
WoW Dragonriding Talents Unlock

Selfplay & Piloted

Dragonriding is a new skill dedicated to flying your own custom drake mount in Dragon Isles. You will learn it shortly after getting there and starting the main quest. However, unlocking all the associated talents will take some doing.

Buy the Dragonriding Talents Unlock boost, and you'll get fully unlocked Dragonriding talents quickly and with no grinding. You'll be able to customize your mount right away and use it to its full potential. Our professionals will do it quickly and safely — you can even check up on your order with a free livestream.

WoW Dragonriding Talents Unlock Boost Includes

Dragonriding Skill Carry Requirements

  • This service is done in piloted mode only.

How to Unlock Dragonriding Talents

To unlock all Dragonriding Talents, you have to collect Dragon Glyphs across the Dragon Isles. It isn't particularly hard, but it's designed to be a Dragonriding challenge. You must collect and spend the Dragon Glyphs on the talents in ascending Tiers.

Dragonriding Talents List

Talent Tier Description Cost
Drake and Rider Training 1 Your Vigor is increased to 4. 1 Dragon Glyph Embers
Redirection 2 While moving at low speeds, Surge Forward's effectiveness is increased by up to 122%, decreasing as speed increases. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dynamic Stretching 2 Your Vigor regeneration rate is accelerated to 1 Vigor every 25 sec while grounded. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Thrill Chaser 2 Thrill of the Skies generates 1 Vigor every 10 sec. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Ohn'ahra's Gusts 3 Surge Forward evades Scalechillers, Scalechargers, and other obstacles encountered in time trials and races for 1 second after being used. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dragonrider's Initiative 4 While dragonriding at middle speed and above, you gain stacks of Dragonrider's Initiative, up to 10. When landing at mid-to-high speeds, you create a shockwave, damaging enemies for [Attack power * 0.72 * (1 + Versatility) / 10] per stack, split among them, and disorienting them for 3 sec. Landing at low speeds cancels Dragonrider's Initiative. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dragonrider's Compassion 4 While airborne on a Dragon Isle Drake, you gain stacks of Dragonrider's Compassion, up to 10. When you dismount, you gain a shield worth 1% of your health and gain 1% movement speed per stack, lasting 30 sec. 3 Dragon Glyph Embers
Restorative Travels 5 Your Vigor regeneration rate is accelerated to 1 Vigor every 20 sec while grounded. 4 Dragon Glyph Embers
Airborne Tumbling 6 Whirling Surge evades Dragonbane Wingshredders and dismounts airborne enemy players.. 4 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dragonriding Learner 7 Your Vigor is increased to 5. 4 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dragonrider's Cultivation 8 Gathering herbs or minerals increases your Vigor recharge rate by 10% for 10 sec. 5 Dragon Glyph Embers
Dragonrider's Hunt 8 Defeating an enemy increases your Vigor recharge rate by 10% for 3 sec. This effect can only occur once every 10 sec. 5 Dragon Glyph Embers
Beyond Infinity 9 Your Vigor is increased to 6. 5 Dragon Glyph Embers
Yearning for the Sky 9 Your Vigor regeneration rate is accelerated to 1 Vigor every 15 sec while grounded. 5 Dragon Glyph Embers
At Home Aloft 9 Thrill of the Skies generates 1 Vigor every 5 sec. 5 Dragon Glyph Embers

How WoW Dragonflight Dragon Glyphs Boost Works

A pro booster will log into your account. They will then collect all the Dragon Glyphs to fully unlock Dragonriding talents. Ride free!


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