WoW SoD Demon Fall Canyon Guide

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Upd: 20 Sep, 2024
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter

This Demon Fall Canyon guide will explain how to unlock the dungeon, navigate through it, and defeat each boss. Added in Season of Discovery Phase 4 Demon Fall Canyon is recommended for experienced players. With six powerful bosses, this dungeon offers unique drops and new emotions.

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Demon Fall Canyon Overview

Demon Fall Canyon is a challenging dungeon introduced in the SoD Phase 4 update. It features six difficult boss encounters and requires players to complete a level 55+ quest to unlock it. Here are some key points about the dungeon:

  • Unlocking: Players must complete a level 55+ quest to gain access to Demon Fall Canyon.
  • Boss Encounters: The dungeon has six bosses, each offering unique challenges.
  • Notable Loot:

Demon Fall Canyon adds a new layer of excitement and challenges for players in the SoD Phase 4, offering valuable rewards and epic gear for those who conquer its trials. Players can ask for help to get some runes; for this, you can use our Leprestor boost service.

Demon Fall Canyon Location And Access Steps


  • Zone: Ashenvale
  • Coordinates:
    • Entrance to Canyon Area: (84.5, 75.0).
    • Dungeon Entrance: (84.3, 72.5).

Getting to Demon Fall Canyon

  • Minimum Level Required: 55.
  • Alliance Players: Use the Talrendis Point flight path in Azshara.
  • Horde Players: Use the Splintertree Outpost flight path in Ashenvale.

How to Access Demon Fall Canyon

To access the dungeon, players must complete the Demonic Deceptions quest for attunement. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Accept the quest
    • Go to the Emerald Sanctuary in Felwood.
    • To start the quest “Demonic Deceptions”, locate the Shadowtooth Emissary at coordinates (51, 82) and accept the quest.
  2. Collect Owlbeast Pineal Glands
    • Travel to Winterspring and kill Owlbeasts to collect 6 Owlbeast Pineal Glands.
    • Tip: The Berserk Owlbeasts near (63, 21) have a high drop rate for these glands.
  3. Complete the Quest
  4. Equip the Trinket
    • Equip the Shadowtooth Illusion Ward attunement trinket.
    • This trinket is necessary to see the blue dungeon portal effect and access the Demon Fall Canyon entrance.

By following these steps and equipping the Shadowtooth Illusion Ward, players will be attuned and able to enter the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon.

Map Key

  • Entrance: Starting point at coordinates (84.5, 75.0).
  • Alliance Flightpath: Talrendis Point in Azshara.
  • Horde Flightpath: Splintertree Outpost in Ashenvale.

If you’re seeking to save time, LepreStore pro-boosters can assist you in completing the Demon Fall Canyon attunement questline.

WoW SoD Demon Fall Canyon Bosses

This guide will help you unlock, navigate, and defeat each boss in the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon, a new addition in Season of Discovery Phase 4. Recommended for experienced players, this dungeon features six powerful bosses and unique drops.


Grimroot is the first boss you will encounter.

At the first fork in the path, take a left and clear any enemies you encounter. Before starting the fight, clear out any trash in Grimroot’s patrol to make things easier.

Key Mechanics

  • Corrupted Tears – Grimroot drops green pools. Don’t stand in them, as they do not increase your DPS.
  • Gloom – interrupt or kick this spell to prevent significant AoE damage to the group.
  • Tender’s Rage – grimroot enters a small rage. Tanks should kite the boss around, avoiding the Corrupted Tears on the ground.
  • Poisoned Sapling – adds will spawn. Prioritize taking them out quickly.

The Destructor’s Wraith

After Grimroot, you will find The Destructor’s Wraith.

Key Mechanics

  • Destructor’s Devastation – this move strikes three times consecutively, causing damage in lines both in front of and behind the boss.
  • Nether Nova – this attack does more damage the closer you are to the boss. Melee players should run away when it starts casting, then return to dealing damage after the cast.


Return to the main path and you will encounter Zilbagob, an imp piloting a Goblin Shredder. Zilbagob becomes accessible once The Destructor’s Wraith and Grimroot are defeated.

Key Mechanics

  • Kerosene Kick – a large flaming AoE that does significant damage and knocks you to the ground, interrupting spell casting.
  • Chaos Chopper – a smaller AoE that knocks you back.
  • Spinning Blades – these leave fire on the ground. Avoid the fire and the spinning blades.


Continue into the dungeon and head right at the Memorial for Grommash. Follow the path up, clearing trash along the way, until you reach Demon Fall Barrow. Clear the trash in the Barrow until you reach the Druid, Pyranis.

Key Mechanics

  • Summon Dread Fungus – these explode and knock you back if you get too close.
  • Summon Dread Lasher – these additional enemies heal each other and inflict damage on the entire group.
  • Enshrouding Fog – pyranis goes invisible and summons more Dread Lashers. Defeat the Lashers to remove the fog and attack Pyranis again.

Diathorus the Seeker

Continue through the Barrow Den to the end, where you will meet the Dreadlord, Diathorus the Seeker. This fight has two phases.

Phase 1:

  • Shadow Bolt – interrupt these casts.
  • Carrion Swarm – avoid standing in this.
  • Veil of Shadow – reduces healing to the group. Prioritize interrupting this ability.

Phase 2:

  • Mannoroth’s Fury – places fire on the ground. Avoid standing in it.
  • Berserker Charge: – charges at players, dealing damage and stunning them. Shamans can use Grounding Totem to cancel this attack.

Diathorus deals more damage in Phase 2, so save defensive abilities for this phase.

Hellscream’s Phantom

After defeating Diathorus, use the portal in the room to return to the Monument of Grommash for the final encounter with Hellscream’s Phantom.

Key Mechanics

  • Spiritstorm – summons shades that spin around the arena. Avoid them.
  • Fear – causes players to drop threat. Tanks should be ready to use their taunts.

Follow these strategies to defeat each boss in Demon Fall Canyon and earn unique rewards. If these challenges are not feasible reach out to LepreStore for the best assistance.

SoD Demon Fall Canyon Loot

In World of Warcraft, the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon offers a variety of valuable loot from its bosses. Here’s a list of notable rewards players can obtain.


TrinketGerminating PoisonseedGrimroot
TrinketGloaming TreeheartGrimroot
TrinketCold EmbraceHellscream’s Phantom
TrinketMiniaturized Fire ExtinguisherZilbagob
TrinketDark Heart of DarknessPyranis
TrinketAccursed ChaliceThe Destructor’s Wraith
TrinketWoodcarved MoonstalkerPyranis


FingerResin LoopGrimroot
FingerSupercharged Silver MoebiusZilbagob
FingerBurning Ring of FireThe Destructor’s Wraith
FingerPhaseshifted Legion BandZilbagob
NeckShredder Operator’s DogtagsZilbagob
BackCloak of LeavesGrimroot


Plate LegsNathrezim’s GreavesDiathorus the Seeker
Mail LegsLegguards of SacrificeHellscream’s Phantom
Leather HeadMask of the GodslayerHellscream’s Phantom
Leather ShoulderDruidic MantlePyranis
Leather FeetThorned BootsPyranis
Cloth ChestRobes of EluneDiathorus the Seeker
Cloth ChestNightmare GownHellscream’s Phantom
Cloth ChestHands of TemptationThe Destructor’s Wraith


One-Hand SwordDreadlord’s BladeDiathorus the Seeker
One-Hand AxeWarsong AxeGrimroot
Main-Hand DaggerCenarion Ritual DaggerPyranis
Two-Hand SwordDreadblade of the DestructorHellscream’s Phantom
Two-Hand AxeRepurposed ShredderbladeZilbagob
Two-Hand AxeShadow of GorehowlHellscream’s Phantom
Two-Hand PolearmSpear of DestinyThe Destructor’s Wraith
Bow RangedFallen Huntress’ LongbowDiathorus the Seeker
Held in Off-HandDreamboughThe Destructor’s Wraith
Off-Hand ShieldShield of Life and DeathDiathorus the Seeker

Let’s Sum It Up!

Demon Fall Canyon epitomizes the timeless allure of intricate dungeons within the Season of Discovery. Its intricate mechanics, the significance of acquiring high-caliber items, and the imperative of seamless teamwork make it an exhilarating challenge for adventurers. Vanquishing all six formidable bosses not only brings a profound sense of achievement but also grants access to some of the most coveted treasures in the game.


Who is the first boss in SoD Demon Fall Canyon?

Grimroot is the first boss you will encounter in Demon Fall Canyon.

How many bosses are there in SoD Demon Fall Canyon?

In Demon Fall Canyon, players must defeat s’ix challenging bosses to clear the dungeon.

Where is the entrance to SoD Demon Fall Canyon?

Demon Fall Canyon is located in Ashenvale, south of Felfire Hill and east of Demon Fall Ridge.

What’s remarkable about SoD Demon Fall Canyon?

A completely new dungeon that appeared in WoW Classic SoD. Unique bosses with their own mechanics and rewards, a completely new experience.


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