Destiny 2 Exotic Catalysts

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Destiny 2 has no shortage of guns. Exotic guns are ones you want to keep an eye out for. Upgrade your favorites exotic guns to masterworked with catalytsts. We offer the complete collection of Catalysts for every weapon in the game and sale it at the best prices. We're here for you to beat the grind and skip to the fun part!

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Destiny 2 Catalyst

Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 have all sorts of cool features. Starting from their amazing designs revolving around plot-heavy themes, moving on to their high stats, and finally arriving at a variety of cosmetic options, they’re a must for any self-respecting Guardian. In addition to all that, as you probably know, it is possible to find and equip Catalysts for your Exotic weapons.

All Catalysts are unique to the weapons they are for, and they are designed specifically to extend the playstyle that the Exotic is aimed at. They either provide a very noticeable increase to weapon stats or give unique perks to the weapon. For example, there is a Catalyst for the Huckleberry SMG that instantly reloads the magazine on kills. You can probably imagine that it allows you to pour lead downrange forever, as long as you keep killing enemies and have enough ammo in the bags. Put simply, Catalysts are very powerful, very sought after, and very fun. That said, they’re also a huge pain to find and Masterwork. That’s why we offer a Destiny 2 Catalyst farm service, so you don’t have to.

Masterwork Catalyst

For the Catalyst to work at full capacity, you don’t only have to find and equip it, but also Masterwork it. Masterworked weapons drop Orbs of Power on multikills, which expands your options in combat, tracks your kills, and some give unique perks. To Masterwork a Catalyst, you must complete an objective that is tied to it. These objectives are usually pretty simple, but grindy. Most require you to kill a ton of enemies, sometimes with specific types of damage, with precision kills, with a specific perk, or in a specific game mode. There are also some very specific quests, such as the Rat King’s requirement for everyone on your fireteam to also use the Rat King. Say you don’t have a fireteam that has nothing better to do than help you grind out the Rat King Masterwork? We offer a Destiny 2 Catalyst Quest boost service for exactly that occasion. Aren’t you glad you have cool friends like us?

Let’s discuss particular Catalysts for some of the strongest guns in the game to date. You might even pick out your next favorite gun. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Hawkmoon Catalyst: acquired from the Harbinger quest and Masterworked by getting 700 kills. If Masterworked, increases magazine size and greatly increases stats based on Paracausal Charge stacks.
  • Outbreak Perfected Catalyst: unfortunately, it’s currently unobtainable. If it ever does become available again, it will give bonus nanite damage.
  • Riskrunner Catalyst: acquired from the Pain and Gain quest and Masterworked by getting 500 kills and 50 Arc Conductor kills. The Catalyst greatly increases its range.
  • Sleeper Simulant Catalyst: acquired from completing Nightfall Ordeals and Masterworked by getting 300 kills. It lowers the charge rate of the weapon and increases ammo reserves.
  • Rat King Catalyst: already discussed above, it is acquired from Nightfalls and Strikes and Masterworked by getting 1000 kills while everyone on your fireteam is also using it. The Catalyst increases accuracy and heals on perk activation.
  • Hard Light Catalyst: acquired from Nightfalls and Strikes and Masterworked by getting 1000 kills. It greatly increases the gun’s stability.
  • Leviathan’s Breath Catalyst: acquired by killing powerful enemies and Masterworked by getting 1500 kills. Increases the ammo reserves.
  • Whisper Of The Worm Catalyst: unfortunately, it is unavailable at the moment. If it ever comes back, it will increase range and accuracy for aiming through the scope for 3 seconds or longer.
  • Telesto Catalyst: acquired by completing Legend or Master Lost Sectors and Masterworked by getting 300 kills. It increases both the magazine size and ammo reserves.
  • Sturm Catalyst: acquired by getting kills in PvE game modes and masterworked by getting 500 kills both on Sturm and Drang. It increases range and handling.
  • Worldline Zero Catalyst: acquired by killing enemies in PvE while having a sword equipped, and getting 300 kills. It reduces the activation time for the Tesseract perk.

Destiny 2 Exotic Catalysts F.A.Q

How do you get Catalysts in Destiny 2?

There is a number of ways to get Catalysts. Most of them drop from various activities and kills, while some are acquired from quests. Your best bet is to look up a particular Catalyst.

What are Destiny 2 Catalysts?

Catalysts are special mods for your Exotic guns that give them special bonuses. Many award huge improvements in stats, and some unique perk that pushes you towards mastery of a particular playstyle. You can also Masterwork Catalysts, giving you even more bonuses.

What is the fastest way to get Catalysts in Destiny 2?

Again, it depends on which Catalyst you want. The fastest way by far is to buy them from us, but the second fastest is to kill enemies in Strikes and Nightfalls, because a lot of Catalysts drop from them.

What is the best Catalyst in Destiny 2?

The best Catalyst is the Catalyst for the gun you like the most. The community usually picks out the best meta guns with every content update, so you can keep an eye on our Best Guns section as well.

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