Our Drake Racer Silks Set will help you get the dragonriding-themed transmog set without participating in the Dragonriding Cup. Normally you would have to complete dragonriding time trials during Dragonriding Cups to earn Riders of Azeroth Badges, but we want to offer a quick and convenient alternative.
If you want to get this set, but don’t enjoy dragonriding races, can’t spare enough time during the limited-time event, or don’t want to grind races for any other reason, we’ve got your back. Just order the Drake Racer’s Silks carry, and we’ll do it for you during the Eastern Kingdoms Cup event.
The Drake Racer’s Silks unlock service will take around 3 hours.
You can get Drake Racer’s Silks by participating in the Eastern Kingdoms Cup event and earning Riders of Zaeroth Badges. Maztha in Valdrakken is the quartermaster for the event, and she sells all of the cosmetics. Here’s the list of items and their prices:
Of course, the fastest way to get this set is to buy the Drake Racer’s Silks from Leprestore! After you order this boost, we’ll farm enough currency to buy all of these pieces, and you won’t have to lift a finger.
A professional booster will log into your account between August 15th and August 28th and participate in the Eastern Kingdoms Cup. Once they’ve earned at least 105 Riders of Azeroth Badges, they’ll purchase the set for you. Once your character has this set in the collection, the Drake Racer’s Silks set boost is complete. Enjoy showing off!
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