Home Destiny 2 Legendary Weapons Briar’s Contempt Boost
Here you can buy Briar’s Contempt Boost in Desitny 2. This is one of the most unique Aggressive frame Linear Fusion Rifle with a three-round burst. It can only be obtained as a reward for the first and last RoN raid encounters. However, it can be extremely tedious and time-consuming to get the desired roll. Save your time and effort by purchasing Briar’s Contempt Boost and we will do all the hard work for you.
ETA for one weapon farm is about 1-6 hours. (Depends on the options selected and a little bit of luck)
For PvE the best Perks of the Briar’s Contempt god Roll are Reconstruction and Focused Fury. Reconstruction automatically reloads weapons from reserve and doubles the magazine capacity. On the other, Focused Fury gives a 20% damage buff to the weapon after half of the magazine hits the target. This combination allows you to deal more damage without having to reload frequently.
Briar’s Contempt PvE God Roll:
Choose interested options and place an order. We will contact you within 15 minutes through the most convenient messenger or email. Briar’s Contempt is a legendary weapon from the RoN raid and can be obtained by completing second and third encounters. We will farm an encounter until you get a chosen amount of weapons. After completion of Briar’s Contempt Boost you will be able to join your account and enjoy your new guns! We can complete it on all available platforms (PS4/5, Xbox, PC).
Customize your order with additional options:
Power Level 1770.
Lightfall expansion.
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