth mastering.


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