Home Root of Nightmares Raid
One of the hardest recent Destiny 2 PvE activities, the Root of Nightmares raid, is waiting for Guardians to be harnessed. Defeat Nezarec, the Final God of Pain, get the Conditional Finality Exotic Weapon, and obtain the best armor from the raid. Discover everything you need to know about Root of Nightmares Challenges with us and brace yourself as the destroyed Pyramid Ship contains many terrific surprises.
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After players complete the campaign of Lightfall expansion, they can delve deeper into the Pyramid Ship and face the powerful Nezarec, the Final God of Pain along with three other powerful encounters. If you are planning to get into the raid to get Root of Nightmares raid weapons or other loot, you should first find out a few crucial details about this activity.
First, to get Root of Nightmares Exotic weapon or armor pieces from the raid, you need to have the Lightfall expansion. Also, it is recommended that you gather a party of 6 Guardians and have a 1770 power level. Another crucial fact you should keep in mind is the raid mechanic.
The primary mechanic you should master in Root of Nightmares supposes all party members are growing seeds by making a chain of nodes by shooting the spheres in the nodes while having one of two buffs, Field of Light or Flux of Darkness. Players get these buffs after they shoot the first sphere in the first node, and continue to earn them after following the chain and connecting nodes. This mechanic is required to progress through the raid and enter at least 3 out of 4 raid encounters.
There are four encounters that Guardians have to deal with in order to succeed in the raid. As we have mentioned before, for most of them, you are required to implement seed mechanic, but overall, these encounters are full of puzzles, just like other Destiny 2 raids. Here is a list of them, and below you can find the precise description of each.
The first major encounter of RoN is Cataclysm, and it directly demands players to separate their efforts and choose a Gardener or Gardeners who will deal with the mechanic. Others should deal with the Cabal enemies and Tormentors. Tormentors are summoned by killing two Psions, and the primary idea behind dealing with these enemies is to prolong the timer which, if expires, wipe the raid. Gardeners should cultivate enough seeds through the mechanic until the timer runs out. After this encounter, you can find the first Root of Nightmares hidden chest. We will talk about them later.
Scission is the second encounter of the raid that implies players should climb up the cavern by making their way through 3 floors. On each floor, there are two sides, right and left, where two sets of seeds need to be cultivated through the primary mechanic, Light and Dark seeds. Players should separate into two groups of three and coordinate their actions to implement the mechanic while killing adds and special shielded redolence enemies in their way. Each floor is completed after the boss enemy of the floor and its adds are defeated.
Macrocosm is the third encounter in the raid and the first one that includes a fight with the major boss, Zo’Aurc, Explicator of Planets. Here, players will face a tough puzzle that requires them to kill adds in the middle of the arena, get the special buffs, and move planets with the right colour to their place. After a few cycles of puzzle–solving, Zo’Aurc will appear, and defeating him will grant players access to the small seeds puzzle and the final boss.
Final boss mechanics are ultimately the same as in the whole raid. Victory over Nezarec means building chains of seeds properly while maintaining tank aggro and escaping the wipe mechanic. However, during this encounter, the role of tanks grows much stronger as here they need to coordinate with the Gardeners to tell them where they can build the seed this time and thus make a safe space for the team.
The best and coolest weapon you can get from the raid is the exotic weapon, and for Root of Nightmares, it is the Conditional Finality shotgun with the unique original trait, Split Decision. It allows to split dual barrels into Split and Solar damage. You can get this weapon only from the last boss of the raid, Nezarec, with a 3% chance. However, chances can be increased if you do triumphs from the Root of Nightmares seal journey tab.
There are several modes of difficulty for this raid, and the Master one allows players to complete special challenges which can grant you the cool Adept weapon. Dealing with challenges as well with the whole raid on a Master level is truly a pinnacle content as the power level of enemies is higher, yours is mandatory lower, and overall there are some minor difficulties. However, dealing with Nezarec in Master mode will grant you a terrific Exotic Ship, Gift of Cruelty. Here are the challenges you can face. They are rotating each week.
Challenge | Description |
Illuminated Torment | Kill Torments during the Cataclysm encounter only while being under the Field of Light buff. |
Crossfire | In the Scission encounter, you can only shoot the diamond-figured lift activator for the opposite side (and not yours). |
Cosmic Equilibrium | Planet movers should position all the dark planets to the left and the white planets to the right during the Macrocosm encounter. |
All Hands | Nezarec’s encounter challenge. Each Guardian should activate 1 light and 1 dark node, and also last two opposite nodes should be activated in no less than 5 seconds between each other. |
Root of Nightmares seal is called the Dream Warrior and awards you with the same title if you unlock it by completing 20 Triumphs, special tasks related to the raid. While many of them are easy to earn, some may cause lots of trouble for unprepared Guardians and low-coordinated teams. Here is a table of all twenty Triumphs you need to complete.
Triumph | Description |
Raid: Root of Nightmares | Gather trophies like any loot plus Sparrow and the Ship from the raid. |
Master Difficulty Root of Nightmares | Complete the raid on a Master difficulty. |
Root of Nightmares | Complete any difficulty of the raid. |
Dream Weavers | All encounters are completed with a full team of Strand subclasses. |
Infernal Pain | All encounters are completed with a full team of Solar subclasses. |
System Shock | All encounters are completed with a full team of Arc subclasses. |
Harbingers of Nothingness | All encounters are completed with a full team of Void subclasses. |
Collective Consciousness | All encounters are completed with a full team from the same clan. |
Classic Horror | All encounters are completed with a full team from the same Guardian class. |
All Hands | All Hands challenge is completed. |
Illuminated Torment | Illuminated Torment challenge is completed. |
Crossfire | Crossfire challenge is completed. |
Cosmic Equilibrium | Cosmic Equilibrium challenge is completed. |
Root of Nightmares Lore Book Unlocks | Unlock the raid’s lore book. |
Terraformed Secrets | All hidden chests in the raid are looted. |
Psionic Purge | Each Psion in the Cataclysm encounter is destroyed within one second of each other. |
Shields Up | Until both nodes on the same floor are completed in the Scission encounter, don’t kill the shielded attuned enemies. |
Singular Orbit | Not a single player can gain Planetary Insight buff twice during the same Planetary Shift. |
Synchronicity | Inside each pair of the opposite nodes, they should be activated within 5 seconds of each other, and then Nezarec should be defeated. |
Final Nightmare | All challenges are completed on a Master difficulty. |
The raid is full of weapons and other stuff that can significantly enhance the power of your Guardian. Most weapons could be obtained from the secret chests in the raid, from the Deepsight Resonant chest after the last boss (if you fulfil certain requirements for it), from encounters, or from completing challenges. Root of Nightmares armor can also be dropped at the end of the encounter.
Here is the Root of Nightmares loot table. Keep in mind that each piece can be dropped with a certain chance. For example, the Conditional Finality Exotic Weapon from the last boss can be looted only once a week with a chance of 3%.
Encounter | Loot |
Cataclysm | Weapons
Scission | Weapons
Macrocosm | Weapons
Nezarec |
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