Home World of Warcraft Mythic Carry
Get the best Mythic boost from LepreStore and you'll get powerful endgame gear, upgrade currency, rare seasonal achievements, and more! Mythic+ is a core part of WoW that lets you get into difficult fights, compete with other players, and prepare for the most challenging encounters of the season. Experienced WoW professionals will lend you their expertise, no matter what you want to achieve!
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People usually get a WoW dungeon boost because they need the help of a professional competitive dungeon team to get more out of the dungeons than they normally would. It might seem trivial to you: just find a group, run the dungeon, and you’re done. Not so much for many other players! Let us explain.
Our services erase the most annoying parts and maximize the most enjoyable parts of running dungeons. Not everyone has the time to wait around looking for dungeon groups, or to deal with a petulant group leader kicking the tank for wiping once — or dealing with a clueless tank who keeps overpulling and wiping, for that matter. Some people value their time and their peace of mind. For those people the services LepreStore offers are the difference between all their free time going down the drain or having a great evening with their favorite MMO. Curious? You should be! Check out more World of Warcraft boost services from LepreStore! But for now, let us tell you more about Mythic dungeons.
You need a WoW M+ boost to have more fun, regardless of what part of the game is fun for you. LepreStore offers a wide variety of services that will satisfy a wide variety of gamers. Mythic+ dungeons are an endgame activity, so there’s a lot you get from it, from loot to unique seasonal rewards. Here are a couple off the top of our heads:
Gear: WoW Mythic dungeon boost is the fastest way to get geared up. Our teams can complete lots of runs quickly, and they can trade you gear that drops after the dungeon. You will also get lots of strong Great Vault picks each week. Upgrade Stones and Crests also come from Dungeons, and you’ll be getting lots of those if you beat them in time (which you will).
Seasonal rewards: Beating Mythic dungeons awards you score, which you accumulate over several months each Season. If you collect enough, you will get seasonal titles, mounts, and portals to all dungeons from the rotation. They can be pretty difficult to get if you usually focus on your collection instead of pushing difficult content. No need to compromise between the two now!
Skills and Knowledge: Running the Mythic dungeons with our team will show you how pros do it. You can learn the dungeon routes and mechanics, read their callouts, see how they deal with challenges. Mythic Plus boosting is a great way to familiarize yourself with every aspect of dungeoneering so you can become the MVP later. We also offer a coaching service, so that you can learn directly from professionals and get personal lessons.
Mythic+ dungeons are, put simply, dungeons but more difficult. During each season, a number of new and old dungeons are selected for the Mythic+ rotation. Even very old dungeons you normally one-tap in five minutes can get as difficult as the latest raid. You then activate the Font of Power with your Mythic Keystone and the dungeon becomes even more difficult! That difficulty then gets cranked up the higher on the keystone level you go. You get a Mythic Keystone for beating a Mythic +0 difficulty dungeon, so that you start at the bottom each season. A Mythic carry can help you skip that tedium, which will cut down on boring busywork.
The tradeoff for the difficulty is that you get powerful loot that will increase your power to challenge tougher dungeons, as well as compete with other players on the leaderboard. Needless to say, Mythic+ dungeons are considered essential content by most players because of the challenge and the rewards. Conversely, our M+ boost is essential for fast gearing.
You’re supposed to run Mythic dungeons in teams of 5 players, finding your group through the Group Finder. It’s the easiest and most accessible way to do it, but you’re not guaranteed to find a group that wants to run the dungeon you need. You can also look for groups on external social spaces such as Discord servers, or even join guilds. No matter how you find your group, you will always be at the mercy of your teammates, so if they can’t pull their weight, you all fail. The opposite is also true: if you haven’t learned WoW mechanics, your spec, and the entire dungeon rotation like the back of your hand, you may become the subject of the sweatiest, most Dorito-scented nerd rage. Getting a WoW Dungeon boost will guarantee you a quick run with pleasant and skilled teammates at all times.
Each World of Warcraft expansion is divided into several seasons that come with large content and balance updates. Each new season is the time when WoW Mythic boost becomes especially relevant to players. There are rewards that are only available once each season and then disappear forever, so hunting for them is a never-ending task. Blizzard also uses seasons to try new things constantly, so each season is an opportunity to experience a little bit of novelty.
Dungeon rotations usually contain an equal mix of old and new dungeons. The seasonal dungeon pools can go from all-star dungeon design bangers to unfun annoying stinkers. That makes each season distinct, but also can stump you if you haven’t played some ancient expansion and don’t know the optimal route through a maze full of angry mobs and irrelevant story bits playing themselves out. LepreStore is your best bet to learn the rotation among very pleasant teammates!
Here is the list of M+ dungeons for The War Within Season 2:
Affixes are seasonal mechanics that are added to the dungeons to make your life more interesting. They usually give buffs to enemies and debuffs to players, but they can be interacted with to avoid negative consequences or even turn the battle in your favor. The Affixes change over time to provide more interesting challenges and reflect the story of the current expansion. During The War Within Season 2 the affixes are as follows:
The affixes affect different dungeons in different ways, so there’s another layer of strategy to your weekly adventures. Some dungeons are super easy to beat with Tyrannical because of relatively weak bosses, while others are a disaster if you have a Tyrannical week. Of course, with our WoW Mythic Plus carries, every week will be a cakewalk! Our professional teams run these dungeons multiple times a day for the entire season, every season, so they are completely undaunted by any challenge. You can join them!
We already touched on the rewards you can get from Mythic dungeon carries, but let’s get into more specific details. Generally speaking, you can expect the following rewards from completing Mythic+ dungeons:
A cheap Mythic boost from LepreStore is the best way to obtain all of these rewards! Let’s get into more detail.
In every dungeon, you get a chance to receive some valuable loot. All items that drop in Mythic+ dungeons are purple rarity, and they start at decent item levels. You get higher-level items from higher-level keystone dungeons, so that you gear up on a lower difficulty and then push your way higher, equipping yourself for the challenge in the process. Mythic boosting is a great way to facilitate that process without treating the game as an obligation. Professional boosters can run high-level dungeons for you to gear up quickly.
Seasonal gear rewards start at +0 and cap out at +10 keystone levels, but most people find it easier to jump into Mythic +2. At M+2 difficulty you will earn items that are about as strong as Normal raid gear. The highest-level items you can get in Mythic dungeons are the same level as Heroic raid gear. +10 difficulty level gives you the highest-ilvl rewards.
In addition to the gear you get in each dungeons, you can open the Great Vault once after every reset. You need to fill it by beating a number of seasonal dungeons, killing a number of raid bosses, or completing a number of world activities or Delves. The higher difficulty content you do, the higher level items you can receive from the Great Vault. You can only pull out one piece from it, but having more options is better, because items are rolled randomly, and you might need a specific slot filled. Great Vault gear is much stronger than the pieces that drop from the activities you complete to fill it. That’s why you should run as many dungeons as you can on as high difficulty as you can: each week your power will increase, so you won’t be hard stuck for long. Using our WoW Mythic carries is the fastest way to farm these rewards.
Dungeons also drop seasonal Crests, which are WoW’s current upgrade currency. There are four types of Crests: Weathered, Carved, Runed, and Gilded. They are progressively more difficult to get, and are used to upgrade progressively stronger items. Each item has an upgrade track, such as Champion, Hero, or Myth. You can upgrade it to the highest item allowed in each track, so spending Crests is a vital way to increase your power. Running difficult dungeons well is your primary way to obtain both the items and the currency to upgrade them. You’ll also need Valorstones, but those are fairly easy to get, especially later in the season.
Here is the list of reward item levels and Crests for dungeons in The War Within Season 2:
Difficulty | End of Run | Weekly Chest | Crests (Timed) |
M+2 | 639 Champion 2/8 | 649 Hero 1/6 | Runed x6 (10) |
M+3 | 639 Champion 2/8 | 649 Hero 1/6 | Runed x8 (12) |
M+4 | 642 Champion 3/8 | 652 Hero 2/6 | Runed x10 (14) |
M+5 | 645 Champion 4/8 | 652 Hero 2/6 | Runed x12 (16) |
M+6 | 649 Hero 1/6 | 655 Hero 3/6 | Runed x14 (18) |
M+7 | 649 Hero 1/6 | 658 Hero 4/6 | Gilded x6 (10) |
M+8 | 652 Hero 2/6 | 658 Hero 4/6 | Gilded x8 (12) |
M+9 | 652 Hero 2/6 | 658 Hero 4/6 | Gilded x10 (14) |
M+10 | 655 Hero 3/6 | 662 Myth 1/6 | Gilded x12 (16) |
M+11 | 655 Hero 3/6 | 662 Myth 1/6 | Gilded x14 (18) |
M+12 | 655 Hero 3/6 | 662 Myth 1/6 | Gilded x16 (20) |
The gear you get from Mythic dungeons doesn’t have set bonuses, you’ll need to run the raid for those. Gearing up for the raid is easy if you buy a Mythic boost, because we can easily get highest-level items quickly and for very affordable prices!
Our Mythic+ boost is a reliable source of high M+ Score. Why should you care about some stupid score, you ask? Because it awards rare, valuable, collectible rewards that you can show off to other players, and that’s the most important part of playing the game.
When the dungeons were introduced to the game, they didn’t have any competitive aspects. People were just supposed to run dungeons, gear up, and advance to more difficult content. Before long people started scoring their dungeon runs using the Raider.io website. That became known as RIO Score, and it became such a huge part of the game that Blizzard added it to WoW.
The game scores you based on the keystone level of the dungeon you completed, and how quickly you completed it. That’s known as Mythic+ Score or Mythic+ Rating, the terms are basically interchangeable. There are leaderboards for people to compete, and various seasonal rewards that are tied to reaching specific M+ Score. Of course, there’s a WoW Mythic carry from us to get any and all of these rewards.
The rewards are given for a series of progressively more difficult achievements. Here they are:
There are several different Dungeon carries we can offer you to target a specific reward you want. We’ve got you covered regardless if you want a lower-level dungeon run to test the waters or the most difficult keystone achievement of the season. For example, you can quickly reach 2000 M+ Score with our KSM boost. Amazing title, mount, and a foothold for getting even higher on the leaderboards!
If it’s just gear you want, then you’ll get it. We can run many high-level dungeons with several teammates who have the same armor type as you. They will trade you the gear that drops to them, so that you gear up faster than you would with greedy randoms in PUGs. Just order our custom M+ run and you’ll experience our best-selling WoW Mythic carry by far!
Finally, you may want to get it all done yourself, but you need some training. Great news, our Coaching service is always available. Professional players who regularly top leaderboards and complete tons of dungeons each season also moonlight as coaches at LepreStore! They can tell you how best to play your class in a dungeon, what route to take, how to engage with particular dungeon mechanics, and more. They say you never stop learning, and we absolutely agree!
Every order you make on LepreStore is done by teams of professional players who know exactly what they’re doing. All they do is run M+ carries, and there’s usually a team ready to go at all times of the day. We will assign you one of the teams at a convenient time slot for you. You are rarely further than 15 minutes away from a fast and high-quality dungeon run.
There are two ways we can perform your Mythic dungeon boost. You can play through the dungeon yourself, or you can let a booster log into your account and run through the dungeon yourself. There are good reasons to choose either method and equally good reasons why you might not want to. You’re probably thinking of them right now, and don’t worry, we’re on the same page. Let us talk through both of the methods.
Selfplay: When you play through the carry yourself, that’s called a selfplay service. A bit lacking in imagination, but very descriptive. Selfplay services are ideal if you want to learn something, have fun knocking enemies around, and have full control over what’s happening to your character. People feel protective over their account information for a good reason, and selfplay services allow you to have complete peace of mind.
Now, the biggest downside of selfplay services is that you have to play yourself, and that requires you to make time. If you want to get something difficult, you will need to bring your A-game. It will take longer, and it may not even be possible. We’re sure you’re a mean builder and an even meaner spender, don’t get us wrong. However, professional WoW dungeoneering is a whole different ball game few people are prepared for.
Piloted: When a booster logs into your account and plays your character, we call it a piloted service. People also refer to it as account sharing, for self-evident reasons. The upside of piloted service is that your WoW mythic plus boost will continue while you’re not playing the game. You can work, sleep, bathe, hang out with your friends, go on a globetrotting adventure, or — Heaven forbid! — play another game. The rewards will accumulate without you having to spend several hours a day grinding like WoW expects you to.
Now, the obvious downside of piloted service is that you have to trust us with your account information. We understand why you might be uncomfortable doing that, but consider this: we make our money on repeat business. People need a World of Warcraft Mythic boost every week of every season, and if we scam them, they won’t come back. The boosting scene is all about reputation, and if we were into stealing people’s accounts or being negligent with them, we wouldn’t have any customers in, like, a year. Two years tops.
LepreStore has been around since 2013, and that’s a pretty long time for boosting stores. Over that time, we’ve earned over 4500 reviews at Trustpilot and an average mark of 4.9/5, which is pretty difficult. We’ve served over 150.000 boosts to over 15.000 customers. That means, many people keep ordering from us again and again, which is exactly what we want. We earn our customers’ respect by treating them with respect as well. Our repeat customers get special attention and special deals. You can trust the partnership you create with LepreStore over the years.
The people who perform your dungeon boost are the people you would want to do it the most. Our teams work at LepreStore as their full-time job, polishing their skills and gaining more knowledge with every order they fulfill. They regularly get into the top spots on the M+ leaderboards, and they get paid for being pleasant and professional. All that to help you with the frustrating and boring content you don’t enjoy!
The objective of all our services is to make you have fun and get what you want out of the games you play. We are avid gamers ourselves, so we know exactly how many different things that can mean to different players. We will help you figure out what you need, the best way to obtain it, and the most cost-effective path to that goal. When you talk with LepreStore, you talk with passionate people who understand you, and that’s why you should choose us.
Now, how about you scroll back up and browse? Better yet, drop us a line through the website chat or join our Discord. We’d love to gossip!
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All our services are provided by our own groups. So we can offer the best price and 100% money back if your experience was unsatisfying.
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