Home Destiny 2 Raids Vault of Glass Carry
Vault of Glass carry is an excellent way to complete a full or partial Beyond Light expansion raid in Destiny 2. The rewards for completing the Vault of Glass raid include VoG raid armor and weapons, a chance to get Vex Mythoclast exotic fusion rifle, and also powerful engrams. Get our service and receive lots of loot for your guardian today!
Get a smooth completion of a raid with our Vault of Glass Boost. Complete VoG raid with 5 pro boosters who have day one raid completion experience. Good raid experience, tips from professional D2 raiders, and new mechanics in our Sherpas. If you want just to get raid completion and some loot you can choose recovery method!
VoG runs include a full or partial raid completion in a normal/master mode. You will also get a chance for additional rewards
After all you will get glimmer, experience for your season pass, and other random rewards. VoG raid boost ETA is about 1-3 hours!
Since 18 seasons this raid can be completed with all challenges at one run during the weekly rotation!
Our trusted team of professional boosters will run the Vault of Glass Raid, and one of them will be driving your character. Once they beat the raid, your character will get all of the rewards. You can then enjoy them when you log back into your account.
Good Service
Very good support
March 07, 2025
Great Team
Great team, smooth runs
February 23, 2025
Loved it
It's a as very fast and easy and communication went well
January 25, 2025