Home Destiny 2 Exotic Armor Destiny 2 Cenotaph Mask Boost
Buy Cenotaph Mask exotic and get Lost Sector exotic from Season of the Deep. The Cenotaph Mask is a good exotic for Stasis Warlocks with Trace Rifles due to the control and ammo generation for your allies. Purchase this exotic armor and upgrade your Stasis build with Lost Sector Warlock armor.
Don’t miss your chance to obtain great warlock helmet and get our carry serivce today. Our pro teams know all the best way to farm and can get any exotic piece of armor fast and efficiently. Watch a stream of your boost, and loot additional rewards from Lost Sectors with our service!
High Priority: Steadily reload a portion of your equipped Trace Rifles’s magazine from reserves. Damaging a vehicle, boss, or champion with a trace rifle marks them as the target. When an ally defeats the marked target, generate special ammo for yourself and heavy ammo for your allies.
Cenotaph Mask perk makes this exotic to synergy with trace rifles. You can use The Navigator exotic trace rifle and make a full support build for your stasis Warlock. Due to the ammunition refill, you can also use this exotic mask with heavy weapons like Salvation Grip.
After the payment, one of our support agents will contact You. Our boosting services are possible on all platforms (PS4, Xbox, PC). All exotic items from Lost Sectors have weekly rotation, so we will start to farm sectors when Cenotaph Mask will be in the drop list. After the boost, you will be able to login back into your account, and enjoy your new Warlock exotic item!
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