
WoW Time Rift Boost

Selfplay & Piloted

Our WoW Time Rift boost can help you complete Time Rift events and get transmogs, weapons, armor, trinkets, time mount drops, pets, Soridormi rep, and achievements. Time Rifts can be completed once every hour, so doing enough to earn any valuable rewards can take a while.

Our Time Rift boosting service will complete any number of Time Rifts while you're away from the game, so that you accumulate rewards without wasting time. We can complete the service over several weeks to get guaranteed 402 ilvl item sets for your alts too!

WoW Time Rift Boost Includes

  • As many Time Rifts completed as you want.
  • An option to stagger Time Rift runs over up to 6 weeks to earn Dilated Time Capsules.
  • Paracausal Flakes currency.
  • Soridormi reputation.
  • A chance to get 402 ilvl items.
  • A chance to get transmogs.
  • Anything else that drop during the service.

Every Time Rift takes 20 minutes at the top of each hour. The Time Rift boosting service starts 30-60 minutes within placing the order.

WoW Time Rift Rewards

Time Rifts feature seven alternate realities with their own visual themes and lore:

  • Azmourne - Scourge conquered Azeroth;
  • A.Z.E.R.O.T.H. - King Mechagon wiped organic life off Azeroth;
  • Azmerloth - events went like normal, but everyone is a murloc;
  • Azewrath - Burning Legion conquered Azeroth;
  • Azq'roth - Black Empire conquered Azeroth;
  • Warlands - Alliance and Horde escalated their war over Azeroth;
  • Ulderoth - Titans conquered Azeroth;

Each of the seven timelines can be invaded during the Time Rift event, and each has an associated vendor in Tyrhold Reservoir. There are a lot of new transmogs, items, pets, and mounts, each associated with the alternate timeline. You can find these items as boss drops, or purchase them for Paracausal Flakes, which are also earned in Time Rifts.

Time Rifts are also a source of Bronze Dragonflight gear sets that start at 402 ilvl and can be upgraded to 424 ilvl. That makes it a perfect way to gear up alts (and collect a transmog set). To go with armor, you can also find Bronze and Infinite Dragonflight weapons of the same ilvl.

If you want to purchase the armor set or the weapons, each one will cost 1 Dilated Time Capsule. You can only get one Capsule per week for completing the When Time Needs Mending weekly quest. That's quite the grind, so we offer to split the WoW Time Rift boosting service over several weeks to get this resource and buy a full set of gear, if you want it.

WoW Time Rift Achievements

Time Rifts also have 8 achievements:

Time Rift Achievements
Verified Rifter Chronograde Connoisseur
Just Following Chronological Orders Legend of the Multiverse
Minute Menagerie Collapsed Reality
Lock and Load To All The Squirrels I've BEEN Before

These achievements don't have any associated rewards, and they'll eventually get completed while farming the Rifts. That's why our Time Rifts carry doesn't include a guaranteed completion, but if you want these achievements anyway, feel free to discuss it with a support agent!

How Time Rift Carry Works

A professional booster will log into your account while you're not playing WoW. They will farm the Time Rifts until they've completed the number you selected. Once they've done that, the WoW Time Rift carry is complete.

Service Requirements

  • Level 70.
  • The service is possible in piloted mode.


  • Select the Number of Time Rifts

    Select the Number of Weeks

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