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How do I add my friend to my friends list?

Our Discord is Leprestore#5944, but how you can add us? Let’s keep this short and sweet. To add someone to your friends list, open it up in your client window:


Click the awesome blurple button labeled add friend:


You’ll see a small pop up window with a text box. Should look like this:


So Many Options! 

Did you know there’s a few different ways to add your friends? We’ll take a look at both, so you can choose what floats your boat. 


1.Username & DiscordTag:

If you want to add someone based on their username, you can use that window we found in the in friends list.



Adding your buddy via DiscordTag requires 3 key parts. Make sure you enter their:

1. Full Username (This is case sensitive!)

2. “#” character (fun fact: the name for this character is “octothorpe”)

3. DiscordTag (4 digits)


When you mix these all together, in that specific order, you should get something that looks this way:



Click to copy
Once you’ve done that, You’ll either get a Green message telling you your request was successfully sent, or a Red message telling you something didn’t work. If the request didn’t send properly, but sure to double check all the steps and enter it again! We believe in you. =]


2.Profile Button 

Alternatively, a super awesome easy way to add your buddy on the fly is to find the add request directly in their profile. Check out how simple this is:


A. Right click their avatar either in the user list or in the chat window:



B. Click the Profile button:



C. Click the big green button!


3.Right-Click Bonanza

Even cooler: If you travel just a bit further down the right-click menu, you’ll see the option to add your buddy directly in the menu. One click and you’re good to go!





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