
MoP Remix Raid Bundle

Selfplay & Piloted

Complete all MoP raids with Pandaria Remix Raid bundle! Get the achievements, gear, currencies, and cosmetic rewards to fill your collection. Get the full Pandaria raid bundle in one convenient package, get the content done quickly, and then have fun with the game the way you want.

The service is done by professional WoW raiding guilds with 10+ years of experience. We'll clear the reaids quickly, and you'll get all the rewards without pugging with clueless randoms. You will also get to save a bit of money with the Pandaria Remix raid bundle discount!

MoP Remix Raid Bundle Includes

Pandaria Remix Raid bundle boost will take around 1-2 hours per individual raid.

How MoP Raid Bundle Works

A group of raiders will take your character through all the raids in Mists of Pandaria Remix. You can participate in the raids in selfplay mode or have someone else play your character in piloted mode. Once your character completes all the raids and receives the rewards, your MoP Remix Raid bundle service is complete. Enjoy!

Boost Requirements

  • Level 70 Timerunner character.
  • Mists of Pandaria Remix must be active.
  • This service is done in selfplay or piloted mode.

Original price was: $0.99.Current price is: $0.98.

  • Select Mode

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