
Violet Proto-Drake

Selfplay & Piloted

Violet Proto-Drake is a flying dragon mount that is awarded for getting the What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been meta-achievement. You need to participate in World Events, such as Children's Week or Brewfest. World Events are usually tied to real-world holidays, so it will probably take you around a year to get the drake. Yikes!

Buy our Violet Proto-Drake Boost, and we'll handle all that for you. You don't need to keep track of any of the World Events. We'll participate on your behalf, earn the achievements, and get you that mount. It's probably not going to be fast, but at least it'll be easy! If you plan to stick around in WotLK, this is a worthwhile purchase.

WotLK Violet Proto-Drake Boost Includes

WotLK Violet Proto-Drake Carry Requirements

  • Level 80.

How WotLK Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake Mount Boost Works

A trusted booster will log into your account during each World Event, and complete the achievements tied to it. Once all the World Events have come and gone, you should receive your mount. Maybe you'll forget you bought it, and it will be a nice surprise!


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