War Within Best DPS Tier List

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Upd: 26 Sep, 2024
22 min
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Lusion DreyAuthor, pro gamer

As the new season of World of Warcraft begins, players are eager to optimize their DPS performance. However, the fun and excitement of each DPS specialization can often get overlooked. In this article, we’ll explore the DPS tier list for the War Within season, focusing on how each specialization performs and feels in 2024. We’ll delve into the fun factor, performance, and design of each spec, and provide insights on their strengths and weaknesses.

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The War Within DPS Tier List System

Damage dealers, or DPS (Damage Per Second) classes, are crucial to the success of any raid or Mythic+ team in World of Warcraft: The War Within. With the introduction of new Hero Talents and significant class changes, choosing the right DPS class that fits your playstyle is more important than ever. This guide offers an in-depth look at the best DPS classes in The War Within, complete with a tier list to help you navigate the changes and make informed decisions for your character.


These damage dealers have received significant upgrades in The War Within, making them the top picks for both raids and Mythic+. They excel across various damage types, including mass AoE, burst AoE, and single-target damage. Their consistency and ability to adapt to different situations make them the most powerful and reliable choices.


A-tier specializations are highly reliable in most situations. They offer a versatile and effective toolkit, delivering impressive damage and utility. Although they might not reach the absolute peak performance of S-tier classes, they are still strong contenders and valuable assets in any group composition.


These specializations are competent, with decent utility and survivability. While they might lack the flexibility or raw power of top-tier classes, they are still good choices for players who enjoy their playstyle. Their performance is solid, though not exceptional, making them viable but not optimal for the highest-end content.


C-tier damage dealers often struggle to compete with higher-tier classes. They tend to have weaker Hero Talents or less utility, which can make them less effective in challenging content. Players who enjoy these classes may find them frustrating in high-end content, as they may require significant buffs or reworks to shine.


Specializations in the D-tier are the lowest-ranked and face the most significant challenges in performing well. They offer limited utility, survivability, and damage output, making them difficult to justify in competitive environments. These specs may require substantial adjustments to become more viable in raids and Mythic+ dungeons.

S-TierArcane Mage, Fire Mage, Unholy Death Knight, Fury Warrior
A-TierFrost Death Knight, Destruction Warlock, Devastation Evoker, Assassination Rogue, Subtlety Rogue, Windwalker Monk, Retribution Paladin, Elemental Shaman, Enhancement Shaman, Affliction Warlock, Augmentation Evoker
B-TierSurvival Hunter, Frost Mage, Havoc Demon Hunter, Shadow Priest, Feral Druid, Demonology Warlock
C-TierBeast Mastery Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, Marksmanship Hunter, Arms Warrior
D-TierBalance Druid

Pay attention to all the buffs and nerfs, every position has changed a lot since pre-patch and release. The dynamics show that work with the balance is very active. Many classes have undergone major changes, some have been significantly weakened. We can say that no one will remain an outcast in this addon, because Blizzard is trying to give each class attention. It is also important to take into account how this or that class behaves in new pieces of content that first appeared in The War Within.

Definitely players whose class has received minor changes will not wait long until their favorite spec gets the next rebalance, but for now let’s see what’s we have Each specialization was studied for the latest rebalance patch, the dynamics of the change were studied based on parsing data and we were able to compile this teardown list for you.

The War Within Best DPS S-Tier

Arcane Mage: S-Tier

Arcane Mage is currently leading the DPS charts, earning a well-deserved spot in the S-Tier. Its performance and gameplay make it a standout specialization.

Key Takeaways

  • Arcane Mage is incredibly fun, with strong performance and a variety of gameplay options. Sunfury is a solid choice, though some players miss the Spellslinger playstyle.
  • The spec excels in numbers and overall DPS, though it may face nerfs or balancing changes in the future.
  • Despite lacking some build variety, Arcane Mage remains a top performer due to its powerful abilities.


  • Exceptional Performance – leads in DPS and offers strong gameplay.
  • Engaging Mechanics – fun to play with various damage-dealing options.


  • Limited Build Variety – lacks some variety in builds compared to other Mage specs.

Fire Mage: S-Tier

Fire Mage continues to be a top-tier specialization, providing a thrilling and dynamic DPS experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Fire Mage remains one of the most enjoyable specs, offering a range of damage-dealing options, including single-target burst and AoE.
  • The spec excels in various scenarios, with explosive damage and strong performance.
  • Fire Mage is praised for its design, allowing for different playstyles and damage types.


  • Versatile Damage – offers multiple ways to deal damage effectively.
  • Engaging Gameplay – provides a fun and exciting gameplay experience.


  • Balancing Issues – may not be perfectly tuned, but still remains a top choice.

Unholy Death Knight: S-Tier

Unholy Death Knight is the standout performer this season, earning a spot in the S Tier. Its consistent top-tier performance and engaging mechanics set it apart.

Key Takeaways

  • Unholy Death Knight offers a compelling fantasy with its ability to summon undead minions. The spec has a rich history and continues to shine with its new talent arrangements.
  • Army of the Dead and Summon Gargoyle contribute to its high DPS performance, though some players find Summon Gargoyle less appealing.
  • The spec supports various playstyles, including pet-focused, disease-focused, and burst wound builds.


  • Rich Fantasy – the ability to summon minions adds to the spec’s immersive experience.
  • High Performance – consistently high DPS across different builds.


  • Summon Gargoyle – while effective, it may not resonate with all players.

Fury Warrior: S-Tier

Fury Warrior stands out as a top-tier spec this season, with engaging gameplay and significant fun factor. It’s a standout performer in the current lineup.

Key Takeaways

  • The spec is incredibly fun, thanks to the engaging Fury Slayer tree talent’s and satisfying abilities.
  • The Fury Slayer talent’s adds significant excitement to the spec.
  • Fury Warrior has revitalized interest with its powerful gameplay.


  • Fury Warrior feels incredible and has reignited passion for the class.
  • Bladestorm and Execute are particularly satisfying.


  • None noted; currently a top-tier spec.

The War Within Best DPS A-Tier

Frost Death Knight: A-Tier

Frost Death Knight has emerged as a powerful and engaging specialization this season. Its position in the A Tier reflects its strong performance and enjoyable gameplay.

Key Takeaways

  • Frost Death Knight is incredibly fun this season. The changes to its abilities have revitalized the spec, making auto-attacks, dual-wielding, and crits highly impactful.
  • Talents like Deathbringer and Apocalypse enhance the gameplay experience significantly. Deathbringer provides dramatic scythe swings, while Apocalypse summons a powerful army to support in battle.
  • Although Frost is currently facing nerfs due to its high damage output, it remains a top contender in the DPS charts.


  • Dynamic Gameplay – the dual-wielding and critical strike mechanics add depth to the spec.
  • Hero Talents – talents like Deathbringer and Apocalypse bring exciting new dimensions to the playstyle.


  • Nerfing – the spec is subject to nerfs to balance its high damage potential.

Destruction Warlock: A-Tier

Destruction Warlock is a strong spec but lacks some of the excitement found in higher-tier options. It remains competitive with room for growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Destruction Warlock offers an engaging playstyle but has some limitations.
  • The spec is enjoyable but lacks some of the excitement found in higher-tier options.
  • The spec’s mechanics and talent choices remain somewhat restrictive.


  • Destruction plays well and is competitive.
  • Recent talent changes have been impactful.


  • The choice between Inferno and Cataclysm can be limiting.
  • Dimensional Rift could use further improvements.

Devastation Evoker: A-Tier

Devastation Evoker is proving to be a surprisingly enjoyable specialization this season. Although it might not top the list for everyone, it definitely offers a lot of fun and strong performance.

Key Takeaways

  • Devastation Evoker brings a unique playstyle, though its overall design may not appeal to everyone, particularly due to the concept of Drake. Despite this, its gameplay is engaging and enjoyable.
  • The spec performs well across various scenarios, making it a solid choice for DPS. However, there are concerns about some abilities, like Firestorm for Flameshaper tree, not being as impactful as they could be.
  • There’s hope that future updates will address some of the current shortcomings, similar to the improvements seen with Augmentation.


  • Strong Performance – good numbers and performance across different playstyles.
  • Engaging Playstyle – offers a fun and unique gameplay experience.


  • Design Issues – the concept of Drake may not be appealing to all players.
  • Underwhelming Abilities – spells like Firestorm have been underperforming and may need buffs.

Assassination Rogue: A-Tier

Assassination Rogue has become a highly enjoyable spec, potentially surpassing Frost Death Knight for some players. Its gameplay is both rewarding and fun.

Key Takeaways

  • Assassination Rogue offers a thrilling experience with Deathstalker’s tree abilities and a focus on targeting and nuking enemies. The spec excels at high damage output.
  • The ability to manage marks effectively adds depth to gameplay, though issues with target mechanics can be frustrating.
  • The rework has been well-received, making Assassination Rogue a top choice for players who enjoy a focused, high-damage playstyle.


  • High Damage Output – effective at dealing substantial damage with well-managed marks.
  • Engaging Mechanics – the spec’s focus on assassination and target management is very rewarding.


  • Target Mechanics – can be challenging when dealing with untargetable or stealthy enemies.

Subtlety Rogue: A-Tier

Subtlety Rogue remains a top choice for many players, landing it firmly in the A Tier. Its blend of single-target focus and AoE versatility makes it a standout spec.

Key Takeaways

  • Subtlety Rogue offers an exhilarating experience with abilities like Nimble Flurry, allowing for seamless transitions between single-target and AoE damage.
  • The spec excels in single-target scenarios and can effectively turn single-target damage into AoE through clever play.
  • The rework has been successful, making Subtlety Rogue a highly enjoyable and competitive choice.


  • Versatile Damage – ability to switch between single-target and AoE damage effectively.
  • Engaging Mechanics – Nimble Flurry and other mechanics make the spec enjoyable and dynamic.


  • AoE Simplicity – AoE gameplay can become repetitive with Black Powder spam.

Windwalker Monk: A-Tier

Windwalker Monk has seen an impressive transformation with its recent rework, earning it a strong position in the A Tier. The spec’s revitalized gameplay and intriguing options make it a standout choice this season.

Key Takeaways

  • Windwalker Monk has become incredibly fun to play, thanks to its rework and the various builds available.
  • While the Hero Talents are somewhat underwhelming, they don’t detract significantly from the overall enjoyment of the spec.
  • Windwalker Monk is a strong contender, almost on par with Death Knight specs, but the Hero Talents need more impact to elevate it further.


  • Engaging Gameplay – the rework has made the spec highly enjoyable with various build options.
  • Strong Fantasy – the Monk’s fantasy and lore are well-represented, adding to the overall fun.


  • Underwhelming Hero Talents – the Hero Talents could use more impact to fully realize their potential.

Retribution Paladin: A-Tier

Retribution Paladin has earned its place at the top of the A Tier, thanks to its engaging playstyle and solid performance. Retribution fans can rejoice, the class continues to shine brightly at the top.

Key Takeaways

  • Retribution Paladin is more enjoyable than Frost Mage, with Hero Talents that enhance the experience. However, it’s not quite at S-tier due to some balance issues.
  • The spec faces challenges with talents like Final Reckoning being a DPS loss compared to Execution Sentence in dungeons. Balancing single-target and AoE damage remains a concern.
  • There’s hope that future updates will address these issues and make Final Reckoning a more viable choice.


  • Engaging Hero Talents – the Hero Talents are fun and add to the spec’s appeal.
  • Strong Overall Performance – performs well in various scenarios despite some balance issues.


  • Balance Concerns – issues with talent choices affecting DPS and performance in dungeons.

Elemental Shaman: A-Tier

Elemental Shaman has made impressive strides but still has room to grow, especially in the Lightning build. The upcoming anniversary patch promises further improvements, making it a spec to watch.

Key Takeaways

  • Elemental Shaman has undergone significant reworks, elevating its playstyle and bringing it to a fun place.
  • The spec is enjoyable but not yet at its peak, especially in the Lightning build.
  • Lightning Build is still underdeveloped, necessitating the use of Fire talents for optimal performance.
  • Ascendants changes are promising for both Fire and Lightning builds.


  • The rework has improved the gameplay experience significantly.
  • Enhancement Shaman is also thriving, making Shaman an exciting class to play.


Enhancement Shaman: A-Tier

Enhancement Shaman’s resurgence is a pleasant surprise. The class’s depth and flexibility make it a strong contender this season.

Key Takeaways

  • Enhancement Shaman has surprised with its fun and engaging gameplay.
  • The variety of build options makes it a joy to play.
  • Multiple Build Options available, enhancing the overall experience.


  • Enhancement is doing well and offers a variety of builds.
  • Long-time fans of the spec will appreciate its current state.


  • The spec’s performance will need to be evaluated post-anniversary patch.

Affliction Warlock: A-Tier

Affliction Warlock is back in a strong place, with enjoyable gameplay and effective damage output, despite the changes.

Key Takeaways

  • Affliction Warlock has seen improvements, moving it up to A-tier.
  • The gameplay is engaging, with better damage and fewer frustrating mechanics.
  • Recent changes and Hero Talents have made it more enjoyable and effective.


  • Affliction now delivers good damage and feels better tuned.
  • Loss of Seed of Corruption spam has been balanced by new mechanics.


  • The removal of Seed of Corruption spam was a significant change, but the spec still performs well.

Augmentation Evoker: A-Tier

Augmentation Evoker is a strong contender this season with a unique playstyle and effective Hero Talents, though its future without these talents remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways

  • Augmentation Evoker excels despite being a unique spec.
  • The gameplay is rewarding, especially with effective Hero Talents.
  • The Hero Talents elevate its gameplay significantly.


  • Augmentation provides a fresh gameplay experience with effective buffs.
  • The spec’s performance and feel have improved.


  • The future of the spec without Hero Talents remains uncertain.
  • The class’s aesthetics and fantasy might not appeal to everyone.

The War Within Best DPS B-Tier

Survival Hunter: B-Tier

Survival Hunter has seen significant improvements this season, earning it a spot in the B Tier. Despite some issues, the rework has made the spec more enjoyable.

Key Takeaways

  • The rework has enhanced the spec, making it more engaging with a variety of resources, procs, and charges.
  • The Hero Talents are somewhat overwhelming, and the spec’s complexity can be challenging.
  • Anticipated fixes in the anniversary patch could further improve its standing and make it a close contender for S-tier.


  • Improved Design – the rework has made the spec more enjoyable and engaging.
  • Future Enhancements – expected improvements could make it a top-tier spec.


  • Complexity – the increased complexity can be overwhelming and requires a steep learning curve.

Frost Mage: B-Tier

Frost Mage is positioned in the B Tier, reflecting its current state in the DPS hierarchy.

Key Takeaways

  • Frost Mage is enjoyable for world content and delves but falls behind Fire and Arcane Mage in terms of overall excitement.
  • The spec is effective in world content but doesn’t match the performance of other Mage specs.
  • Frost Mage has seen fewer updates and remains somewhat bland compared to its peers.


  • Effective for World Content – good for solo play and non-raiding activities.
  • Reliable Performance – works well in various content types.


  • Less Exciting: – lacks the dynamic elements of other Mage specs.
  • Limited Reworks – hasn’t received as many updates and feels more static.

Havoc Demon Hunter: B-Tier

Havoc Demon Hunter finds itself in the B Tier this season. While not the top performer, it still provides a solid DPS experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Havoc offers a complex and engaging playstyle, especially with builds like Essence Break that require precise timing.
  • Despite having cool abilities in Fel-Scarred tree, the overall impact of Hero Talents feels somewhat lackluster.
  • The spec plays well but lacks the standout elements of higher-tier specs.


  • Complex Mechanics – requires skillful play, which can be rewarding.
  • Engaging Playstyle – enjoyable for players who appreciate precision and timing.


  • Hero Talents – may not fully leverage the spec’s potential.
  • Middle-of-the-Pack – doesn’t stand out as much compared to higher-tier specs.

Shadow Priest: B-Tier

Shadow Priest has proven to be more enjoyable than expected, landing it in the B Tier. The rework has made significant improvements, though some issues persist.

Key Takeaways

  • Despite initial reservations about the rework, Shadow Priest is fun to play, particularly with Mind Flay: Insanity and Voidweaver.
  • The spec excels in gameplay, though it’s not as high as Devastation Evoker. The removal of certain abilities like Mind Sear and instant Mind Spike has been a point of contention.
  • With the Voidweaver and Archon talents, the spec shows promise and can be quite satisfying to play.


  • Fun Abilities – enjoyable to play with abilities that align well with the Shadow Priest fantasy.
  • Effective Talents – talents like Voidweaver and Archon contribute to a strong performance.


  • Rework Issues – some changes from the rework, like the removal of certain abilities, are not well-received.

Demonology Warlock: B-Tier

Demonology Warlock remains a good choice but falls short of the heights reached by Affliction. It has potential with further tweaks.

Key Takeaways

  • Demonology Warlock is fun but not as high-performing as Affliction.
  • The spec’s appeal is somewhat diminished by the loss of previous features.
  • Recent changes have not fully satisfied fans of the spec.


  • New mechanics and talents are generally positive.
  • Still a solid choice for Warlock enthusiasts.


  • Doom changes did not live up to expectations.
  • The spec feels less exciting compared to its previous iterations.

Feral Druid: B-Tier

Feral Druid is a pleasant surprise this season, outshining Havoc Demon Hunter and placing solidly in the B Tier.

Key Takeaways

  • Feral Druid offers an enjoyable gameplay experience with effective damage and a strong class fantasy.
  • While the talents add some flavor, they don’t significantly impact the overall performance.
  • The spec performs well and feels engaging despite some limitations.


  • Effective Damage – good performance in combat scenarios.
  • Class Fantasy – feels true to the Druid class with its thematic abilities.


  • Hero Talents – the impact of Hero Talents is minimal compared to other specs.

The War Within Best DPS C-Tier

Beast Mastery Hunter: C-Tier

Beast Mastery Hunter currently sits in the C Tier, reflecting its struggles this season. However, there is optimism for future improvements.

Key Takeaways

  • The spec remains enjoyable with abilities like Explosive Shot and Salvo, though it faces challenges with its Hero Talents.
  • Currently, Beast Mastery’s Hero Talents are among the weakest, but changes in the upcoming anniversary patch are expected to significantly improve them.
  • With the upcoming rework and the introduction of Dark Ranger, there’s potential for a major boost in performance.


  • Engaging Abilities – fun to play with a variety of exciting abilities.
  • Upcoming Improvements – expected enhancements in future patches.


  • Current Weaknesses – the spec is currently weaker compared to others and suffers from underwhelming Hero Talents.

Outlaw Rogue: C-Tier

Outlaw Rogue finds itself in the C Tier this season, struggling with several issues that affect its overall enjoyment.

Key Takeaways

  • The spec’s potential is hampered by problems with Killing Spree and other mechanics.
  • Despite being playable, Killing Spree does not deliver the expected damage and can be risky. Bugs with Trickster and animation lockouts also affect the experience.
  • There are fixes in the works, but the current state of Outlaw Rogue limits its appeal.


  • Potential for Improvement – future updates may address current issues and enhance the spec’s performance.
  • Playability – still functional and enjoyable to some extent.


  • Damage Issues – killing Spree underperforms and can be risky.
  • Bugs and Mechanics – ongoing issues with Trickster and animation lockouts detract from the experience.

Marksmanship Hunter: C-Tier

Marksmanship Hunter is also positioned in the C Tier. While it offers some enjoyable elements, it falls short in several areas.

Key Takeaways

  • The spec is engaging with abilities like Trick Shot and Explosive Shot, but it lacks depth in Hero Talents.
  • The Hero Talents are somewhat dull, though Sentinel is a minor improvement over others.
  • The potential rework and enhancements, especially with Dark Ranger, could significantly improve the spec’s standing.


  • Effective Abilities – provides enjoyable gameplay with high-impact abilities.
  • Potential for Improvement – future changes could elevate the spec’s performance.


  • Lack of Depth – hero Talents are not as engaging, and the spec feels somewhat limited.

Arms Warrior: C-Tier

Arms Warrior struggles this season with recent changes not resonating well. It remains playable but not a top choice.

Key Takeaways

  • Arms Warrior is underwhelming compared to past performance.
  • The spec feels less enjoyable due to recent changes.
  • Recent changes have not been well-received.


  • Arms Warrior still holds a place in the heart of its fans.
  • The class remains a solid choice overall.


  • Bladestorm and Overpower changes have not been popular.
  • The spec feels disconnected from its previous strengths.

The War Within Best DPS D-Tier

Balance Druid: D-Tier

Balance Druid currently sits in the D Tier, reflecting its struggles in the current season.

Key Takeaways

  • Balance Druid is less enjoyable due to its reliance on Starfire for damage output, which can make the gameplay feel unbalanced.
  • There are planned changes for the anniversary patch, but as of now, Balance Druid doesn’t perform well.


  • Upcoming Improvements – anticipated changes may enhance the spec’s performance.


  • Unbalanced Damage – heavy reliance on Starfire detracts from overall gameplay enjoyment.
  • Current Performance – underperforms compared to other specs.

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This season in World of Warcraft, the Unholy Death Knight is the top DPS spec, offering strong performance and enjoyable gameplay. Frost Death Knight also performs well. Havoc Demon Hunter and Feral Druid are solid but less exceptional, while Balance Druid is currently underperforming.

For the War Within season, Arcane and Fire Mages are top-tier with high damage and engaging gameplay. Devastation Evoker and Survival Hunter are promising, while Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Hunters face challenges. Frost Mage performs well in niche content but is less exciting.

Windwalker Monk and Retribution Paladin provide strong, enjoyable gameplay, though they need some adjustments. Shadow Priest and Assassination Rogue are effective and rewarding. Outlaw Rogue struggles but may improve, and Subtlety Rogue is versatile and dynamic.

Choose a spec based on your playstyle preferences. This season offers a range of competitive and fun options.


What is the strongest DPS specialization?

Fire Mage leads with top-tier damage across single-target, cleave, and AoE scenarios.

Which DPS specialization has improved the most?

Wind Walker Monk has seen significant improvement with its recent rework, offering a fun and competitive playstyle.

What is the most comfortable DPS specialization to play?

Frost Mage is the most comfortable, excelling in casual play and world content with a straightforward rotation.

Which DPS specialization is the most flexible?

Fire Mage is the most flexible, handling various damage types effectively and adapting to different encounters.

Which DPS specialization is the lightest in terms of complexity?

Frost Mage is the lightest, featuring a simple rotation and easy-to-manage mechanics.


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