
MoP Remix Mounts For Sale

Selfplay & Piloted

Buy Pandaria Remix mounts from Leprestore, and you will receive any mount you want quickly and easily. You can take the new unique mounts with you into WoW Retail, so you should collect them all! The only downside is you have to farm a lot of Bronze to buy them out, or farm Pandaria content extensively to get them to drop.

Buy the Mists of Pandaria mounts from us, and we'll farm enough Bronze to obtain any of the mounts you want. Your collection of mounts will be enriched while you're doing something else.

MoP Remix Mount Boost Includes

  • Any of the available mounts obtained for you.

Pandaria Remix Mount List

Pandara Remix adds new mounts or returns those that were rendered unobtainable in the past. Here is the list:

Mount Cost
Reins of the August Phoenix Time Trial
Reins of the Astral Emperor's Serpent Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Sky Surfer 2200 Bronze
Golden Discus 2200 Bronze
Mogu Hazeblazer 2200 Bronze
Feathered Windsurfer String 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Pale Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Rose Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Silver Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Palehide Mushan Beast 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Black Riding Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Kafa Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger 4400 Bronze
Cobalt Juggernaut 4400 Bronze
Fel Iron Juggernaut 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Bloody Skyscreamer 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Night Pterrorwing 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Jade Pterrordax 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Amber Pterrordax 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Marble Quilen 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Guardian Quilen 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Dashing Windsteed 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Forest Windsteed 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Daystorm Windsteed 6600 Bronze

There are also old and difficult to obtain mounts available for purchase with Bronze. Here is the list:

Mount Source Cost
Reins of the Slate Primordial Direhorn Zandalari Warbringer 18700 Bronze
Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent Elegon 18700 Bronze
Spawn of Horridon Horridon 38500 Bronze
Son of Galleon's Saddle Galleon 38500 Bronze
Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn Oondasta 38500 Bronze
Clutch of Ji-Kun Ji-Kun 38500 Bronze
Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent Huolon 38500 Bronze
Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent Sha of Anger 38500 Bronze
Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent Nalak 38500 Bronze
Kor'kron Juggernaut Garrosh Hellscream 38500 Bronze
Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent Alani 50000 Bronze

How Pandaria Remix Mount Purchase Service Works

A pro booster will log into your character and farm as much Bronze as you need. Once your character has the mounts you want in your Collection, the Pandaria Remix mount boost is complete. Enjoy!

Boost Requirements

  • Mists of Pandaria Remix must be active.
  • This service is done in piloted mode only.


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