
Salty Title

Selfplay & Piloted

Salty is a title in WotLK that requires you to complete specific fishing-related achievements. It will require you to fish in all corners of the world, find obscure fishing spots, complete quests, raise your skills, and more. If you play World of Warcraft to do literally anything other than fish, it will be a very challenging title to get.

Buy Salty Title Boost, and we'll make this task so much easier! Our professional boosters will do it fast, for the best price on the market. You'll get to enjoy the title with no grinding. Just play the game and have fun!

WotLK Salty Title Boost Includes

WotLK Salty Title Carry Requirements

  • Level 80.

How to get Salty title in WotLK Classic

Salty is a title that requires you to complete lots of smaller fishing achievements. You can see the exact requirements of the achievement on its Wowhead page, linked above. Here's the cliff notes:

One of the achievement requires you to fish in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Imagine pulling that off! Entire guilds have been employed in fighting all-out wars just so one person could sit and fish in peace.

One of the achievements requires you to catch 1000 fish, and that will be the least of your worries. You will quickly rack that number up trying to fish multiple rare catches that have less than 1% catch rate. Try wearing green?

If you never want to hear the word "fish" ever again, consider getting this boost. We will arrange for every achievement to be completed by professionals who know exactly what to do and don't mind the hours, days, and weeks it will take. The title is cool, but wasting so much time and effort on it isn't nearly as cool.

How WotLK Salty Title Unlock Works

A trusted professional booster will log into your account. The booster will then complete the requirement for the achievement while playing your character. Once the boost is over, you can enjoy your new title!


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