Terms and Conditions

Player in «World of Warcraft» who asked to provide services (hereinafter – the Customer) on the one hand, and administration of the site Leprestore.com (hereinafter – the Contractor) on the other hand, hereinafter collectively called as – The parties have entered into the contract on the following:

1. Subject of contract

1.1 The subject of the contract are services that are provided by the Administration of the site Leprestore.com, a full list of services is available on the above mentioned site.
1.2 Before signing the Contract, Customer agrees to read the full list of services and take action to obtain services and payment under this contract.
1.3 The Customer is aware that without the signing of the contract, it would be impossible to provide the desired service to him and to cancel the contract to the conditions of the contract is impossible, and if the client refuses to receive the desired service in the process of the order, he is entitled to compensation under this contract.

2. The rights and obligations of the parties

2.1 The CONTRACTOR undertakes:
2.1.1 To ensure continuity and quality of service delivery according to customer’s specified parameters.
2.1.1 To provide full services to the Customer in accordance with the specified information on the site.
2.1.1 Do not change the pricing policy during the execution of the order.
2.1.1 To maintain confidentiality of the Customer and his character.
2.1.1 To ensure the order and amount of refunds in accordance with this contract.
2.2. The CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to:
2.2.1 Has the right to petition the courts to protect his rights under the legislation of the United States.
2.2.2 Has the right to use the receiving data in the processing of orders, including IP address and the proposed address of the CUSTOMER in the case of an unauthorized, unilateral breach of contract by the CUSTOMER and in the case of the refusal of the CUSTOMER of a peaceful settlement to the conflict to protect his rights in court.
2.3 The Customer undertakes:
2.3.1 To ensure the payment in full for services rendered to him according to the tariff.
2.3.2 Do not create situations hamper the execution of the order in full.
2.3.3 To decide disputes in accordance with this contract.
2.3.4 Give to Administration (operators) of the site Leprestore.com all requested information – the customer’s first and last name, first name and surname of the owner of the credit card which was used for the payment, the name of the character in the game, the server, the state of character up to the order (e.g. current rating of the battlefield or the arena rating, depending on the type of ordered services), the desired order, a copy of the transaction payment for service.
2.4 The Customer is entitled to:
2.4.1 To supervise in person or by trustee the process of the order.
2.4.2 During the execution of the order to abandon its future execution, and to receive compensation in accordance with this Contract.
2.4.3 Obtain all necessary information from the Administration (operators) of the site Leprestore.com

3. Settlement procedure

3.1 The entire range of services, prompt execution and pricing of services displayed on the site.
3.2 Prior to the payment Customer must accept this contract in its entirety.
3.3 Prior to the payment Customer must apply to the administration (operators) of site Leprestore.com for exact price and the period of execution of services, and to explain the form of payment – in full or in part.
3.4 Payment for services is made in full or in part for the account details on the site in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of this contract.
3.5 After payment the CUSTOMER shall provide the Administration (operators) of the site Leprestore.com all requested information to them – – the customer’s first and last name, first name and surname of the owner of the credit card which was used for the payment, the name of the character in the game, the server, the state of character up to the order (e.g. current rating of the battlefield or the arena rating, depending on the type of ordered services), the desired order, a copy of the transaction payment for service (this is done for that a refund can not be made by the CUSTOMER unilaterally).
3.6 Example of payment number 1: the customer contacts the operator and the service is fully paid for and he receives services in full. Example of payment number 2: customer decides to pay for the order in parts, such as for 2.4k RBG while agreeing with the operator the amount of payment for all services $ 240 and it was agreed that the payment will be made in four stages at $ 60 each with a condition of payment at the beginning of the first part, and every 580 ratings, and the customer paid for the last part of the payment in the 1740 ranking.

4. Liability of the Parties

4.1. In the case of a violation by one of the parties of the contract, the party shall be liable in full accordance with international law and US legislation.
4.2 In case of violation of the contract by the CONTRACTOR, the CUSTOMER shall be entitled to receive a full refund, according to the procedure specified in Section 7 of this Contract or to extend the lines of the order in exchange for a bonus offer from the CONTRACTOR. (Unforeseen circumstances not taken into account when calculating periods)
4.3. In the event of a breach of the Contract by the CUSTOMER, the money is not refundable.
4.4 In the case of ignoring by the CUSTOMER the conditions and procedures for dispute resolution in accordance with section 7 of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR in the law does not perform the requirements and use the data provided by the Customer to confirm the authenticity of the person who paid for the service, and drafting a response claim in the payment system where payment was made.
4.5 In the case of a unilateral attempt to return the funds, these actions will be treated as fraud in accordance with the Criminal Code of the US and the CONTRACTOR has the right to provide IP and other personal information about the CUSTOMER to the appropriate law enforcement authorities for further investigation.

5. Deadline of the contract

5.1. This Contract is valid from 01.01.2021 and valid till 31.12.2029.
5.2. The deadline of the Contract does not relieve the parties from fulfilling its conditions.
5.3. Any changes to the Contract may be amended only by drawing the Supplementary Contract, the parties agree mutually, individually.

6. Contingencies

6.1 In the event of unforeseen circumstances: fire, natural disaster or other circumstances independent of the CONTRACTOR, the deadline to perform the services extends by duration of such circumstances.
6.2 If unforeseen circumstances delay the process of the order on the period more than 10 days, the CUSTOMER has the right to recover his funds in accordance with section 7 of this Contract.

7. The procedure for resolving disputes

7.1 All disputes that arise during the execution of services, have a procedure of solution in accordance with this contract, any attempt to violate this procedure shall be the responsibility in accordance with section 4 of this Contract.
7.2 In the event of a dispute the CUSTOMER is obliged to contact support, whose contacts can be found on the website or through leprestore.com operator who has provides consultation before making payment.
7.3 The Customer must provide: the name of Skype of the operator who served him, a problem which was formed, the volume of orders that had to be done, the volume of orders that had been done, the date of payment, the identity of the person who made the payment, a copy of the payment transaction.
7.4 In the case does not settle the dispute by negotiation within 72 hours the CUSTOMER may apply to the arbitration system of payment system which he used for payment of services or apply to the judicial authorities of the United States.
7.5 The Customer has the right to open a dispute within 30 days from the date of payment.


8.1 The Customer has the right to know that information that was provided by him in the process of communication – the customer’s first and last name, first name and surname of the owner of the credit card which was used for the payment, the name of the character in the game, the server, the state of character up to the order (e.g. current rating of the battlefield or the arena rating, depending on the type of ordered services), the desired order, a copy of the transaction payment for service (this is done for that a refund can not be made by the CUSTOMER unilaterally), as well as the entire text written in a system of Skype will be used for appealing in the case of filling documents for resolving the disputes in payment systems or the judiciary.
8.2 The amount of compensation is calculated by the formula – the volume of orders that had to be done minus the volume of orders that had been done at the moment of opening of a dispute or a refusal by the CUSTOMER to continue to receive services (e.g. customer applied with a desire to get the service to improve the ratings, battlefield 2400 with the current rating of 0 and prepaid the amount of $ 240 for the service in full. But for some reason (he refused to tell which one) the customer refused to continue receiving the service on the 1857 ranking and demanded compensation. In this case, the amount of compensation will be assessed on the above formula: 2400 (the desired order) – 1857 (the performed order) = 543 (the amount of compensation of the service is not provided) or the cash equivalent of $240 (the desired order) – $ 185.7 (in fact, done by request) = $ 54.3 (the amount of compensation in monetary terms)
8.3 In the event of refusal of the service with the time appointed, the CUSTOMER has the right to receive compensation in the volume – 50% payment.
8.4 In case if order was not done by the fault of contractor, customer has right to get a 100% compensation and no matter how much of the service was done.


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