Destiny 2 Raid Report. What Do You Know About Your Rating?

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Upd: 22 Oct, 2024
3 min
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Smith GrahamCloverhatter

Raid report is a website dedicated to Destiny 2 players. It provides valuable information related to Destiny 2 raids, including stats, leaderboards, and weekly progress. Here are some key features of destiny 2 raid report:

  • Raid Clears: You can look up the number of times a player has successfully completed a raid. Whether you’re curious about your own clears or want to check someone else’s, D2 raid report has you covered.
  • Speedruns: The website tracks speedruns for all Destiny 2 raids. If you’re aiming for faster completion times, you can find inspiration from the top speedrunners.
  • Sherpas: For those seeking assistance, the raid report also lists sherpas—experienced players who guide others through raids. If you’re new to a raid or need help, connecting with a sherpa can enhance your experience.

In summary, the serves as a valuable resource for Destiny 2 players, helping them track their raid progress, compare performance, and find helpful community members. Whether you’re a seasoned guardian or just starting your journey, Raid report for Destiny has something to offer!

D2 Raid Report – Boost Your Raid Report Rankings

Today, we offer you a Raid Report boost. Our service will help you to upgrade your bungie profile in ladder! We will provide a speed run of any raid from Destiny 2 and you will get additional raid report points. Improve your position in the ladder and get even in the top 2% of the best Destiny 2 players! Get our Raid.Report carry, complete the speed run of all raids, and show your skill to your friends and all D2 players!

Destiny Raid Report Boost is possible in All D2 Raids

We will provide a speed run of any of Destiny 2 raids, as:

Preparation for a speed run can take up to a day, but a raid clear run will take about 20-30 minutes.

Within Raid options, you can find the next modes to choose:

  • Flawless runs – where nobody dies during the raid run.
  • Three-man runs – half squad runs for the achievement purpose.
  • Two-man runs – extremely hard raid runs. Usually, 2 guardians can barely stand against raid mechanics, but we know ”The Way” =).
  • Speed Runs – fast and furious. The most important part of your raid report score!

All of these modes are super hard. You will be rewarded with points (the amount determined by many parameters), in the Raid Report system by completing these achievement runs. The more points, the better rank you get.

How Destiny 2 Raid Report Boost Works

Our professional booster will log into your account and drive your Guardian through a raid. They will complete the selected activities to increase your Raid Report score. If you want a sherpa (selfplay) run, please consult the support manager via live chat.

Once the raid is completed, the boost is over, and you can enjoy your increased rank and desirability as a fireteam member.


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A Few Recommendations

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Salvation’s Edge Raid
Salvation’s Edge Raid
  • The final shape raid
  • Fast & Safe Completion
Vesper`s Host Campaign
Vesper’s Host
  • New Dungeon
  • Guaranteed Exotic!
from $69
Trials of Osiris product
Trials of Osiris
  • Weekend PvP Event
  • Flawless Passages
from $17
all raids product
All Raids Bundle
  • 9 Raids in 1 Bundle
  • Tons of Unique Loot
from $99

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