Home Crota's End Raid Boosting
Guardians should be prepared to dive into the Crota’s End raid to defeat Crota, Son of Oryx. This activity with four amazing encounters will require decent coordination, skill, and knowledge of mechanics from Destiny 2 players. Find out how the core gameplay element of the raid works called “The Enlightened”, explore all four encounters, and get yourself familiar with the rewards you can get from the Crota raid boosts.
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Crota’s End is a reprised raid from Destiny, the Dark Below, that encourages Guardians to oppose Son of Oryx in the Hellmouth. The raid arrived in Destiny 2 with slightly changed mechanics and various rewards for the players. However, to enter it, you should have at least a 1790 power level, a nice team, and, of course, knowledge about how encounters work as well as the core raid mechanic, the Enlightened buff.
The primary mechanic of this raid allows the player to pick up the Chalice of Light and fill in the bar with the same name that appears on their screen. After you have succeeded in filling it up, your character gets a deadly debuff called Engulfed in Light that will kill you in 10 seconds if an ally won’t come closer to you and press an interact button.
Clearing a debuff from you gives you a buff called The Enlightened. With it, you can perform various actions crucial for the encounters of this raid, but when you make any of these actions, your Guardian gains Drained of Light debuff. This one makes it impossible for you to pick up another Chalice of Light for at least 45 seconds. Sounds simple, right?
Usually, you can find a special chest after killing the last boss of the raid and solving a riddle. Crota puzzle chest relies on you locating three sets of statues in Hellmouth where, in each set, one statue, either left or right, is lit up. After identifying which statue is lit up in each set, you should remember this information and interact with the corresponding statues hidden throughout the raid around the zones with encounters. If you’ve done a special message in the combat log, you can now go and kill the last boss, and you will find a Deepsight Resonant Chest spawned there.
There are four encounters that utilize the Enlightened mechanic in the raid, and eventually, the last one is the main antagonist, Crota, Son of Oryx. Players are required to complete all encounters to get the rewards, and, eventually, to experience the whole story of the Crota’s End. Have a look at the quick overview of all four of them.
In the first encounter, you will need to use your The Enlightened buff to light up the lamps which will explode after around 12 seconds you have activated them. Guardians need to manage their way through the Abyss by following a sequence of lamps and defending the crucial points of this labyrinth that unlocks access to the next set of lamps. The Encounter finishes with the bridge built by players with the Enlightened buff.
When you get here, Guardians should reach the other side of the bridge and defeat Gatekeepers, unique enemies that can be damaged only by the sword relics. Guardians should deliver sword relics from the other side of the bridge (they are being dropped by the Sword Bearers mobs) to the other one, and then together they should use swords against the Gatekeepers. The tricky part is that the Enlightened players should build the bridge, and other players should calm down special Totems that can wipe out the raid if being unchecked.
Here, the primary mechanic of the fight is to use the Enlightened buff to get to the special places where the wizard mobs will be. These enemies grant Ir Yut her shield and should be defeated in order for players to have a chance to damage her. There will be a few phases with different numbers of wizards where you should switch to kill them quite fast. Also, keep in mind that when Ir Yut has no shield, the Enlightened player can come closer to her and deal significant damage by pressing the interact button.
The final boss of the raid, Crota, is a multi-phased experience where using the Enlightened buff correctly is crucial. First of all, you need to defeat adds and use the buff to diminish the shields of Crota. After that, Guardians can start damaging the boss, and even here there will be tricky details. At some point, the Oversoul will spawn and start the timer that will wipe out the raid when it expires. The person with the Enlightened buff should destroy the Oversoul. After a few cycles of these actions, you will finally defeat Crota.
You can get an amazing exotic weapon called Necrochasm Auto Rifle from the raid, but its method of obtaining differs from exotic weapons in other raids. To get Necrochasm, you will have to finish the Bottomless Pit Exotic Quest, and eventually finish encounters and Triumphs of this raid (as you will need the Essence of the Oversoul that is obtained by completing these activities). However, this Crota Exotic weapon worth the effort!
In Crota’s End, you can complete additional challenges if you want to get extra loot. These Master Challenges rotate each week, and at the time, only a challenge for one encounter is available. Here is a quick overview of all four Crota challenges you can complete.
Encounter | Name | Description |
The Abyss | Conservation of Energy | Light only one lamp between deposits of Chalice of Light |
The Abyss | Feather-Light | Complete the encounter without anyone reaching 10 stacks of the Weight of Darkness |
The Oversoul Throne Bridge | Precarious Balance | Cross the bridge only when none of the players standing on the construction plate |
The Oversoul Throne Bridge | Threatening Reach | Defeat all Swordbearers from the opposite side of the bridge |
Ir Yut | Equal Vessels | Before the same Chalice of Light can be picked up by the same player, it should be taken by all other players as well |
Ir Yut | Communal Rites | During each round of the fight, at least one player has to deal damage to the boss using the Enlightened buff |
Crota | All for One | Destroy the shields of Crota shortly after he receives damage from a Hive Sword |
Crota | Singular Sensation | Only one Guardian can have the Enlightened buff at a time |
Completing the challenges will both grant you extra loot and will count towards the triumph necessary for filling up the Crota seal, and ultimately receiving the raid title. Let us tell you more about it!
The Crota’s End Seal is a set of Triumphs, special challenges that you can complete to earn rewards. The rewards for certain Triumphs alone are amazing, as, for example, you can get Crota’s Exile vehicle or the War’s Lament ship. However, ultimately, you would like to complete all Triumphs (thus, dealing with the seal by 100%). But why would you need that?
The full completion will grant you a special title called the Swordbearer. It sounds cool and matches the raid’s overall theme. However, getting it will require obtaining most items from the raid, beating all challenges, and various other actions that can help you complete the Triumphs.
There are various Crota’s End raid weapons and armor pieces that you may obtain (or craft) from the raid encounters. There is also Crota’s End hidden chest in each part of the raid that you can locate for loot! Overall, the raid, as usual, is generous in terms of drops, however, it is always useful to consult with the Crota’s End loot table to be sure where you can get the item you need.
Encounter | Weapons | Armor |
The Abyss | Song of Ir Yut (Machine Gun), Fang of Ir Yut (Scout Rifle), Abyss Defiant (Auto Rifle) | Willbreaker’s Resolve (Chest), Willbreaker’s Fists (Arms), Willbreaker’s Watch (Helmet) |
The Oversoul Throne Bridge | Swordbreaker (Shotgun), Fang of Ir Yut (Scout Rifle), Oversoul Edict (Pulse Rifle) | Willbreaker’s Resolve (Chest), Willbreaker’s Fists (Arms), Willbreaker’s Greaves (Legs) |
Ir Yut | Word of Crota (Hand Cannon), Song of Ir Yut (Machine Gun), Oversoul Edict (Pulse Rifle) | Willbreaker’s Resolve (Chest), Mark of the Pit (Class Item), Willbreaker’s Greaves (Legs) |
Crota | Word of Crota (Hand Cannon), Swordbreaker (Shotgun), Abyss Defiant (Auto Rifle) | Willbreaker’s Watch (Helmet), Mark of the Pit (Class Item), Willbreaker’s Greaves (Legs) |
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