Home Destiny 2 Exotic Armor Pyrogale Gauntlets
Purchase Pyrogale Gauntlets exotic, the Lost Sector item which improves your Burning Maul Titan’s ability. Your Solar Maul ability now has only one charge but leaves a cyclone of fire and has a better cooldown. It works pretty well for PvP due to the low cooldown and high dps, and it’s perfect for PvE add-wave scenarios. Buy Pyrogale Gauntlets gauntlets and make your Solar Titan guardian metah again!
You will never miss the Titan Gauntlets in a weekly rotation with our Pyrogale Gauntlets farming service. We know all Lost Sector rotation for a whole season and our PRO player will take care of your guardian!
Percussive Flames: Modifies Burning Maul into a single high-damage slam of your hammer that creates five cyclones of flame. Consecration’s second slam creates a cyclone of flame.
Pyrogale Gauntlets is a Exotic from the Season of the Witch and we have not enough information about pros & cons of this gauntlets.
After the payment, one of our support agents will contact You. Our boosting services are possible on all platforms (PS4, Xbox, PC). All exotic items from Lost Sectors have weekly rotation, so we will start to farm sectors when Pyrogale Gauntlets will be in the drop list. After the boost, you will be able to login back into your account, and enjoy your Warlock exotic item!
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