Home Destiny 2 Legendary Weapons Apex Predator Boost
Here you can buy Apex Predator Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. This is one of the best DPS Rocket Laucneher has an Adaptive Frame and solar damage type that perfectly synergizes with the solar subclasses. It can only be obtained as a reward for the Last Wish raid encounters. However, it can be extremely tedious and time-consuming to get the desired roll. Therefore, getting the Apex Predator Boost is the easiest way to get a new Goll Roll Weapon without too much effort and hassles.
ETA for one weapon farm is about 1-6 hours. (Depends on the options selected and a little bit of luck)
Apex Predator drops from any of the Last Wish raid encounters and secret chests. Since the Last Wish raid does not have a split loot system, getting a specific weapon can be a difficult task due to the fact that the loot table has at least 12 items. That makes getting a good version of this weapon is not an easy task requiring a lot of time and effort. That’s why our service is the best way to get it for those who value their time.
Apex Predator is the most popular PvE rocket launcher in the current meta. This weapon was fully reworked in Season of the Deep, and has a new pool of perks that create a real DPS beast. The combination of perks Reconstruction + Bait and Switch together with the synergy of the solar subclass and seasonal artifact make it possible to deal tens of thousands of damage in the shortest amount of time. Here we have selected for you one of the best and most effective perk combinations:
PvE God Roll:
Purchasing this service is very simple: Choose the option set and method of obtaining it that suits you, and then make the purchase. Once you place your order, our support team will contact you within 15 minutes to schedule a completion time. In addition, our service is available for all platforms (Xbox, PS4/5, PC)
We offer two different approaches to completing Apex Predator Farm. The first, called “SelfPlay”, allows you to play together with our team and get the most out of your gameplay. The alternative method is “Recovery”, where our professional player will have to play on your behalf on your account.
Customize your order with additional options:
Power Level 1750.
Forsaken expansion.
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