Home WoW Mounts for Sale Otto Secret Mount
Otto was one of the last hidden mounts in Dragonflight to be discovered. Getting this mount requires solving a puzzle and doing a lot of fishing. The mount is a blue ottuk, which can run on land and water. More importantly, it can wear cool sunglasses if you use Aquatic Shades before mounting!
Getting Otto is pretty tedious, and requires a lot of farming. You can always buy Otto Secret Mount boost from us, if you want to skip all the boring parts. Our pro boosters will get it for you quickly. We will livestream your order for free, if you want to make sure everything is in otter.
The first thing you need to do is obtain the Aquatic Shades toy. You can get it from the Immaculate Sac of Swog Treasures sold by The Great Swog. You will need to fish up Coins of the Isles, or get them from Lunker mobs, which is why you need 7 Renown with Iskaara Tuskarr and 25 Fishing.
Once you have the shades, you must go to the Bubble Bath Dive Bar and stand on a dancing mat with the shades equipped. Your character will have to dance until the Dance, Dance ‘Til You’re Dead debuff expires and your character passes out. After you wake up, you will get the Empty Fish Barrel.
The last part of the puzzle is filling the empty barrel with fish. You will need 100 Frigid Floe Fish, 25 Calamitous Carp, and 1 Kingfin, the Wise Whiskerfish. All these fish are found in different regions too, so it will take you a while. You need to interact with the barrel in your inventory in order from most common to most rare fish, so start with fishing the Frigid Floe. Once you have an Overflowing Fish Barrel, return to where you got the empty barrel, and then Otto will show up and give you a small quest. And there you have it!
A professional booster will log into your account. They will then complete all the necessary steps to acquire the Otto mount. Once your character has Otto, the boost is over — one way, or an otter.
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