World of Warcraft Raid Carry

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Get a WoW raid carry from LepreStore, and the world's best guilds will fly through any raid you want, quickly slaying bosses, awarding you loot and achievements. You can get any rare and valuable PvE reward at a convenient time with no lengthy preparation. Professionals with tons of highly-geared characters can organize raids at many convenient time slots during day and night, so you can always get into a raid and have a fun fight!

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1 Choose a service on the website and place an order
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4 Your boost will start right at the appointed time
5 You will receive a notification when your order is completed

WoW Raiding

Raids are the absolute pinnacle PvE activity in WoW. All of the plot you experience throughout the story questlines eventually culminates in having to defeat the Big Bad Evil Guy, or several. Raids are huge climatic fights right in the heart of the enemy territory with extremely difficult boss fights against huge enemies, both in terms of size, in terms of their story significance, and in terms of their HP bar! When you crush the Scourge invasion on Azeroth and defeat the Lich King on top of his Citadel, along with bumping off his top lieutenants and the most elite mooks on the way up, that’s what a raid is all about.

Beating a raid is not as easy as just attacking enemies until you run out of enemies. Going to a raid is an entire event, for which you have to prepare. In a way, your entire playthrough of any given expansion is a long preparation for the raid. Even if you have powerful gear and plenty of consumables, raid bosses have mechanics that throw a wrench in your usual tactics. They are the most interesting fights of the expansion, and the most dangerous. You need to think on your feet, do research, and coordinate with your teammates.

Speaking of which, defeating BBEGs is a hard task for a five-man band. Modern raids support between 10 and 30 participants. In the past, raids were made for 40-player groups, but organizing and coordinating that many people is difficult. Raids are designed to be tackled by a small army of adventurers, with several tanks and several healers. Getting so many people to cooperate on your schedule is difficult, so raid carries can be a worthwhile purchase for you, but we’ll get back to that.

In addition to the design of the raid encounters, raids also have additional difficulty options:

  • Story Mode: made specifically for solo play, shorter raid with simplified mechanics and NPC teammates, awards no raid loot and exists to tell you the story and let you complete quests;
  • LFR: the lowest difficulty, lets you queue up with random players in PUGs, awards the weakest items and few achievements;
  • Normal: the difficulty for beginner raiders and early season, awards decent gear, lets you get most achievements;
  • Heroic: increased difficulty, more boss mechanics, strong gear rewards, additional collectibles and achievements;
  • Mythic: the highest difficulty, even more boss mechanics, pinnacle season gear, rarest achievements and collectibles;

Winning a fight this hard means you get commensurately valuable spoils! Even beating a couple of bosses on Heroic or Mythic difficulty can increase your character’s power and give you some rare goodies to flaunt. If you defeat the entire raid, there’s strong gear, cool mounts, and rare achievements in it for you, that’s why a raid service is so rewarding. In fact, why don’t we go into more detail, since the rewards are what you’re probably looking for the most?

WoW Raid Rewards

Beating the raid rewards the players handsomely. Raid bosses drop the strongest gear you can find in WoW. The incredibly powerful Legendary weapons require beating the raid as well, often many times. You also get many different rare collectibles, such as mounts, transmogs, and battle pets. Many of them are very sought-after, even long after the raids become obsolete. Collectors want them because of what they mean to players narratively, how rare they are, and how cool they look. Many collectors get WoW raid carries from us to get these valuable items without having to farm them for months or even years.

Getting these rewards can be as easy as beating a boss once or as difficult as being the first team in your region to clear the raid on its highest difficulty. Most fall somewhere in the middle, and will require you to run the raid several times for RNGesus to bless you. You also get better rewards and higher chances to get rare drops on higher difficulties. However, beating a Mythic raid is extremely difficult even for experienced guilds. Our raid boost is the only guaranteed shot many players have of beating the Mythic raid and farming these rewards.

Gear and Loot — Boost Your Character’s Power!

Raid gear is very strong, and Mythic raid gear is the strongest bunch of items of that raid’s expansion or patch. If you get a mix of Heroic and Mythic items, your character will become able to push into the most difficult PvE fights of the season: any Delves, any outdoor activities, high-level Mythic dungeons, or more raiding. Getting this ultimate set of gear is not easy and it’s not quick, so you’ll probably be at it for the entire season. Of course, you can use our WoW raid boosting to shorten the grind significantly.

Each raid in the game also has Tier sets: special sets of armor made for each character class. They are visually stunning, with cooler effects and more complex geometry than other items. The sets accentuate the fantasy and vibes of each adventurer. For example, a Paladin set will make you look like a religious crusader with impenetrable full plate armor, while a Rogue set will make you look like a menacing bandit king. Better still, if you wear 2 or 4 pieces together, Tier sets give you strong bonuses. They will empower your spec’s abilities in addition to giving you armor and stats. Tier sets only drop in raids, and each of the four difficulties has separate sets, each with a different tint. Collect ’em all!

Sometimes you can even get a legendary weapon from the raid. Legendary weapons are extremely rare and give you extremely strong bonuses. They are difficult to get and require completing quest chains to fully assemble, which usually require running the raid multiple times and crafting something using Profession skills. Historically, Legendary weapons have been entire projects that guilds would spend weeks on to outfit a handful of their members. Legendary weapons have lore significance too, making your fights even more narratively dramatic. They also look awesome, so you can transmog other weapons with awesome skins! We can help you get them with services like Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy farm and Fyr’alath, the Dream Render farm. Check them out!

The Great Vault — Get the Best Weekly Gear Piece!

The Great Vault lets you obtain one piece of real strong gear, if you complete various activities throughout the week. Beating raid bosses fills up to 3 slots in the Great Vault, depending on how many you defeat. After the weekly reset, they roll an item from the raid difficulty you filled the Vault with. That means, you are always guaranteed a very strong item each week, even if you were unlucky in your raid run. Beating even 2 bosses gives you a Great Vault item, so you should always push the higher difficulty. Even if you can’t beat the entire thing, you’ll get a valuable gear upgrade out of it. Getting our WoW Mythic raid boost will give you three weekly gear rolls, so you can fill all your slots with Mythic raid gear decently fast.

Collectibles — Catch Them All!

Gear is cool and all, but let’s get to the real WoW endgame: fashioncrafting and collecting mounts. Raids allow you to collect tons of rare mounts, assemble awesome transmog sets, Titles to go with them, and even battle pets. The current raid is difficult to farm because of how powerful every NPC is, so you have to lock in every week to farm the items you want. However, getting the collectibles from older raids is difficult too due to abysmal drop rates. So what if you can one-shot every boss in Return to Karazhan? You’ll be running it week after week for your 1% drop. That’s also something our WoW raid boost can help with.

Raid Achievements and You — Flaunt your Glory!

Being the capstone PvE content in each patch, raids naturally have plenty of achievements for you to hunt. You will get achievements for each boss defeated on each difficulty. You also get achievements for engaging with boss mechanics in some specific and more challenging way. For example, when the raid offers you help from some friendly NPCs, you can refuse it, beat the boss, and get an achievement for it. Then there are Feats of Strength for doing extra difficult stuff, which you’ll have a hard time getting without our WoW raid carries. There’s plenty to do, and plenty of rewards for it! Here are the most important and notable ones:

  • Raider Glory: a meta-achievement you get for earning all those raid achievements for extra convoluted completion. They traditionally award a cool-looking raid-themed mount to show off your mastery of the raid mechanics;
  • Ahead of the Curve: also known as AOTC, a Feat of Strength for defeating the last boss of the raid before the next raid releases. It’s considered an essential achievement for a raider, and many groups require you to have it before they let you join, so that they’re sure you know what you’re doing;
  • Mythic Last Boss: defeat the last boss on the Mythic difficulty, and you’ll get a title, such as the Darkener or Titanslayer — you know, really tasteful and subtle stuff;
  • Cutting Edge: defeat the Mythic last boss before the next raid releases while the boss is at the pinnacle of power, and you get the Cutting Edge Feat of Strength. Few people get it every season, so it’s something to brag about;
  • Hall of Fame: a very limited Feat of Strength that is only awarded to the first 200 teams in the entire world to beat the Mythic raid. If you want to get this, you’ll be competing with the best raiders in WoW!

No matter which ones of these you are gunning for, there’s a WoW raid carry service we can offer to make it a lot less annoying for you!

WoW Raid Loot Modes

Currently, WoW Retail raid looting works in Group Loot mode. That means you can roll Need or Greed (or Transmog, as the game calls it now) for each item that drops from a boss with the rest of the raid, and you automatically Pass on things your character cannot use. You can only select Need if it’s an item you can equip, and if it’s stronger than the item you currently have in the slot. The game rolls a random number between 1 and 100, and the person who rolls the highest gets the item. If someone selects Need, people who chose Greed will lose the roll. If nobody Needs an item, Greed is rolled according to the same rules. It’s simple enough and it works decently well for balanced groups. Moreover, people can trade items with their group during or a little after the raid. Even if some mistakes or bad rolls happen, people can always discuss the loot and trade among themselves. Or not! Sometimes people are absolute loot goblins and will tell you to pound sand after they win their roll. That’s part of gaming and, indeed, part of life.

Now let’s get a little technical. We promise it’s important!

The amount of gear that can drop from each boss depends on how many people are in a raid. Specifically, how many people who haven’t looted that specific boss that specific week. They are called unsaved characters. Every unsaved character increases the chance that the boss drops a piece of gear by 20%. That means, 5 unsaved characters guarantee that 1 item drops. However, the chance doesn’t cap out at 100%. If there are 20 unsaved characters, the raid will get 4 items. If there are 23, the raid will get 4 items and a 60% chance of the 5th also dropping. All that loot goes in the pile, and you roll for it, as we described above.

Once you loot the boss, your character becomes saved for that boss, and if you defeat it again, you gain nothing, and you do not contribute the 20% loot chance to the rest of the raid. That’s why people prefer to do loot runs with unsaved characters to maximize their chances of getting strong items.

With that in mind, LepreStore raid boosts feature four loot modes:

  • Group Loot: you roll for items like you would in a normal non-boosted raid. We do not guarantee any number of unsaved characters either. This mode is usually very cheap, and it’s great for learning the raid, getting achievements, and farming mounts;
  • Unsaved Group Loot: the same as Group Loot, except we guarantee a number of unsaved characters so that more items drop to the raid, and you have a better chance of winning rolls for items you need. It’s a more expensive option than regular Group loot, but it’s still quite affordable;
  • Armor & Token Priority: you will be the only customer in the raid with your armor type, and the raiders will trade you armor you can equip. Moreover, you will get all Tier Tokens for your armor type, so that you get your Tier Set faster. You will roll with the other customers for off-set items such as Necks or Trinkets. We can guarantee different numbers of unsaved characters for more loot, but it will be pretty expensive;
  • Full Loot Priority: you will be the only customer in the raid, and you will get everything. We can guarantee different numbers of unsaved characters for more loot. This option is quite expensive, but if you splurge on it, you’re guaranteed tons of items.

For example, if you get a full WoW heroic carry in Full Loot Priority mode with 20 unsaved characters, you’ll get 4 items from each boss, and in an 8 boss raid that comes out to — holy moly, how many?! You’re never getting this much gear in pugs, that’s for damn sure!

Why Should You Buy WoW Raid Carry?

Raiding in itself is tremendous fun, and very rewarding, as we discussed above. However, it’s everything around raiding that can be a huge nasty fly in the ointment. Raiding with pugs is only viable if you run LFG difficulty, Normal at most. Higher difficulties require coordination and knowledge to get around the mechanics, which some random Joe Schmoe won’t bring to the table. We’ve seen far too many raiders wipe once and peace out, dooming the rest of the raid to finishing early or sitting around for 30 minutes looking for more mates. Twiddling your thumbs while the RL is furiously typing in chat, now that’s gameplay!

If you want to tackle higher difficulties without resorting to buy raid boost, you should have around 30 pals that would all set aside 3-4 hours a week to do one raid. Who has the time for that these days? Who even has 30 friends to play the same game with? No, what you need is a guild. Except, how would you even find a good guild, how would you figure out if they’re any good, how will you find the time to vet all these people and conform to their schedules?

You see what we’re getting at, right? Our WoW raid boost service will let you completely bypass all that nonsense. Just pick a time you’re free, pick which raid you want, pick how much loot you want, and then get invited. Competent and pleasant raiders will run the raid like a team of professionals, which they are. The teams that provide World of Warcraft raid carries know exactly what they’re doing. You can learn a thing or two from them while you run the raid, so that next time you know the route to take and the mechanics of the fight. All you need to do is tag every boss and deal damage until loot falls out.

No guilds, no Raid Finder, no drama, no waiting around, no BS!

WoW Raid Carries We Offer

The WoW raid services we can provide for you are pretty diverse and customizable. There are raid runs, boss kills, achievement hunting, mount farming, and more. Let’s see what we can do for you.

Full Runs On Any Difficulty!

The bread and butter of LepreStore are our raid loot runs. We can do Normal raid and Heroic raid runs pretty much from the start of each season. By mid-season we’ll offer Mythic raid runs as well after our teams gear up and learn the mechanics. Our raid carry can even be pre-ordered ahead of season launch if you want to get raiding as soon as you can.

Achievements, Mounts, and Titles — Show Off!

Getting Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge Feats of Strength is easy with our help! You can schedule your run with a guild of professionals and get the achievements in a matter of hours instead of months.

Last boss kills also award you the cool title and have a chance of dropping the last boss mount to the raid. Yes, we can trade you the mount in the Mythic raid carry! You’ll be fully equipped to flaunt your achievements to random onlookers without having to deal with any annoying social dances.

Boss Kills and Bundles — Earn More, Pay Less!

There is no need to pay for the whole run if you just need the one boss. WoW raids usually award the best stuff for killing the last boss, and we’re happy to oblige. We’ll summon you to the fight with the last boss, so you don’t have to run the entire rest of the raid beforehand. Your time is valuable, after all!

What, is rolling for raid gear not enough for you? You got one lame Trinket and you want more? We know the feeling! With our bundles you can get discounted Mythic dungeon runs when you buy WoW raid boost from us. Roll for more gear on the cheap and come back stronger the next time!

How Raid Boosting Works

So how exactly does a WoW raid service work? It’s pretty simple:

  1. You choose what you need
  2. You select the time slot, the loot distribution type, and whether you need additional options
  3. We take care of all the details on our end and contact you if needed
  4. Boosters invite you to the raid group
  5. You enjoy yourself in the raid and get the rewards!

Our WoW raids are primarily done in selfplay mode, which means you will be playing through the raid on your own character. That mode is the safest, the most flexible, and the most convenient for the majority of our customers. However, if you want your weekly raid rewards without having to run the raid, we can do it in piloted mode as well. A trusted booster will log into your account and run the raid in your place. You’ll still get the same rewards while you’re away from the game, doing your own thing. How convenient is that?

Why Leprestore?

Here’s a couple of reasons why you should get your raid services in World of Warcraft from LepreStore. First of all, we’re a super old boost store, in operation since 2013. That’s a pretty long time in our line of work. During that time we’ve fulfilled over 150.000 orders from over 15.000 customers. That’s right, this ratio means people keep coming back for more! You can see for yourself on our Trustpilot: we have 4.9 out of 5 stars because we satisfy our customers’ needs and serve their interests, every single time.

When you buy WoW raid at LepreStore, you buy from people who love games as much as you do, and know exactly what you need. All of our support agents are real people with years of experience as well, and we’ll always talk to you about anything. We manage your orders from start to end, and we extend personal attention to every customer. People who shop with us forge a solid boosting partnership that we work very hard to uphold. Blood of the covenant, all that jazz. Our return customers enjoy great deals and friendly bants.

We want you to enjoy World of Warcraft and WoW raids, in particular. Everyone deserves to, and there should not be an obstacle between you and having a good time with the games you love. Drop a line to your buddies at LepreStore, and we will fix it!

World of Warcraft Raid Carry F.A.Q

What is raid boost in WoW?

WoW raid boost is when experienced groups invite you to run the raid with them and get valuable rewards you shouldn't be able to get otherwise. It's something we do for people like you so that you can have a better time with WoW!

How many raids can you do a day in WoW?

You can do any number of raids per day, but each raid has a one-week loot lockout. That means, each boss will only drop loot to you once a week. The lockout refreshes during the weekly reset on Tuesday.

What is the max raid size in Heroic WoW?

The raid group size for Heroic mode can be up to 30 people.

How long does a WoW raid take?

It depends on your group, coordination, level of skill, and the goal. If you just want to make a full run in the recent raid, it can take 2-3 hours for a relatively prepared group to complete it. However, boosters will do any raid run for you much faster.

Leprestore Achievements

12 years old company
150 K completed boosts
4 000 positive reviews
4,9 TrustPilot Score
24/7 Our website is live

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Expertise team has been working since 2013 and successfully completed over 150 000 orders for 15 000+ customers.


Our support works 24/7 without holidays. Our support agents are professional gamers and will give you a response within 20 seconds.

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Trusted Service

We have a 4.9/5 score on Trustpilot. Our website uses secure SSL protocol and all payments go through the most safe payment systems like PayPal and Stripe.


All our services are provided by our own groups. So we can offer the best price and 100% money back if your experience was unsatisfying.


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Ivan Watkins

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Very good support

March 07, 2025


Great Team

Great team, smooth runs

February 23, 2025

Elias Bolanos

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It's a as very fast and easy and communication went well

January 25, 2025


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