
Cataclysm Flametalon of Alysrazor

Selfplay & Piloted

Buy Cataclysm Classic Flametalon of Alysrazor and you'll get a beautiful fire raven from Alysrazor in the Firelands Raid. However, keep in mind that you can only attempt to obtain this ground mount once a week due to raid cooldowns, and the drop chance is only about 2%, which can make the process quite nerve-wracking.

Our team of professional boosters can help you save time and avoid the tedious grind of trying to obtain this rare mount. With our Flametalon of Alysrazor mount carry service, you can add this impressive mount to your collection in no time and save your precious time.

Flametalon of Alysrazor Boost Includes

ETA: is around 5-7 days.

How Cataclysm Classic Flametalon of Alysrazor Boost Works

Once you have made the payment, our support team will contact you within 15 minutes to start the boosting process. To proceed, we will need access to your WoW Cataclysm account. Before starting, we'll discuss the execution schedule and find the booster who can best accommodate your needs. Then booster will pilot your character through Firelands Raid. Once the boosting is complete, we'll notify you, or you can watch it on the stream.

Cataclysm Classic Flametalon of Alysrazor Boost Requirements

  • Cataclysm Classic active account.
  • Character 85 level.
  • This service is only piloted.


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