Leprestore Loyalty Program

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How does it work?

Whenever you make a purchase or perform certain actions – you earn Leprecoins. Those are our inner currency that you may spend on any service our store has to offer. 100 Leprecoins = 10$. You can always check your Leprecoins balance on your account page.

How to earn Leprecoins
  1. 50 Leprecoins are gifted as a welcome for creating an account on our site.
  2. You get 3% of the purchase amount as Leprecoins. For example, if you make a purchase for 100$, you will get 30 Leprecoins (3$).
  3. There is also a referral system that will help you to top up your Leprecoins balance. Send your referral link to your friends so that they can register an account using it. Once they have an account and make their first purchase while logged in – you will get 100 Leprecoins for it. For any purchase they make after you will also get 1% of a purchase amount as Leprecoins. So if you like our service – do share your recommendations, we would be much grateful for that c;

How to use Leprecoins

It’s really simple 🙂 Choose your desired services and, once on check out, pick “Pay via Leprecoins”. Do remember that you must be signed into your Leprestore account and have enough Leprecoins for that option to become available. For example, you need 1000 Leprecoins to buy a service for 100$. That means that you can only use them to pay the full amount of your purchase. We have no partial payment via Leprecoins option for now.


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