Get WoW Power Leveling from LepreStore and get more power for your character quickly and easily. The least enjoyable parts of creating new characters is getting them to a playable state: leveling, gearing, getting essential content unlocked, tedious things like that. Our WoW power leveling services will help you skip all the grinding!

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1 Choose a service on the website and place an order
2 Fill in your character information
3 Arrange the time of your boost
4 Your boost will start right at the appointed time
5 You will receive a notification when your order is completed

Power Leveling WoW Boosting

WoW power-leveling implies bringing your char to a higher level with unusual activities or practices that are usually much more effective than the conventional ones. World of Warcraft is full of opportunities to level up your character. Although you can simply quest and enjoy the story, this leveling won’t be the most rapid one. While conducting WoW lvl boost, we follow faster ways of doing that.

And you will totally enjoy it! Players often need many alts (characters alternative to their mains) for the specific purposes, and leveling each of them can be a pure headache. Or you just wanna get to the endgame content faster on your main. These cases and many more are where WoW leveling service saves the day!

WoW Powerleveling Service. How it Works?

If you have never experienced WoW powerleveling before, you probably wonder how exactly it works and where’s the secret. It is a good concern as most people are not familiar with that mechanism and just believe there is a “magical” way to boost your character’s level. There must be a 60-70 power leveling secret somewhere!

In fact, the only magic is the experience and knowledge of the leveling mechanics our boosters share. A proper WoW level boost is a combination of questing, dungeon crawling, using the special experience-gaining items, and other things. In order to succeed, you need to know how much experience you can get with a particular technique. And our power levelers know this well! They are highly experienced players who have conducted this service many times, and possess the knowledge of the best strats and techniques useful for power leveling.

And, of course, no prohibited ways of leveling up are involved. Our managers will discuss with you the way your character will be leveled up, the timings, and any additional details that may interest you. WoW leveling with Leprestore is a transparent and easy-to-get service, and we will prove it to you!

Benefits of Power Leveling WoW Services

But do people that use powerleveling win much? Yeah, they do! If you buy leveling WoW characters, there are many boring things in the game that you are basically skipping. And it broadens your opportunities to do what you like!

Imagine spending weeks leveling your alts for the professions you may need. It takes lots of time, and the reason why you wanted a particular profession can even fade away during these weeks! With WoW leveling boost you won’t be losing precious time at all. Moreover, certain items useful for your purposes might be in your bag after the leveling has been completed!

Also, if you want to conquer the Mythic+ ratings or get into the new raid fast, reaching the endgame in no time is another benefit of WoW powerleveling. For example, you got a character with a new spec and wanna enjoy the endgame with your guildmates. With powerleveling, you can start pumping M+ dungeons with them in no time as your char will be level 70 already! The most exciting and enjoyable content is hidden in the endgame, so you will no doubt want to get there as fast as possible.

Getting these benefits is, no doubt, a good reason to ask boosters for help. And your fellow friends from Leprestore will answer the call! Here is what we offer.

Power Leveling Boosts

Each WoW leveling service is different in terms of how much time it will take, what activities will be involved, and what is required both from you and the booster. Let us briefly show you which options you have.

The most popular service today is Dungeon Leveling with which you can level up your character just nearly in 4 hours! Custom Character Leveling service will allow you to construct your own set of requirements for the leveling you order. And if you only need to gear up your char, check out Gearing Boost.

Also, you should try to get our Trading Post offer in case you want to have all the fancy cosmetics and mounts from the current month.

Reasons to Buy Power Leveling Boost From Leprestore

Here, at Leprestore, we have already helped thousands of players to level up their characters in WoW Retail and previous expansions. People enjoy our services for more than 10 years now, and it is confirmed by 4000+ reviews on Trustpilot with an average of 4.9/5.

The World of Warcraft power leveling service we offer has various advantages compared to other services or to the perspectives of leveling a character on your own. These are reliability, experience, price, and safety. We will talk about all these in further sections!

Reliable Power Leveling Service Provide

To ask for a cheap WoW leveling boost is a risk if you are not sure about the service. Today, many WoW boosting providers cannot assure you with guarantees about the safety of your account or even the quality of the service. Individual freelancers usually have no background to support their words or legally protect you, while other companies often see logging into your account as the only way as leveling you up.

It creates additional risks that you won’t face boosting with Leprestore. All members of our team are legally accounted for their actions, and also, we usually offer a self-play mode of leveling services. It means that your account will have zero risk of facing any restrictions while the World of Warcraft level boost is being conducted.

Advanced Power Leveling Strategies

Our specialists are experienced with the contemporary strategies of leveling that allow to level up your character in no time. Here are a few examples of how we usually conduct our WoW power leveling service.

Boosters at Leprestore know how and when you can use special experience-gaining items that allow you to level up 60-70 faster. For example, if there is a Darkmoon Faire event, you may get a 10% experience buff from it. It will significantly decrease the time you need for leveling, and we take it into account while conducting WoW level boost.

Apart from the strategies of questing and dungeon completing, there are certain zones today where you can level up a character fast with the right team. For example, there are strong mobs in a dungeon that can respawn, and they give incredible XP, so hitting maximum level becomes easy. That is how the Dungeon leveling we offer works, and we strongly advise you to have a look at this WoW leveling service! Hitting max level will take hours instead of days!

Get Cheap Power Leveling Boost. Pricing and Packages

At Leprestore, we think that a boosting service should be affordable to everyone depending on their needs and opportunities. That’s why each World of Warcraft level boost we offer is highly customizable and comes with different models of pricing. All of them are the cheapest we can make them without compromising on quality.

You can choose the level you need to get and at which time. There are various options depending on which service you select. For example, with Nokhudon Hold WoW leveling service, it will take nearly 4 hours to complete, while normal leveling will take 15-16 hours.

However, time is not the only factor for the price as you can also order additional services with leveling, and it will probably be the best value for you! For example, you can order a certain gear level for your character or the completion of the campaign. Such bundles are the best options in terms of prices!

Safety and Security.

Your safety is our highest priority, and that’s why there are certain measures we follow in order to ensure each World of Warcraft level boost is the safest.

First of all, we don’t use any third-party tools or software to boost your experience and character. Everything is made either by our booster or with a bit of your effort if you choose a selfplay mode. And we mostly encourage our clients to perform leveling in a self-play mode as it is a much safer option.

Also, our boosters always use premium VPNs in order to avoid any case of compromise during the service. You can be ensured that your WoW leveling service is secured with that. Check our reviews on Trustpilot to find out about how safe our services are firsthand!

The Best Customer Support.

We have experienced customer support that consists of WoW players familiar with the strategies and techniques of fast power leveling. At Leprestore, we believe that our clients should be informed about each aspect of the service, and customer support is one of the most important parts of this process. You can also place a custom order if you need something more personalized than the usual leveling we offer.

If you buy WoW power leveling services from LepreStore, we’ll be able to consult you on anything and answer any question you may have. Our support managers will be happy to tell you about every detail regarding the chosen WoW power leveling boost. And also, you can find out how we will power level your character, which are the possible additional offers that can be combined with it, or what the progress of the power leveling process is! Don’t be shy to ask us about any concerns you have.

WoW Power Leveling F.A.Q

What is the fastest way to level in WoW currently?

At the moment, it's Dungeon leveling. It requires a well-prepared group, and the leveling takes nearly 4 hours. We offer this one as a separate service.

Are there any requirements for powerleveling?

No, if you need just powerleveling, there are no additional requirements for you. Enjoy the service without any restrictions!

Which level can I get with your services?

With each leveling service we offer you can get both the maximum level (70) or the one you want. All the leveling services are highly customizable according to your needs.

What if I don’t see the leveling option I need on your website?

That is totally fine. You can contact our customer support and ask about the possible custom service you are interested in. We will do our best to satisfy your needs.

Leprestore Achievements

12 years old company
150 K completed boosts
4 000 positive reviews
4,9 TrustPilot Score
24/7 Our website is live

History &
Expertise team has been working since 2013 and successfully completed over 150 000 orders for 15 000+ customers.


Our support works 24/7 without holidays. Our support agents are professional gamers and will give you a response within 20 seconds.

Safe and
Trusted Service

We have a 4.9/5 score on Trustpilot. Our website uses secure SSL protocol and all payments go through the most safe payment systems like PayPal and Stripe.


All our services are provided by our own groups. So we can offer the best price and 100% money back if your experience was unsatisfying.


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Ivan Watkins

Good Service

Very good support

March 07, 2025


Great Team

Great team, smooth runs

February 23, 2025

Elias Bolanos

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It's a as very fast and easy and communication went well

January 25, 2025


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