WoW Arena 3v3 Boost

Excellent 4.9 of 5.0 Trustpilot
3v3 Arena Rating

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Our WoW Arena 3v3 boost will help you get to any Arena rating quickly. Getting higher CR improves your matchmaking, placing you in more skilled groups with more reliable teammates. You will also get all the PvP titles, cosmetics, Honor, and Conquest you want!

Our Arena 3v3 boost is done by the best PvP players on your server, so we guarantee a fast and high-quality service. We offer both piloted and selfplay mode to solve any problem you might be having. Wanna play some chill matches and learn the game? Absolutely! Wanna get boosted to a specific point in the WoW 3v3 ladder while you’re busy with work or social obligations? No sweat! Just wanna snag the titles and transmogs and never touch PvP again? You got it, friend!

WoW Arena 3v3 Boost Includes

  • Any Arena rank reached for you;
  • Titles and transmog pieces unlocked as you rise through the ladder;
  • Elite PvP Set fully unlocked at 1800 Rating;
  • Weapon illusion unlocked at 1950 Rating;
  • Extra PvP gearing options;
  • An extra option for the Vicious Saddle mount;
  • A lot of Honor and Conquest for arena wins.
3v3 Arena Transmog Reward for 1800 Rating

Elite Transmog Set for your class at 1800 Rating

3v3 Arena Weapon Illusion for 1950 Rating

The seasonal weapon illusion for 1950 Rating

3v3 Arena Prestige Cloak & Tabard Rewards for 2100 and 2400 Rating

Prestige Cloak for 2100 Rating and Tabard for 2400 Rating

PvP Ranks Earned in 3v3 Arena

Achievements and titles for each PvP rank earned

Vicious Electro Eel Awarded for PvP Wins Available as Extra with Your Arena 3v3 Boost

Vicious Electro Eel available as extra

We can reach the 1800 rating pretty easily no matter what. However, if you want a 2100 rating in selfplay mode, our boosters must determine your skill level during the first matches in your Arena 3v3 boost. After that, we might recommend switching to piloted mode, because in selfplay mode your boost might take way too long.

If you’re confident and want more rating, like 2400, we strongly recommend a piloted Arena 3v3 boost. If you want it in selfplay mode no matter what, reach out to the Support Agent, and we’ll figure something out.

Arena 3v3 Boost — Selfplay or Piloted?

3v3 Arena Ranks

How Arena 3v3 Boost Works

Arena 3v3 Rating Boost Requirements

WoW Arena 3v3 Boost F.A.Q

What is an Arena 3v3 boost?

An Arena 3v3 boost pairs you with pro players who carry you to higher ratings. They’ll secure wins, unlock Elite gear, and teach you strategies—perfect for players wanting rewards without the grind.

Why choose an Arena 3v3 boost?

Climbing solo is tough! A Arena 3v3 boost skips the hassle, granting titles like Duelist, Elite transmog pieces, Honor, Conquest, and bragging rights. Whether you’re hard stuck at 1500 or ambitious for 2400, we’ll get you there.

Is the Arena 3v3 boost safe?

Totally! We take every precaution developed over the years since 2013. Your account stays protected while we boost your Arena 3v3 rating risk-free. And our selfplay service is 100% safe.

How long does an Arena 3v3 boost take?

Most Arena 3v3 boosts take 1–3 days, depending on your goal. We’ll schedule sessions around your time and keep you updated every step of the way!

A Few Recommendations
Discover all
  • 2400 & 50 Arena Wins
  • Prestigious Achievement
from $774
Solo Shuffle Rating
Solo Shuffle Rating
  • Solo Queue Arena
  • Fast Rating Boost
from $29
Elite PvP Set
Elite PvP Set
  • Elite Gear
  • Seasonal Transmog
from $89
Vicious Saddle
Vicious Saddle
  • 80 Arena Wins
  • Seasonal Mount
from $154


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Ivan Watkins

Good Service

Very good support

March 07, 2025


Great Team

Great team, smooth runs

February 23, 2025

Elias Bolanos

Loved it

It's a as very fast and easy and communication went well

January 25, 2025

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