Best Gold Farm In WoW Cataclysm Classic

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Upd: 29 Apr, 2024
13 min
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Lusion Drey Author, pro gamer


Welcome to the Cataclysm Gold Making Guide! Here, we’ll share some great ways to get lots of gold in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re a pro player or just starting out, these tips can help you get richer in the classic version of the game. Let’s get started!

Making Gold With The Auction House


One of the best ways to make gold in Cataclysm Classic is using the Auction House. This method involves buying cheap items and selling them for more. Here’s how to do it well:

1. Check the Market
Keep an eye on the Auction House to see what items are popular and selling for high prices. Use tools or websites to track prices.

2. Buy Low, Sell High
Find items that are undervalued and buy them to sell later for a profit. Look for rare crafting materials, popular gear, or useful recipes.

3. Timing is The Key
Be patient and pick the right time to buy and sell. Prices can change, so timing is important.

4. Spread Your Gold
Don’t spend all your gold on one thing. Invest in different items to reduce risks and increase profits.

5. Crafting and Selling
Make items with good profit margins or buy cheap materials to craft and sell for more.

6. Stay Updated
Keep informed about game changes and updates that might affect prices. Being aware of what’s happening can empower you to make more informed decisions.

7. Be Flexible
Be ready to change your strategy as the market changes. What succeeds one week may not be effective the next.

Using the Auction House takes time and skill, but it can be a great way to make gold in Cataclysm Classic if you’re willing to learn.

Questing For Gold


Questing might not make you rich overnight like using the Auction House, but it’s still a good way to earn gold in Cataclysm Classic, especially if you like exploring the game’s story lines. Here’s how to get the most gold out of questing:

Plan Your Routes. Do quests in a smart order to save time and get more rewards. You can follow guides or use addons to help you find the best routes.

Go for Higher-Level Zones. Quests in tougher zones usually give better rewards. Focus on areas that match your character’s level for more gold.

Do Daily Quests. Many factions offer daily quests that give gold and other goodies. Do these every day to keep a steady flow of gold coming in and build up your reputation.

Sell Stuff You Don’t Need. As you quest, you’ll pick up lots of items and gear. Sell what you don’t want to vendors or on the Auction House for extra gold. Look out for valuable items you can sell for even more.

Team Up for Group Quests. Some quests are easier with a group. Join forces with other players to finish them faster and get better rewards.

Find Daily Quest Hotspots. Certain areas have lots of daily quests that you can finish quickly for a big gold payout. Places like the Molten Front or Therazane faction quests are good examples.

Questing might not make you rich right away, but it’s a steady way to make gold while you explore the game and have fun with other players.

Making Gold By Running Dungeons


Running dungeons is a solid way to make gold in Cataclysm Classic. You get regular gold drops and can sell valuable loot for profit. Here’s how to do it right:

Pick the Best Dungeons: Focus on dungeons that give good loot and gold. Dungeons like Blackrock Caverns, Stonecore, and Grim Batol are good choices for making gold.

Run Efficiently
Learn the layout of each dungeon and come up with strategies to clear them fast. Skip unnecessary fights and focus on the ones that give the most gold.

Grab Everything
Loot everything, from mobs to bosses to chests. Sell what you don’t need for extra gold. Keep an eye out for rare items that sell well.

Try Heroic Dungeons
Heroic dungeons give better rewards, so consider running them once you’re ready. They have more gold and better loot chances.

Team Up
Clear dungeons with friends or guildmates to make runs faster. Coordinate your roles and tactics to get more gold.

Do Daily Dungeon Quests
Some dungeons have daily quests that give gold. Do these for extra income.

By running dungeons efficiently and regularly, you can make a steady income in Cataclysm Classic. Adjust your approach based on the dungeons you’re running and market conditions to maximize your gold-making potential.

Choosing The Best Gold Farming Class In WoW Cataclysm Classic


When selecting a class for gold farming in WoW Cataclysm Classic, it’s essential to consider factors like your preferred playstyle, the farming method, and your skill level. However, some classes stand out for their advantages in gold farming:

DEATH KNIGHT. Ideal for soloing content like Cataclysm raids and dungeons due to strong self-healing and high damage output. Rune Tap provides significant healing and damage reduction, and Death’s Advance helps traverse content faster.

HUNTER. Versatile class excelling in outdoor farming, whether collecting herbs, mining, or farming mobs. Ranged attacks and pets ensure efficient tagging of mobs and quick gathering of resources.

MAGE. Known for powerful AoE spells, making them excellent for farming large groups of mobs in dungeons or outdoor areas. Quick mob clearing and teleportation to capital cities save time.

ROGUE. Great for farming specific materials or rare spawns, especially in stealth-required situations. Stealth ability allows bypassing dangerous areas, while pickpocketing and chest unlocking yield valuable items.

DRUID. Versatile class capable of switching between roles like tank, DPS, and healing. Ideal for herbing, mining, and soloing content, with the ability to gather resources in travel form and adapt to different farming situations.

While these classes are excellent for gold farming, feel free to choose based on personal preference. Playing other classes you enjoy is perfectly fine and can make the gold-making process more enjoyable in the long run.

Top Professions For Making Gold In Cataclysm Classic

In Cataclysm Classic, there are lots of professions to choose from, but some are definitely better for making gold than others. Let’s take a look at the two most profitable professions for earning gold:

Mining: A Gold-Making Powerhouse

In Cataclysm Classic, mining stands out as one of the best ways to earn gold.

Mined ores are necessary for crafting a variety of items such as weapons, armor, and engineering gadgets. You can gather valuable ores like Elementium Ore and Pyrite Ore. Players always need them, so there’s a steady demand.

Efficient Farming. Miners can plan routes to gather ores quickly, maximizing their yield per hour. Using tools to track node spawns helps boost efficiency.

Versatility. Mining pairs well with other professions like Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. You can sell raw materials or craft items for extra profit, giving you multiple ways to make gold.

Overall, mining is a top choice for making gold in Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re selling raw materials or crafting, it’s a reliable way to boost your wealth in the game.

Herbalism: A Gold-Making Gem

Herbalism is another top profession for making gold in Cataclysm Classic. Here’s why it’s so great:

Constant Demand. Herbs are always needed for crafting potions, flasks, and other consumables. They’re in high demand by players leveling professions, raiding, or doing PvP.

Rare Herb Spawns. Just like mining, herbalism benefits from rare spawns that give extra herbs or rare materials. Players really want these, making herbalism even more profitable.

Works Well with Alchemy. Herbalism pairs perfectly with Alchemy, as alchemists need lots of herbs for their potions and flasks.

Efficient Farming. Herbalists can plan routes to gather herbs quickly in dense areas or find rare spawns. Using tools to track herb spawns helps maximize their yield per hour.

Overall, herbalism is a fantastic choice for making gold in Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re selling herbs or using them for crafting, it’s a reliable way to increase your gold in the game.

Top Gold Farming Spots in Cataclysm Classic

In WoW Cataclysm Classic, there are lots of ways to farm gold, depending on your level, class, and preferences. Here are some of the best spots:

For lower-level characters, places like the Wetlands and Hillsbrad Foothills are good for farming gold. You can kill mobs, gather resources, or do quests for gold while leveling up.

For endgame gold farming, there are a few spots that stand out:

  • Bastion of Twilight – this raid instance has lots of valuable drops and bosses that drop gold.
  • Firelands – another raid with good drops and bosses that give gold.
  • Twilight Highlands – this zone has lots of mobs that drop valuable items and gold.
  • Deepholm – there are lots of rare spawns and mining nodes here that can be farmed for gold.

Each spot has its own unique features, so try them out and see which one works best for you.

Farming Cinderbloom in Mount Hyjal

One profitable spot for herbalists in Cataclysm is Mount Hyjal, where you can gather Cinderbloom. This herb is crucial for crafting items like Vial of the Sands and Potion of Treasure Finding. You can easily farm it solo, especially in areas with fire and lava. Using a Potion of Treasure Finding boosts your gold earnings by collecting more loot from nearby mobs.

Farming Whiptail and Pyrite in Uldum

Another great spot for gold farming is in Uldum, perfect for miners and herbalists. Here, you can mine Pyrite Ore and gather Whiptail along a specific route. Pyrite Ore is crucial for crafting Truegold, which is required for creating the Vial of the Sands, while Whiptail is valuable for crafting potions and flasks.

Farming Blackrock Caverns Dungeon

Running the Blackrock Caverns dungeon on normal mode is another lucrative gold-making opportunity. Focus on looting bosses and trash mobs for high-value transmog items and other valuable items. This method works well for classes that can solo dungeons, like Paladins, and you can repeat it once per hour for maximum profit.

Killing Firelands Trash

Another profitable gold farming spot for those who prefer battling mobs over professions is clearing trash mobs before the first boss in Firelands on normal mode. You’ll find plenty of transmog items, treasure chests, and other valuable loot from these mobs. This spot suits AoE classes like mages and classes with high survivability like paladins. Join a group to maximize your rewards!

Elemental Farming In Cataclysm Classic

Elemental Farming is a lesser-known method for making gold in WoW Cataclysm Classic, but it can be quite lucrative. It involves gathering valuable elemental materials from various zones and creatures, which can then be sold on the Auction House or used in crafting to create other valuable items.

Here are the types of Volatile Elements you can find in the Cataclysm expansion:

  • Volatile Air
  • Volatile Earth
  • Volatile Fire
  • Volatile Life
  • Volatile Water

These volatile elements are crucial for several crafting professions like Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. These professions use volatile materials to craft items such as potions, flasks, gear, and gems, all of which are in high demand for raiding, PvP, and general gameplay.

To farm volatile elements efficiently, players often create farming routes in zones known to have abundant resources. For instance, Twilight Highlands is renowned for Volatile Fire, whereas Deepholm is an excellent place to find Volatile Earth. By optimizing their farming routes, players can maximize their collection of these valuable elements.

Importance Of Gold In Cataclysm Classic


Gold plays a crucial role in Cataclysm Classic for several reasons, particularly in acquiring transmogs and mounts like the Phial of the Sands. Here’s why gold matters so much in the game:

This unique flying mount transforms players into a Sandstone Drake and allows them to carry a passenger. Crafting this mount requires the Alchemy profession and a rare recipe, Vial of the Sands, along with expensive materials often found on the Auction House. Accumulating a large amount of gold is necessary to either purchase materials or the mount itself.

Gold is vital for buying gear upgrades, consumables, and enchantments that boost player performance in dungeons, raids, and PvP. Whether it’s purchasing high-level gear, enchantments, gems, or stocking up on potions, flasks, and food buffs, gold is essential for staying competitive and progressing efficiently in end-game content.

Professions are important in Cataclysm Classic, offering access to powerful gear, consumables, and enhancements. However, leveling up professions, acquiring rare recipes, and unlocking profession-specific benefits all require gold. Whether it’s buying materials for crafting or purchasing recipes and patterns, gold is crucial for advancing in professions and maximizing their potential.

Gold is incredibly important in Cataclysm Classic for various in-game activities. It’s necessary for acquiring gear, consumables, profession training, and vanity items, making it essential for players aiming to progress through end-game content and enhance their gaming experience.


Our guide is a reliable way to farm gold in Cataclysm Classic, it offers valuable tips for players at all levels. Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie, these strategies can help you build up your wealth and fully enjoy the game.

Cataclysm Classic provides plenty of opportunities for making gold, from gathering resources to pursuing profitable professions, completing daily quests, and exploring raid and dungeon farming. By following the advice in this guide, you can navigate the game’s economy and achieve financial success in Azeroth.

Remember, adaptability and persistence are key to successful gold farming in Cataclysm Classic, just like in any version of World of Warcraft. The in-game economy is always changing, so staying informed and open to new opportunities is essential for long-term success in making gold. May your pockets be full as you journey through Azeroth in Cataclysm Classic!


What is the best way to grind gold in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

The best way to farm gold in WoW Cataclysm Classic varies depending on your preferences and skills. However, a combination of gathering professions like mining or herbalism, completing daily quests, and farming valuable materials in raids or dungeons can be highly profitable.

What are the best gold-making professions?

In WoW Cataclysm Classic, the best professions to earn gold are typically Herbalism and Mining for gathering, and Alchemy and Jewelcrafting for crafting. However, the most profitable choice can vary depending on the server’s economy and player demand.

What is the best farming class?

If you are looking for the best classes for farming gold in Cataclysm, then you should pay attention to these classes, they will provide you with better mobility and make farming easier:

  1. Druid
  2. Hunter
  3. Death Knight
  4. Mage
  5. Rogue

How important is gold in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

Gold holds immense importance in WoW Cataclysm Classic as it is essential for purchasing valuable items, consumables, mounts, and gear. It plays a crucial role in enhancing the player’s gaming experience and progression in the game.

How do I get gold in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

  • Making Gold With The Auction House
  • Questing For Gold
  • Making Gold By Running Dungeons
  • Professions For Making Gold
  • Farming Best Spots For Gold
  • Elemental Farming

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