
32 New Pandaria Remix Mounts Bundle

Selfplay & Piloted

Buy all 32 new mounts from Pandaria Remix with this one convenient single-purchase boost! Mists of Pandaria Remix added some new mounts for you to obtain, 32 of them to be precise. Some of them are awarded for achievements, while others can be purchased with Bronze.

Instead of farming all these mounts yourself, you can get this convenient single-purchase Pandaria Mount Rewards bundle. You can take all these mounts with you when you transfer your Timerunner character to WoW Retail after Pandaria Remix ends. Get all of the rare rewards you want without wasting your time on grinding!

MoP Remix 32 New Mounts Bundle Includes

  • All of the new mounts added in Pandaria Remix obtained for you from the list below.
  • Additional options for other rare sought-after mounts.
  • Any other rewards you get during the boost.

New Pandaria Remix Mounts

Mount Cost
Reins of the August Phoenix Time Trial
Reins of the Astral Emperor's Serpent Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Sky Surfer 2200 Bronze
Golden Discus 2200 Bronze
Mogu Hazeblazer 2200 Bronze
Feathered Windsurfer String 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Pale Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Rose Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Silver Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Palehide Mushan Beast 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Black Riding Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Kafa Yak 2200 Bronze
Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger 4400 Bronze
Cobalt Juggernaut 4400 Bronze
Fel Iron Juggernaut 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Bloody Skyscreamer 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Night Pterrorwing 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Jade Pterrordax 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Amber Pterrordax 4400 Bronze
Reins of the Marble Quilen 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Guardian Quilen 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Dashing Windsteed 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Forest Windsteed 6600 Bronze
Reins of the Daystorm Windsteed 6600 Bronze

How Pandaria Remix New Mounts Reward Bundle Works

A pro booster will log into your character and obtain all the new mounts from Pandaria Timerunning event. Once your character has the mounts you want in your Collection, the Pandaria Mount Reward bundle is complete. Enjoy!

Boost Requirements

  • Mists of Pandaria Remix must be active.
  • This service is done in piloted mode only.

Original price was: $319.00.Current price is: $239.00.

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